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Returning player whats the best tree to use now a days? far as dps an pvp.


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I find carnage to be the most fun.


Anni is meant to be the best but its very early in 4.0 to tell and I don't know how the changes will play out. Well other than Mad Dash which I still can't work out what the hell its good for other than running from a melee dps in pvp.

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Fury is very good. You have a six second cc immunity with your Force Crush every 30secs. You have two charges effectively and the burst is a lot harder to stop than Carnage. As a melee dps you are going to be rooted/slowed/stunned and knocked back frequently and Carnage relies on Gore to output its burst, any good player is going to anticipate this and use their cc for your burst. Fury is a bit harder to predict because you have more time to use your burst. I like Fury a lot more than Carnage for those reasons. And with the buffs to Sorcerers and Ranged, i'll probably play it exclusively.
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