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Major Pierce - Valor or Warzones?


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Why can't you just do without this companion? Why do you feel entitled to a PvP reward?


There are other PvP rewards that only have a use in PvE, why is this one so different that you are willing to grief other people's game instead of just trying?


Oh, I don't feel entitled to it, as I've posted before, I fully intend to be there and do it.



See the problem that I foresee (not my problem, yours actually) is that there are a lot of folks like me- I'm unhappy about being there, don't want to be there and don't care about being there so obviously won't be the best teammate that you want on your team.


Like I've said before, if I actually did PvP, I would be far more ticked off at having to take entire teams of me over and over again than I know that I am about having to be on that team because, for me, it's just one mission and I'm done forever. For you guys? You guys get to accept every, single person who's doing that mission over and over and over and over and over....

Edited by Dallayna
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What are you going to do if I continue doing so?


Nothing, I'm expressing my opinion as you are. Why would I try to silence you?


How do you know there are not? And what does that have to do with anything? There are plenty of rewards that are earned in one area of the game but usable in another. Decorations for example are earned for doing just about every activity in the game.


Because I've played the Alliance System quite a lot already. And you can't buy War Ressources with PvP Commendations, afaik. So it's useless to to do PvP in regards to furthering your Alliance.


Right, you have multiple ways of getting different companions, which is a good thing. Tell me this. Since all companions can fill any role, why is it a problem to give one out as a PvP reward?


Because Forex is one of my favorite companion and I play this game for story, not mechanics so the fact that they are mechanically identical doesn't influence anything for me. I was pretty excited to have my Sentinel recruit Forex and I literally got six or seven line of dialog, a nice "Fu** you and go fight your own faction in Huttball before I join you." and done.


Why do you feel that PvE players have a right to have all companions available to them?


Because that's story content? Because it might very well have an influence on upcoming KOTFE chapters. You know, solo content? Or maybe because PvP players don't need companions, outside maybe the barren wasteland known as open PVP.


PvP players don't have all rewards available to them. Our gear is designed to be weaker in PvE than even basic gear.


Irelevant to the discussion, I think. I'm not concerned about combat efficiency. My reasons for wanting Forex are story only and I don't see why I should break my immersion in said story by fighting my own faction half the time and losing pretty much always because I have neither the reflexes, the patience or the desire to play PvP.

I have no patience for World Bosses either and thankfully Qyzen offers another way.

There is no reason in a game where PvP is a complete afterthought (When was the last time a new Warzone was released?) said PvP should be a story roadblock.

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I'm going to give you a quick guide:


There are turrets in the warzones? What? Like the ones in the beginning of Colicoid War Games or in that one part in Kaon Under Siege? Is that new or had I just never noticed it when I tried warzones for a little while? (I got up to maybe valor... 24? And the last time I tried it was before 4vs4 arenas or Quesh Huttball had been added.)


edit: Ah, you're just talking about capturing the three objectives. Because the premise is that each of those bunkers are attacking the enemy's ship for you while your team controls them. You do not get to operate a manned turret and mow down any enemies who try to get close to you.

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Nothing, I'm expressing my opinion as you are. Why would I try to silence you?




Because I've played the Alliance System quite a lot already. And you can't buy War Ressources with PvP Commendations, afaik. So it's useless to to do PvP in regards to furthering your Alliance.




Because Forex is one of my favorite companion and I play this game for story, not mechanics so the fact that they are mechanically identical doesn't influence anything for me. I was pretty excited to have my Sentinel recruit Forex and I literally got six or seven line of dialog, a nice "Fu** you and go fight your own faction in Huttball before I join you." and done.




Because that's story content? Because it might very well have an influence on upcoming KOTFE chapters. You know, solo content? Or maybe because PvP players don't need companions, outside maybe the barren wasteland known as open PVP.




Irelevant to the discussion, I think. I'm not concerned about combat efficiency. My reasons for wanting Forex are story only and I don't see why I should break my immersion in said story by fighting my own faction half the time and losing pretty much always because I have neither the reflexes, the patience or the desire to play PvP.

I have no patience for World Bosses either and thankfully Qyzen offers another way.

There is no reason in a game where PvP is a complete afterthought (When was the last time a new Warzone was released?) said PvP should be a story roadblock.


And those are all really, really good points Leklor. Why the hell is there a PvP requirement for a companion when we all know that PvPers don't even use companions anyway?


So, not only do they annoy us and totally p*(* off the PvPers but there is absolutely no logical sense for it either.

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Nothing, I'm expressing my opinion as you are. Why would I try to silence you?


It was just a joke, man.


Because I've played the Alliance System quite a lot already. And you can't buy War Ressources with PvP Commendations, afaik. So it's useless to to do PvP in regards to furthering your Alliance.


That's not the only reason you would use a companion.


Because Forex is one of my favorite companion and I play this game for story, not mechanics so the fact that they are mechanically identical doesn't influence anything for me. I was pretty excited to have my Sentinel recruit Forex and I literally got six or seven line of dialog, a nice "Fu** you and go fight your own faction in Huttball before I join you." and done.


What story is there to be had? He wants you to fight the mindless hedonists of the Sith Empire. Yes, once in awhile you might run into a practice game with other republic players, but like PvPers are want to say, "If it's red its dead"


Because that's story content? Because it might very well have an influence on upcoming KOTFE chapters. You know, solo content? Or maybe because PvP players don't need companions, outside maybe the barren wasteland known as open PVP.


How is it story content? I didn't think you could do the companion quests. And if he has an influence on the story later, so what? Why is that a problem? PvP can't be integrated into the story?


Irelevant to the discussion, I think. I'm not concerned about combat efficiency. My reasons for wanting Forex are story only and I don't see why I should break my immersion in said story by fighting my own faction half the time and losing pretty much always because I have neither the reflexes, the patience or the desire to play PvP.

I have no patience for World Bosses either and thankfully Qyzen offers another way.

There is no reason in a game where PvP is a complete afterthought (When was the last time a new Warzone was released?) said PvP should be a story roadblock.


Immersion is the worst argument to ever bring up in a MMO. There are literally thousands of players, all of whom are the OUTLANDER running around. There will be thousands of players running around with M1-4X as a companion. It is entirely up to you what you let break your immersion.


And you may think of PvP as an afterthought, but the devs apparently do not. So other than "Gimme, I want it," you really appear to have no argument for why PvP isn't entitled to rewards.

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The other option, which I have not seen, is get a group of pve folks and queue together. This way the matches are lost faster! Unless that's not an option considering I've never pvp'd...


Sorry I'm an old wow player who remembers the "peace cave" in early wow pvp horde side...

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And those are all really, really good points Leklor. Why the hell is there a PvP requirement for a companion when we all know that PvPers don't even use companions anyway?


So, not only do they annoy us and totally p*(* off the PvPers but there is absolutely no logical sense for it either.


Operations players don't use companions either.


HM Flashpoint players normally don't use companions.


PvP players do use companions in the open world, heck Tharan saved my bacon during a Gree event.


So what else you got?

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The other option, which I have not seen, is get a group of pve folks and queue together. This way the matches are lost faster! Unless that's not an option considering I've never pvp'd...


Sorry I'm an old wow player who remembers the "peace cave" in early wow pvp horde side...


That would be really funny to watch here. If they were jedi they could even RP it.


"I will not fight you."



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Let me echo what others have said. If you go into a warzone, press x and dont even try, you are worse than being down a person. There is at least a chance for backfill if you have less than 8 people.


Either suck it up and at least try (and seriously, none of the warzones' objectives are even remotely difficult, just use plain, old common sense...) or ****.


You are not entitled to screw over 7 other people just to get some companion you dont even need.

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Blame Bioware for making pvp a pve requirement to recruit a companion; not the people that feel required to do it for completion/ achievement sake. I understand your frustration but get ready as pvp is about to get a flood of these types of players if it hasn't already...
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Let me echo what others have said. If you go into a warzone, press x and dont even try, you are worse than being down a person. There is at least a chance for backfill if you have less than 8 people.


Either suck it up and at least try (and seriously, none of the warzones' objectives are even remotely difficult, just use plain, old common sense...) or ****.


You are not entitled to screw over 7 other people just to get some companion you dont even need.


And, you're not entitled to deny people a a right to go for a companion that they want in the way that they want. If you don't like the manner in which it is gained, complain to the rule makers in order to get those rules changed but, you cannot make someone do anything that they do not want to do.

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And, you're not entitled to deny people a a right to go for a companion that they want in the way that they want. If you don't like the manner in which it is gained, complain to the rule makers in order to get those rules changed but, you cannot make someone do anything that they do not want to do.


Actually, I am, its called vote to kick. We can just boot you and anyone else like you out of the warzone. Goodbye. Have fun never getting your companion because youre too lazy to even pretend like youre making an effort.

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How about the other companion which needs you to chase the world bosses and such? Is that fair to people who play PvP ? Seriously this is the most stupid discussion ever, just play the game. Fact of the matter is, it's your decision to ignore some part of the game, so then "live" with consequences instead of bickering like some grandmother on forums.
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Unless you're a clicker using a pure melee class character, you can do warzones just fine. And if you are, target a ranged class enemy and maybe you won't embarrass yourself.


So just get a spine and do it.

Edited by RAVM
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While I can understand non-PVPers wanting to avoid PVP... I can't help but see the funny side of it being Pierce..... who would be the first one telling them to suck it up and get on with the job. Edited by Rantank
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Actually, I am, its called vote to kick. We can just boot you and anyone else like you out of the warzone. Goodbye. Have fun never getting your companion because youre too lazy to even pretend like youre making an effort.


Again, you guys are the ones that are getting your WZ's clogged and inundated by all of this chaos. Some of the suggestions/recommendations/promises/threats that I have seen have included sitting down, teaming up with "suicide squads" , griefing out of annoyance, etc, etc, etc.


Given that there are a lotof annoyed PvE-ers out there about to descend on your WZ's who really, really don't want to be there. Even assuming that they try, you know darned good and well that they are not the teammates that will see you to victory- and, those are just the ones that plan on playing it "straight" by trying.


So, you might want to have that button ready and your evenings ruined for quite a while is all I'm saying.


Complain and threaten the PvE-ers all you wish but they will just keep coming and coming and coming because they want those companions and you are the only things standing in their way to getting the companions in question. I imagine a lot of them will just keep trying over and over and over until they manage to finally get through those missions at some point. After all, how many people tried for months and even years before finally getting HK? Double that.


Frankly, the only way I can see this being resolved is if 1) the PvPers show some actual understanding for the ignorant and unmotivated players (not very likely) or 2) both groups work on getting that ridiculous requirement changed.


Is it fair? Not really but, it will happen. The carrot has been dangled and right now, while it's still new and shiny especially, while it's still new and shiny anybody and everybody is going to try to get it regardless of what it does to anyone else.


Me? While I will admit that my first thought was to just stay the hell out of the way, I think I will try and laugh my fool head off every single time I accidentally wind up handing a win to the other team because I don't know what the heck's going on. In other words, I'm going to try and turn this vice into a virtue and just have fun with all of the face-planting and getting my butt handed to me because I really am that bad and not only do I know it- I just really, honestly and truly do not care that I do and while I feel badly for all of the loses I'm about to hand everyone who comes into contact with me, apparently, sympathy for that fact is the last thing that is wanted.


Here's to some laughs, eh?

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If there were Alliance benefits to PvP, then maybe it would make sense.


The alliance system is a gameplay system onto itself, there is no PvE benefit to it either.


There are tons of companions, you don't need them all, there is no benefit to having them all, if you don't want to do the wide variety of tasks they request, then don't pick up the ones who want you to do something you don't like.

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Step 1 - Follow team members (so it looks like you know what you are doing)

Step 2 - shoot players with red names (opposite team)

Step 3 - Die

Step 4 - Return to step 1


I'm not seeing the issue here. There is no penalty for dying, you will have no repair bill. I understand it may be part of the game you do not enjoy, but if you really really want those companions you will do it. I really hate raiding (operations), but if I really really want cool decorations I have to do the horrid things.

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2) both groups work on getting that ridiculous requirement changed.


Then we should also remove the requirement to do world bosses for Qyzen ? And also, we should probably remove ALL requirements from any companions and just give them for free, because you know, some spoiled brat somewhere will complain about having to do a quest to kill 3 rats to get a companion because that's not his STYLE OF PLAY.


Seriously, just let the thing go and play the game.

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You do not have to do the world bosses for Qyzen. I got him by hunting down Jagganath Worthy Prey. It took about 15 or 20 of them, but I didn't have to do the World bosses.


I really would like to see a different way to get some of the companions here and there. Have both world bosses and single prey items that get Qyzen shows it would work. Maybe some other quest for us PVE types to get Pierce would help. Not sure what, other than go in and wreck the Bastion for him.

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Maybe people ought to set up a group somehow for win trading or something. How many hundreds or even thousands of people are out there who want their comps but have less-than-zero interest in PVP. One team rapid-scores, the other team lets them, then rematch and switch roles. Get the misery over with.


Maybe EAware is thinking of it like "PVPers do more grind and spend more in the CM, so lets try and make more PVPers." I do so hate when devs try and do social engineering.

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Maybe people ought to set up a group somehow for win trading or something. How many hundreds or even thousands of people are out there who want their comps but have less-than-zero interest in PVP.


Therein lies the exact problem that I've been trying to warn folks about...


Now, I'll grant that I'm not the most eloquent of people but still, the response I got?.... "F(*()*) You AND QUIT WHINING!"



Frankly? At this point? Screw it... Mess up away! Destroy whatever you think you can get away with and not get booted-I tried to be kind and open but I was told to F()*08 myself so..... Ffu)_( 'em.


They apparently don't care. So. Do whatever damage that you have to- just get through that mission however you can and just enjoy no matter what (win, lose or draw- they really don't care).


I've been similarity told that we're suppose to "ignore the mean ones"(ROTFLMAO), which, I'm taking to mean- don't bother to read anything just blast at whatever's in front of you and hope- eventually, you'll get through the BS and finish the damned mission- just don't let them bully you and, of course, if it gets too bad, be certain to report whoever's going whatever you think the line might be.


So, by all means, go in, but.... don't bother to do your best (because you don't have to) and.... keep your finger on that harassment button just in case and don't even remotely be afraid to use it because, Force knows that the *will* be less than hesitant to try to boot you just because they don't like the color that you chose for your avatar's hair.....

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Then we should also remove the requirement to do world bosses for Qyzen ? And also, we should probably remove ALL requirements from any companions and just give them for free, because you know, some spoiled brat somewhere will complain about having to do a quest to kill 3 rats to get a companion because that's not his STYLE OF PLAY.


Seriously, just let the thing go and play the game.





Read above, please.


I have no problems with anyone. I just want to enjoy the game and let other folks enjoy it as well.....

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QQ no make me do pvp it hurts my little mmo feelings QQ QQ QQ QQ:(:(:(:(


So many sad little PVE babies.


You pve A holes realize the pvp community gets shafted the most. We get the least amount of love from bioware. We have to do stupid PVE **** all the time. Quit crying. I want a cool mount? Cool, i have to learn a brain dead pve dance to get it. Should i QQ? or just get it done? I'll just get it done.


In the time it has taken you to write your QQ books on why you are QQing about having to pvp at little for 1, thats right,1 thing in the game you want, you could have learned to press your 4 buttons and gotten it over with.


Hate this generation of entitlement who believes they deserve everything to go their way and if they have to do something out of their comfort zone they QQ till their mommy or daddy gets them what they want.


Man/Women up. QQ QQ QQ QQ QQ


Cheers :)

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QQ no make me do pvp it hurts my little mmo feelings QQ QQ QQ QQ:(:(:(:(


So many sad little PVE babies.


You pve A holes realize the pvp community gets shafted the most. We get the least amount of love from bioware. We have to do stupid PVE **** all the time. Quit crying. I want a cool mount? Cool, i have to learn a brain dead pve dance to get it. Should i QQ? or just get it done? I'll just get it done.


In the time it has taken you to write your QQ books on why you are QQing about having to pvp at little for 1, thats right,1 thing in the game you want, you could have learned to press your 4 buttons and gotten it over with.


Hate this generation of entitlement who believes they deserve everything to go their way and if they have to do something out of their comfort zone they QQ till their mommy or daddy gets them what they want.


Man/Women up. QQ QQ QQ QQ QQ


Cheers :)


My my, you are quite the hate-filled little "A hole" aren't you? It's the toxicity of the self-identified "PvPers" that drives this revulsion towards being forced to dip even one toe into a mix which by now is about 1% water, 99% waste.


The grown-ups are talking, isn't it time for your nap?

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