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Is the new Veng/Vigil Talent actually working


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dont have parse but it is working... it's just that vigilance is an utter crap right now in general, because of massive stealth nerfs for no reason.


It may not seem very bad now with everyone still adjusting to the changes, but just you wait and see the parses and pvp metrics soon...


Also the window during which Burnmaster works in full effect is very, very short so it is hard to notice.

Edited by Alec_Fortescue
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I did some quick testing as best as I could, and the short answer is that it does not appear to be working properly. It's working, in so far as it is buffing our damage based on the number of bleeds on a target, but the value by which it is buffing our damage is not consistent.


Plasma Brand bleed tick with no other bleeds: 1237

Plasma Brand bleed tick with 1 other bleed (Blade Storm): 1269

Plasma Brand bleed tick with 1 other bleed (Overhead Slash): 1289

Plasma Brand bleed tick with 2 other bleeds (all three): 1321


To figure out if it's working properly, we should be able to divide the single bleed tick value by 1.03 and it should provide the same value as the 2 bleed tick value divided by 1.06 and the 3 tick value by 1.09. Obviously, given the oddity between the values depending upon which second bleed you are using, we can see that they don't line up.


1237/1.03 = 1200.97

1269/1.06 = 1197.17

1289/1.06 = 1216.04

1321/1.09 = 1211.93


I had the same debuffs on the target for each test, no proc relics or other inconsistent buffs.


I cannot see why there is a discrepancy between the PB ticks depending upon the second bleed effect applied.

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I did some quick testing as best as I could, and the short answer is that it does not appear to be working properly. It's working, in so far as it is buffing our damage based on the number of bleeds on a target, but the value by which it is buffing our damage is not consistent.


Plasma Brand bleed tick with no other bleeds: 1237

Plasma Brand bleed tick with 1 other bleed (Blade Storm): 1269

Plasma Brand bleed tick with 1 other bleed (Overhead Slash): 1289

Plasma Brand bleed tick with 2 other bleeds (all three): 1321


To figure out if it's working properly, we should be able to divide the single bleed tick value by 1.03 and it should provide the same value as the 2 bleed tick value divided by 1.06 and the 3 tick value by 1.09. Obviously, given the oddity between the values depending upon which second bleed you are using, we can see that they don't line up.


1237/1.03 = 1200.97

1269/1.06 = 1197.17

1289/1.06 = 1216.04

1321/1.09 = 1211.93


I had the same debuffs on the target for each test, no proc relics or other inconsistent buffs.


I cannot see why there is a discrepancy between the PB ticks depending upon the second bleed effect applied.


Probably relics

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I unequipped them prior to testing. Thought I had that in the initial post, oops.


bleeds can have a damage range I suppose, maybe it's that? Even though the tooltips don't say so.


Could be a bug maybe. I dunno.


Your 2% damage boost from sundering assault set bonus?

Edited by GrandLordMenace
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Bleeds do not have a damage range... at least not that I have ever seen. So long as the circumstances remain constant, their damage is fixed.



  • No relics equipped.
  • All class buffs
  • Mastery stim
  • No set bonuses
  • Sunder Armor and Beat Down debuffs on target (though both have no effect on DoTs)


Parse #1: Just Plasma Brand /// Also, ticks of just Overhead Slash here as well ; they never overlapped in this parse.

Parse #2: Plasma Brand and Overhead Slash.

Pare #3: Plasma Brand and Blade Storm.

Parse #4: Overhead Slash and Blade Storm


I did not do a parse with all 3 ticking as I only get 1 tick of PB under the three stack with my current alacrity, and I wasn't testing so much for the damage buff as for the oddity with Overhead Slash buffing bleed ticks more than the others.


The 20 damage oddity continues here with PB bleed, but we learn where the source of the oddity is when looking at Parse #4. The base tick on Blade Storm is 177. When paired with Plasma Brand (2 stack buff), that jumps up to 181. When it is paired with Overhead Slash (still 2 stack buff), it jumps to 184. This damage increase only happens while the Overhead Slash bleed is ticking, and as I mentioned above, Beat Down was active throughout all of these tests.


Am I just blind? Did I waste time testing this when there is a tool-tip somewhere that explains this extra damage buff under the Burning Purpose bleed?

Edited by ssfish
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What about crits? They do make DoTs vary in range


In the most literal sense, you are correct. However, the damage of a crit tick is the exact same as every other crit tick under the same circumstances, just as base value is; therefore the point is rendered irrelevant for the discussion at hand.

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