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Basic Women's Underwear armor set account-unlock button is enabled, but does nothing


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Same issue as everyone else, purchased this set via GTN, Basic Women's Underwear set. My legacy collection tab says "you have unlocked this armor from another character" the unlock button is there, but when I press it nothing happens. It also does the same for another armor but I just wanted to add to this topic. Has anyone gotten a response from a ticket yet? I am opening one when I log in.
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Not only underwear. I have same problem with "Prinave Aggregate", "Prinave Union" - both from Cantina Events, "Model FT-6 Pike" - bought in Cartel Bazaar.

Wait! You are trying to collectionise the Cantina speeders? Why? Every character gets them in the mail.


And if by "Cantina Bazaar" you mean the rep vendors on Fleet, that's supposed to work like that. (Except that they seem to have changed some of that stuff to be collectionisable, and it doesn't work correctly.)

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Wait! You are trying to collectionise the Cantina speeders? Why? Every character gets them in the mail.


And if by "Cantina Bazaar" you mean the rep vendors on Fleet, that's supposed to work like that. (Except that they seem to have changed some of that stuff to be collectionisable, and it doesn't work correctly.)


I know, it doesn't make too much sense, but I checked that. My point is, these items are "collectionisable" now and it doesn't work - it is a bug. The bug from first post is not only related to "Women's Underwear", but also to other items.

Vendor P-OA5 sells FT-6 and "Crested Orokeet". "Crested Orokeet" works fine.

Edited by Imcy
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  • 2 weeks later...

Yeah the collection has a button to legacy unlock purchase but it doesnt react to clicks at all.


Would not have used the trunks on same character as the top if i had known i would not be able to unlock the set no matter if i collected it all on one toon. I was fully under the impression i could unlock it like any other armor with purchase button available. What a hoax.


Fix please.

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Wait! You are trying to collectionise the Cantina speeders? Why? Every character gets them in the mail.


And if by "Cantina Bazaar" you mean the rep vendors on Fleet, that's supposed to work like that. (Except that they seem to have changed some of that stuff to be collectionisable, and it doesn't work correctly.)


I tried those too :p Most of the stuff mailed to us can be unlocked for 1cc. I'm willing to spend 1cc to get rid of the annoying up arrow.

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I'd like to be able to unlock this as well. The men's too while we're at it. Please BW make it happen. I really would like to get more than one set of undies...all my toons are jealous of the one smug who owns the underwear. And the smug doesn't want to share, so...please do something. :p
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The Basic Women's Underwear armor set account-unlock button is enabled, but does nothing when clicked.


I bought the Basic Women's Underwear armor set from the GTN and equipped both armor pieces. I am able to claim additional copies of the armor set on the character that I equipped the armor pieces. When I hover over the account-unlock icon in Collections, it says "You may purchase the ability for all characters on your account to claim copies of this item." However, when I click the button, nothing happens.


I opened a ticket on this and got a reply back that it was bugged.


No other help, just that.

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Still not working


This is ridiculous! They need to to either come out and say working as intended or fix this. Seriously do they only have 1 or 2 people who actually fix bugs? And how long does it take to change a little code to fix this, its obviously a problem with this item and not some large scale problem.

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