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4.0 PvP Experience.


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Hello guys,


So whats the feelings on 4.0 pvp? I think its mostly the same than before. I still think the PvP is too much spamming keys and less tactics. I was also hoping new PvP content. Where is new warzones, gamemodes, etc. Is it just "get a new gear". One thing is for sure they actiually fixed the Void star intro after all this time :D


SWTOR PvP Level 60 Sorcerer "Lightning" 1080 60 FPS Episode 6

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Well, it's only been a couple of days, but so far it's far less enjoyable. In mids you're pitted against players in old lvl 60 pvp gear that still gives 2018 expertise. Also, it seems everyone is dishing out tons more damage. In mids it doesn't help much if you're forced to have 1936 expertise against a team of mostly 60+'s in 2018 expertise PvP gear with set bonuses


But even in lows where I'm leveling some new toons everyone, and I mean everyone, is 3 to 4 shotting each other over and over. It's insane. I'm hoping it's just early access horse crap. If this is, however, the new norm...well, yeah.

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I haven't PvP'd since 55, came back late on the 60s patch and just decided to wait until 65 to give it a go again.


It's god awful. I understand that most posters here can only compare the PvP in this game to how it's been in SWTOR in the past to try and salvage some kind of positive opinion of it, but if you compare it to almost any other MMO it's become complete garbage.


I've honestly been switching between Republic/Imp toons all day to try and fish out a few wins based on which side is queueing with the most Sorcs/Sages in midbies.


Almost every game, I'm typically only left with one question: why am I PvPing on SWTOR?

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