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Hottie’s 4.0 Guide to PvP Operative/Scoundrel Healing


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Ah it's what Solow told me. I assumed it is just a rough way of thinking about HPS in general. Since HPS is effected by GCD + faster ticks etc. I have no math to back this up.


How is power working over alacrity? I saw Te'fia running full power augs the other day and I am curious.

I read a thread recently testing out augs and it concluded that running anything other then Alacrity/Crit is a DPS/HPS loss when compared to Master/Power.


I'm sure you already seen it but source: http://www.swtor.com/community/showthread.php?t=844210


Hey, I'm on mobile so I can't write a novel :(


Let me first address the thread you linked. It's for PvE, not PvP. There are two main reasons why that thread doesn work for PvP. One, it takes into account the fact that the DPS have a large sum of their stat pool that has to go into accuracy. Because of this, they will never actually push the DRs that PvPers will push because there isn't any 'forced' points going into a stat such as accuracy. Instead, depending on your spec, you're left to funnel a large sum into one or two tertiary stats.


The second reason that thread doesn't apply is because the stat budget for 220 gear is insanely large compared to PvP gear. This specifically applies to mastery. You push such high levels that it does in fact diminish the value of Mastery augments. Tertiary augments are more valuable at that point because after points are put into accuracy, the amount of points left over will not push you as far into DR as PvP gear will since there's really only one main stat to take on certain specs, that stat being critical rating.


With that out of the way, Alacrity vs Power, power wins. It's something like 1.69% better than alacrity in the augment slot, I'd have to double check my results when I get home. That leaves Alacrity vs crit. Alacrity is only vastly better when you're in the 2200 critical rating area, the further down you go in crit, the less alacrity is better. This is because critical rating is a function of two stats now instead of just one. It's surge and crit chance. What people don realize when they compare alacrity to other stats is that in order to gain alacrity, you're losing something in return. A loss in crit rating actually makes each point worth more than the previous. There is, however, a breakpoint where alacrity is specifically more valuable than crit, but that exact number is at home in one of my sections of notes.


I'm not saying alacrity is bad, in fact, it's good. I just personally wouldn't trade power for it in the augment slot.


I hope this makes sense, I'm on my phone and phone posting is aids. When I'm home later I'll try to give you Tefia and my math behind all of it, I feel like if you could visualize it that it would make more sense. Is there any chance that you could get solow to post his math behind his findings as well? Would be nice to compare notes for inconsistencies.

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First of all, great healing hottie. You definitely outperformed me in those matches.


However, my team had so many problems going in with it that it is a bit ridiculous.


For one, our comp, virulence/madness, now has pretty much 0 burst. Watching that 7.6k match back, it was literally a healer's dream, with no spikes in hp and hp going down at a steady rate on all players, allowing an operative to heal to their potential by just keeping hots up, using infusion on CD, RN on cd, and kolto waving the group, without ever having to sacrifice hots to burst heal a single target.


Secondly we were getting very few interrupts and no stuns on you. Personally during the start I had you on focus target interrupt and got the first few, but after you stealthed I literally was under so much pressure that I had no time to reacquire you. None of us were stunning you more than like a couple times.


The largest issue was our comp. Running 2 sorcs against 3 PTs is a terrible idea lol. Before you could get away with it because while PTs were bursty, they could still be controlled. Now they do some much *********** damage to sorcs even through guard that it is insane. Never seen anything like it. It was so impossible to heal lol. Then of course if 1 sorc is guarded the other is getting *** bursted because spammable 10k mag blast, 12k railshots, etc.


Again with our comp we had 0 carbs that game against 3. 3 carbs is going to give a healer a **** ton of time to get casts off and catch up. Carbs are still 3.5s each so thats 7 seconds of freecast that no one can stop, then another 3.5. With having 0 carbs on our side I felt like I had no relief and no time to catch up on heals.


Lastly we had a tank that is very green. Poison is a very good player don't get me wrong but he has very little experience tanking (as do I, I would've done much wore) so we were taking spike damage hits when we shouldn't have, making it even harder to catch back up in heals, especially while being chain interrupted, stunned, pulled, lept to, etc by 1-3 pts. We were being guarded after the burst almost very time and it was just a nightmare to play catch up heals lol. Of course this is my fault as well because he was panicking because we were getting so low because I couldnt keep up in heals.


Don't get me wrong, you guys did outplay us skill wise. My healing was friggin god awful in those games. I wasn't utilizing phase walk until the later games. I let us get insanely low at the start and everyone had to pop CDs off the bat and barrier early. I was panicking, and my healing was 1-2k hps lower than it should have been. We didn't interrupt and stun you which is just a terrible idea when we are playing double dots against an op healer, while buurl especially was putting out a crapload of damage and got almost every interrupt and me or zem depending on who he was on. I think he had a couple 3900-4k games games.


Overall it was a terrible night for us. A ton of it because I truly believe we can't bring a sorc dps agaisnt PTs. Zem has already leveled and is currently gearing his PT, so we plan to run MM/AP with most likely a PT tank which is a very strong comp.


GGs hottie. Really nice healing and very well played. IDK if I could have hit 7.6k there on any of my healers.


Oh and for alacrity, 6% alacrity = 6% more dps/hps compared to just 0 alacrity with no other stats substituted. This is because alacrity speeds up everything. GCD, HOT ticks, cast times, proc times, everything. The only thing I am not sold on is using it for DPS in PVP where it would be mostly impossible to utilize every GCD considering kiting players, etc. For healing and ranged classes it is definitely better though.

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Hey, I'm on mobile so I can't write a novel :(


Let me first address the thread you linked. It's for PvE, not PvP. There are two main reasons why that thread doesn work for PvP. One, it takes into account the fact that the DPS have a large sum of their stat pool that has to go into accuracy. Because of this, they will never actually push the DRs that PvPers will push because there isn't any 'forced' points going into a stat such as accuracy. Instead, depending on your spec, you're left to funnel a large sum into one or two tertiary stats.


The second reason that thread doesn't apply is because the stat budget for 220 gear is insanely large compared to PvP gear. This specifically applies to mastery. You push such high levels that it does in fact diminish the value of Mastery augments. Tertiary augments are more valuable at that point because after points are put into accuracy, the amount of points left over will not push you as far into DR as PvP gear will since there's really only one main stat to take on certain specs, that stat being critical rating.


With that out of the way, Alacrity vs Power, power wins. It's something like 1.69% better than alacrity in the augment slot, I'd have to double check my results when I get home. That leaves Alacrity vs crit. Alacrity is only vastly better when you're in the 2200 critical rating area, the further down you go in crit, the less alacrity is better. This is because critical rating is a function of two stats now instead of just one. It's surge and crit chance. What people don realize when they compare alacrity to other stats is that in order to gain alacrity, you're losing something in return. A loss in crit rating actually makes each point worth more than the previous. There is, however, a breakpoint where alacrity is specifically more valuable than crit, but that exact number is at home in one of my sections of notes.


I'm not saying alacrity is bad, in fact, it's good. I just personally wouldn't trade power for it in the augment slot.


I hope this makes sense, I'm on my phone and phone posting is aids. When I'm home later I'll try to give you Tefia and my math behind all of it, I feel like if you could visualize it that it would make more sense. Is there any chance that you could get solow to post his math behind his findings as well? Would be nice to compare notes for inconsistencies.


Are you talking purely for burst still? I am trying to compare sustained, even for healing. Anything over 1300 crit right now and you are really heavy into DR. Also, what's the match behind power being better than alacrity? While I realize the numbers in that thread are for PVE gear, there are multiple sources comparing crit, alacrity, power, and mastery. Each saying high crit/alacrity builds are far superior to power/mainstat. Lackey did a breakdown for sorc healing augment by augment comparing hps with each augment, and crit/alacrity split wins out every time. And that is of course a class with 0 accuracy as would be expected for PVP.

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I understand that if you just flat add alacrity tha it's an equivalent % increase to not adding it, but for gearing it's give and take. Dps and HPS are a direct function of multiple stats at once and to add alacrity means to lose something in exchange, which may lead to a loss in dps depending on what you have up. That's why I was asking for the math behind the gearing, to see the margins of loss or gain based on what is being sacrificed for alacrity.
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Are you talking purely for burst still? I am trying to compare sustained, even for healing. Anything over 1300 crit right now and you are really heavy into DR. Also, what's the match behind power being better than alacrity? While I realize the numbers in that thread are for PVE gear, there are multiple sources comparing crit, alacrity, power, and mastery. Each saying high crit/alacrity builds are far superior to power/mainstat. Lackey did a breakdown for sorc healing augment by augment comparing hps with each augment, and crit/alacrity split wins out every time. And that is of course a class with 0 accuracy as would be expected for PVP.


Here's the thing. There is no "Crit/Alacrity" build or 'Power/Mainstat" build. Power goes on all mods now and all enhancements, it doesn't compete with mainstat anywhere except for the augment slot. Speaking of, I've already done the math showing that mainstat augments are the worst augments that you could use when it comes to a DPS increase, which is damage per second, which is sustained damage. It just so happens to also be the worst for burst, which is irrelevant here. HPS is literally just a reverse algorithm of DPS, so the same applies, main stat augments are the worst possible choice. That brings me to your notion of a "Crit/Alacrity" build. They are competing stats on the only modification that offers them en masse, that being the enhancement slot. Unless you're suggesting a Critical Enhancement and Alacrity Augment build, which is inferior to power augments.


I'm assuming you have math to back up your claims though that alacrity augments are better, which is why I've asked in the first place. If you don't, it's very easy math so you can do it for yourself and see the results with your own shorthand, if you'd like. To set up the equation, you simply take a designated amount of time, say 5 minutes as an example. Then you take a healing ability, if you choose to use a HoT then take the individual ticks that the HoT heals for per tick, and figure out it's critical hit value, which is just a function of surge % + 1 multiplied by the healing value. You then have to factor in critical % chance. Run the test over x amount of times (the larger the sample size the better, Tefia and I used sample sizes of 100 for burst healing abilities and 1000 for HoT ticks). You then just have to factor in your changes to variables, I presume the variable will be Alacrity vs Crit or Alacrity vs Power, and combine the smaller functions (How many times the ability will crit or not crit, how much it crits for if it does crit, how much faster the GCD is on the ability, if it has a cooldown, how much times is shaved off of it).


You have to take all of these things into account when running your tests because as you add Alacrity, you lose either Crit rating or Power, which will then change the base value of your HoTs and burst heals. This is something a lot of people don't consider.


Another thing people don't consider is that Alacrity functions differently for different abilities and has the potential to provide HPS increases on say, Kolto Probes, but an HPS decrease on Kolto Injection, based on what stats you've sacrificed to gain it. To calculate total HPS the most accurately, you have to run tests for alacrity across ALL healing abilities and combine the total value of healing achieved and divide it, this alone takes a large sum of time (Tef and I were working on it for like 5-6 hours :(). You then have to go back and do all those same tests for all of the different heals you're using with the changed variable, as in with less alacrity but more crit or power, etc. From there you just divide the bigger number by the smaller to see the exact % in which Alacrity is either worse or better than other stats.


I know this is long winded, and if there's any confusion let me know, I just wanted to help everyone out so that everyone is gearing in optimized gear instead of succumbing to sub-optimization based on what they heard or have seen others do, but without any math to actually back it up and prove it. :)

Edited by Jinre_the_Jedi
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Isn't Alacrity still better over time? We talked about it and concluded in small bursts Power > Alacrity but over time Alacrity will better.


For augments, no. For simplicity's sake, it's the same as the process as crit vs power. Over time, you use more abilities. The more abilities you use, the more reliable crit rating is, because over a large sample size, dry spells of non crits will average out with your crit chance %. Yet the math shows, despite the reliability of critical rating and increased crit % chance, power still equates to greater damage per second in a sustained fight. The same applies to alacrity, it just can't compete with power. This is why if you want to gear for it, it competes at a better ratio with critical rating, so you should keep it to your enhancements.

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With all that being said, you can gear however you want, I can't tell you what to do or how to do it. Just trying to better inform you of how all of the stats work together to form HPS and DPS. Hopefully none of my posts came across as abrasive, abrupt, or rude, as that was not my intention.
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With all that being said, you can gear however you want, I can't tell you what to do or how to do it. Just trying to better inform you of how all of the stats work together to form HPS and DPS. Hopefully none of my posts came across as abrasive, abrupt, or rude, as that was not my intention.


It's not! It's just many people are saying many different things. All of which conflict with each other so yeah D:.

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It's not! It's just many people are saying many different things. All of which conflict with each other so yeah D:.


Yes, this is why Tefia and I resorted to finding out for ourselves. While relying on second hand sources can be nice, there's just something appealing about seeing the results for yourself. Then after you figure it out, you can present it to the community for scrutiny and criticism as well as affirmation to allow others to double check/triple check/etc your work and to allow fresh eyes to see it so that they may find errors and correct them, this way everyone comes out ahead.


As far as the conflicting portion, this is strictly due to PvP players attempting to translate PvE data into their PvP builds, which doesn't work for a multitude of reasons. For this reason alone, it's best to just do your own math on it, preferably with a friend to cross check each other's work.


It's part of the reason why I enjoy the Assassin/Shadow sub-forum. There's a lot of us over there, Evolixe, Aelanis, KeyboardNinja, myself, that all specialize in different portions of the game (PvE Tanking, PvP, Etc) and we can all collectively help each other out in each other's field of expertise.


Anyway, this is getting off topic, my apologies. If you ever need help with statistical mathematics relating to calculating DPS/HPS/Damage increases/decreases, whatever, feel free to message myself, Te'fia, or literally anyone in the Assassin/Shadow forums. We'd be glad to help, our goal is only to help the community as a whole, not mislead them.

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@Krea You are wrong. damn it. will show you math later.

Alacrity/Crit is the way to go.


Edit: Here is the way to calculate it.


I think everybody should do the math for his class, because the classes are different. But How to do it?


The way is Easy: Take 1 Augment Slot for your calculation, calculate everything for every possible augment, what means: Crit, Alacrity, Power, Mastery.


So, there are 4 Calculations to value, what is best in 1 Augment Slot. But if you know what your results mean, you can optimize your gear quite fast & need only in the end some "more" calculations.



The Idea is, to validate everything in something like: 73Crit gives me +1,23% Damage.


The Calculations:

For Crit:



*** Remember Bonusses through Talents/Perks @ Crit Multiplier!...Could be you need to add them to Crit Multiplier for the "true" results

1.Write down your "Crit-Rate" with empty augment.

2. Write down your Crit Multiplier without augment

3. Augment: 1 * Crit (we are working only with 1 Augment Slot)

4. Write down new Crit Rate, and make difference

5. Write down new Crit Multiplier and make difference

6. Use this: [Old Crit]* [Difference Crit Multiplier] + [Difference Crit Rate] * [new Crit Multiplier]

7. This is the %-gain which 1 Crit Augment will give you with your current gear.



For Alacrity:


1. Write down Alacrity

2. Augment Alacrity in 1 Slot

3. Write down new Alacrity

4. Make Difference

5. The difference is the %-gain by 1 Alacrity Augment



For Power:


We are working with Tooltip-Values, because "BonusHeal" & "BonusDamage" dont scale in a way we would need it, do say something about gained HPS.


1. Select 3 Important Spells and write down arithmetic mean

2. Augment 1*Power

3. write down new arithmetic mean of the Spells

4. Calculate %gain fpr each spell

5. go for arithmec mean, and there you have your %gain for power



For Mastery:


We are working with Tooltip-Values, because "BonusHeal" & "BonusDamage" dont scale in a way we would need it, do say something about gained HPS.


1. Select 3 Important Spells and write down arithmetic mean

1.1: write down crit rate

2. Augment 1*Mastery

3. write down new arithmetic mean of the Spells

4. Calculate %gain for each spell

5. go for arithmec mean, remember this.

6. write down new crite rate, calculate difference between old& new

7. do this: [Difference Crit-Rate]*[Crit Multiplier]

8. Use step 5 +7, add both %-numbers, and there is the gain which you get for 1 Mastery Augment



With this 4 Calculations you get % Numbers. The Highest means the biggest DPS/HPS gain, so go for this stat.

By doing this step for step & augment for augment, you will optimize you gear. Due to Dimishing returns, the %-gain for each Augment will be different....


Easy thing.....


And if you do this, i am pretty sure, even with PVP gear Alacrity/Critical rating is better than Power/Mastery... but it could be even a mixture of all 4, for my class it wasn´t but calculate by yourself.



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@ ichebem


It's actually not that simple because your model ignores diminishing returns. You cannot assume that the stat gain you receive from your first Critical augment will be the same as the second augment. It doesn't work like that. For a better understanding of how your stat gain tapers off as you hit diminishing returns, consult these graphs.

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@ ichebem


It's actually not that simple because your model ignores diminishing returns. You cannot assume that the stat gain you receive from your first Critical augment will be the same as the second augment. It doesn't work like that. For a better understanding of how your stat gain tapers off as you hit diminishing returns, consult these graphs.


Think you miss read. He didn't state that these would be static. You will have to do it per augment slot (check all 4 different augments 14 times). That way you take in account the fact that the numbers might shift and alacrity or power might be better then crit for that slot.

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Think you miss read. He didn't state that these would be static. You will have to do it per augment slot (check all 4 different augments 14 times). That way you take in account the fact that the numbers might shift and alacrity or power might be better then crit for that slot.

You're correct. I missed that he was iterating over every possibility, one slot at a time. My apologies.

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Think you miss read. He didn't state that these would be static. You will have to do it per augment slot (check all 4 different augments 14 times). That way you take in account the fact that the numbers might shift and alacrity or power might be better then crit for that slot.


Exactly... and you can do the same for the Modifications, while this is a critical vs alacrity question, without Mastery/Power in the stat-pool.


And i said: You dont need to do 4*14 Iterations... if you know what your results mean, you can interprate them, and will find the sweet spot of all stats, with something around 10 calculations overall.

Just find the point where alacrity & crit are same effective, after that, check if mastery or power do better, if yes, maybe switch 2-3 augments, and thats all.

Took me only 20 minutes for my merc. Worth it.

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Exactly... and you can do the same for the Modifications, while this is a critical vs alacrity question, without Mastery/Power in the stat-pool.


And i said: You dont need to do 4*14 Iterations... if you know what your results mean, you can interprate them, and will find the sweet spot of all stats, with something around 10 calculations overall.

Just find the point where alacrity & crit are same effective, after that, check if mastery or power do better, if yes, maybe switch 2-3 augments, and thats all.

Took me only 20 minutes for my merc. Worth it.

I know this thread is about Operatives and Scoundrels, but I have quick question about how this method might apply to Sorcerer and Sage healers. To my knowledge Force Armor is not affected by Critical Rating. Is there a way we can adjust this method to account for the zero benefit Critical Rating provides to Force Armor?


Additionally, Force Armor is rate-limited by the Force Imbalance debuff. Alacrity will allow you to cast more Force Armors in a shorter period of time, but it does not increase the amount of Force Armors you will cast per-fight. This seems to make the Alacrity/Crit augments not as appealing for that move in particular. I'm just interested what your thoughts on this are, I'm not trying to hijack.

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I know this thread is about Operatives and Scoundrels, but I have quick question about how this method might apply to Sorcerer and Sage healers. To my knowledge Force Armor is not affected by Critical Rating. Is there a way we can adjust this method to account for the zero benefit Critical Rating provides to Force Armor?


Additionally, Force Armor is rate-limited by the Force Imbalance debuff. Alacrity will allow you to cast more Force Armors in a shorter period of time, but it does not increase the amount of Force Armors you will cast per-fight. This seems to make the Alacrity/Crit augments not as appealing for that move in particular. I'm just interested what your thoughts on this are, I'm not trying to hijack.


My insight:


I don't know much about Sorc healers but from what I heard Power might be better. Also have to take an account Power would increase your static barrier while Crit wouldn't. I know some Sorcs are stacking Power over other stats because of this factor.

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Qood question.


Like the question:

What about Force-Potency (+60%crit)

What about Level 20-Perk (which Buffs your cast) 2-times, you get a higher Crit-Chance


How to evaluate this? Basicly it means, you have higher Crit, you will Crit more often, and you will profit more from Crit, due to its buffs your Crit multiplier.

On the other Hand there is Barrier, where Crit just sucks.


You can calculate it. But not without a little computer-programi guess. You need a fix rotation, and than you can value, whats more effective. The problem is. Fix Rotation for Healers? I dont know.


I only can tell you: My Method works for my class. But my class has not ne mentioned problems above.


Auto-Crits & so on could be included into this method, but only with approachments. So, i think my Method is probably the best you can do without programming a little programm, but it isnt optimal. Although it gies you a hint in which way the journey will go ;)

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I know this thread is about Operatives and Scoundrels, but I have quick question about how this method might apply to Sorcerer and Sage healers. To my knowledge Force Armor is not affected by Critical Rating. Is there a way we can adjust this method to account for the zero benefit Critical Rating provides to Force Armor?


Additionally, Force Armor is rate-limited by the Force Imbalance debuff. Alacrity will allow you to cast more Force Armors in a shorter period of time, but it does not increase the amount of Force Armors you will cast per-fight. This seems to make the Alacrity/Crit augments not as appealing for that move in particular. I'm just interested what your thoughts on this are, I'm not trying to hijack.


Personally I would go either 30-40% just for the lol factor of having a near 100% crit chance on a conveyance buffed benevlance heal.

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I was talking to a guildie the other day about Alacrity vs. Power. We talked about if a healer is constantly under CC pressure that Power would win over Alacrity because of decrease up-time. Is there any way you can calculate up-time in your equation for stats? Because for example, in 4s your up-time for healing or dps might be decreased by 20-30% over the whole match which would effect the performance of different stats.

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I was talking to a guildie the other day about Alacrity vs. Power. We talked about if a healer is constantly under CC pressure that Power would win over Alacrity because of decrease up-time. Is there any way you can calculate up-time in your equation for stats? Because for example, in 4s your up-time for healing or dps might be decreased by 20-30% over the whole match which would effect the performance of different stats.


Just calculate by lost GCDs. Do tests for using an ability 100 times with a 1.35 second GCD (10% alacrity) over 5 minutes (arena match length). Then do the same test, but with less total GCDs based on how long you're stunned. So if you're stunned for 30 seconds in a whole match, that's 22.2, so 23 GCDs that you've missed out on. Calculate the HPS of the total GCDs minus 23. Then pit that against whatever other build you're comparing it to, with equal amounts of missing GCDs. Then take the difference.

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Alacrity is heavily dependent on the length of the fight. It's why PvEers want to use it more than PvPers do. Their 5-10 min boss fights compared to sparatic short fights in Regs, 2-3 min matches in solo ranked, and 5 min matches in team ranked (or solo if there are tanks) are vastly different.


Before 4.0, gearing as a healer is very personal. You could choose what stats you wanted (surge v. alacrity) because the DR on surge was different at the time. Gearing was very linear across any duration of a fight. Now, since crit rating applies to not only your crit chance but to your surge as well, your gearing is going to be more dynamic with the rest of the healers. Mainly due to the changes in crit and that it does not compete with power (now it's only in augments but not mods/enhancements) and the newer (higher) DR to crit chance.


Now, ideally, you should change your gear mainly on the aspect of healing you're going to do to maximize all stats for that fight. Longer fights, you want to have more alacrity than you do crit. Fights where you're going to be CC'd more will demand more power than alacrity in augments. Shorter, high burst, fights will demand more crit than alacrity (or power in augments).




EDIT: Also, Hottie, since 65 is the new cap. Shield Probe will do more absorbtion because it's formula is based off of standard health (health w/o endurance) and bonus power. Since both have increase in 4.0, it absorbed about 9k (8.9k for exact measurements) paired along with the 30% increase in heroic: 9 * 1.3 = 11.7k absorbed damage every 30s. Would you still take Revitalizers still or SP 30% increase buff?


The only time when revitalizers could match SP is only if you're getting tunneled, then the differences would be:


[(Damage Taken within 15s*(0.2)+(total health*25%)]/(11.7k*4)


Note: Revitalizers is every 2 mins while SP is every 30s making you fit 4 in a Revitalizers CD window

Edited by Diachi
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Alacrity is heavily dependent on the length of the fight. It's why PvEers want to use it more than PvPers do. Their 5-10 min boss fights compared to sparatic short fights in Regs, 2-3 min matches in solo ranked, and 5 min matches in team ranked (or solo if there are tanks) are vastly different.


Before 4.0, gearing as a healer is very personal. You could choose what stats you wanted (surge v. alacrity) because the DR on surge was different at the time. Gearing was very linear across any duration of a fight. Now, since crit rating applies to not only your crit chance but to your surge as well, your gearing is going to be more dynamic with the rest of the healers. Mainly due to the changes in crit and that it does not compete with power (now it's only in augments but not mods/enhancements) and the newer (higher) DR to crit chance.


Now, ideally, you should change your gear mainly on the aspect of healing you're going to do to maximize all stats for that fight. Longer fights, you want to have more alacrity than you do crit. Fights where you're going to be CC'd more will demand more power than alacrity in augments. Shorter, high burst, fights will demand more crit than alacrity (or power in augments).




EDIT: Also, Hottie, since 65 is the new cap. Shield Probe will do more absorbtion because it's formula is based off of standard health (health w/o endurance) and bonus power. Since both have increase in 4.0, it absorbed about 9k (8.9k for exact measurements) paired along with the 30% increase in heroic: 9 * 1.3 = 11.7k absorbed damage every 30s. Would you still take Revitalizers still or SP 30% increase buff?


The only time when revitalizers could match SP is only if you're getting tunneled, then the differences would be:


[(Damage Taken within 15s*(0.2)+(total health*25%)]/(11.7k*4)


Note: Revitalizers is every 2 mins while SP is every 30s making you fit 4 in a Revitalizers CD window


Hello, Tefia!


Thanks for your input :). I am very interested in your Revitalizers vs. 30% SP argument. I have to think about this because I am currently using Revitalizers to mitigate current burst. For example. if 4 players jump me and I am about to get stunned or in or in 4s if I am being switched to without guard. I feel like in these situations Revitalizers > SP 30% because you are trying to survive a burst window. Maybe in heavy pressure comps SP 30% > Revitalizers because it's sustained damage over time.


Think another benefit to going SP 30% over Revitalizers is you don't have to clip the benefits of Revitalizers if you need to burst heal someone and/or need an instant Injection because you aren't being focused.

Edited by kissingaiur
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