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Quarterly Producer Letter for Q2 2024 ×

Pve dd?


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With the upcoming 4.0 at hand I was thinking about creating a damage dealer toon, specifically for pve as I don't enjoy pvp. I want it to be a Republic character - already having a Jedi Sage healer, that class is out of the question for me. I am well aware of the fact that there is no such thing as the dd class due to factors like different Boss mechanics, skills, personal style, flavor and "skill". I just don't want to spend time creating and playing a character which will not at all or only reluctantly be invited HC / OP runs. Having played a Sith assassin back in 2011, that is not an experience I need to recreate for myself - after I switched to a Bounty Hunter back in the day, I was invited to any possible raid available with no doubts at all. To sum it up: being rather plain in terms of "skill" myself, I am just looking for a Rebublic Class that will we able to contribute to 4.0 endgame content without having to face too many obstacles regarding to the balancings/ likings at the moment.

P.S.: DoT rotas are not my thing either. Never was one to poisen someone's cup and watch them wither away ;)

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If you like the Sage gameplay, but don't want another **Sage**, try a Sith Sorcerer (mirror of Sage). Think of it as a Sage with Force Lightning, especially if you take the "Lightning" discipline (mirror of Telekinesis).


Give it a try, at least.


Force lightning is not part of the rotation in the lightning discipline, that would be madness.

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Gunslingers are really good. Go Sharpshooter and never look back.


Also, the cool factor is through the roof on them. No subtle Game of Thrones trickery here, just lots of "shoot first, dirty kick later."


Also, if you ever decide to pursue PvP, these guys are the hidden gems of PvP in my opinion. You have phenomenal burst, and a wide array of control at your disposal. If they used a lightsaber, I would main one myself.

Edited by TitusOfTides
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First of all thanks for the quick reply guys! I decided to go for a Gunnery Commando for now as I like the area damage and the armor debuff that comes along with the Gunnery skilltree seems like something I would want for a tough raid boss.
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