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As time moves on and more 50's there are...


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Why would I? I leveled already. I think it's you who have no room to talk since anything regarding a lowbie is meaningless. It's all solved by leveling.

Get killed too fast? Level

Not enough damage? Level

Want more cc? Level

Not happy being farmed by 50's? Level.

You people are asking to punish a soon to be large part of the population just because you want to enjoy pvp in the couple weeks time it takes to get to 50. Get off your high horses.


Thank you for agreeing with me, bolster does not work. Iorder to be competitive in the warzones a player needs to be level 50. The is contrary to the information BioWare put out prior to release. It is contrary to the insinuation that being "bolstered" will let you be competitive in the warzones.


Secondly, you feel that placing yourself on equal footing with other players is "punishment"? So you want to keep your win button?

Edited by getdownsb
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Guys, take it easy, almighty Kricys, the lvl 50 Maurauder has spoken! The new hero of the Empire, destroyer of the Jedi, terror of your dreams, almight leveler, the nolifer of the nolifers, the legend himself! We all should jump off our high horses and bow to this almighty person, who valiantly jumps into battle against us lesser beeings, just like a 50 year old jumps on a 10 year old person! What do you get told when you get the pwnage ? Obviously to grow up!


Mr. Internet hero, if you ever acounted for anything, please, do tell, else, we dont really give a single fart about your "Amg I waited soooooooooooooooo long for this game so obviously I rush to lvl 50 asap and pwn n00bz and call everyone scrabbnabbs and then be Athenevtwo in SWToR!!!!11!1!111oneone11!on3!". If you weren't born yesterday, you will notice that there is an imbalance with the PvP system currently allowing level 50's to enter the lower level bracket. If it was due to talents, no one would bother, but when you have the option of having a NEW stat (expertise) on all of your gear which is desined for PvP, and the lower levels are NOT allowed to have it (or can't in this case), then it doesn't take 10 internet heroes to figure it out.

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So. There are no 50s on your faction?

Because unless your faction is absolutely slow to level, the opposite team should have just as much of a chance to be facerolled as you do.


Maybe they should implement a system that attempts to put similar levels together, if there's one sith 50 it wait for a republic 50, rather than just a random matching. Unless that's how it works...I dunno.


Your complaint seems a little ridiculous to me. If you're really afraid of losing to 50s, then you can always wait until 50. Did you want it to be like WoW, with various brackets? That might work, but you'd invite twinking, and longer queues, plus you'd probably complain about being facerolled by players with better gear even when you did get to 50.


I pvp'd at most possible levels. Did what I could. Frankly I think its more of a pain for the 50s on your own team, who have to work with people who are low level, and amazingly that probably goes for the other team as well.

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