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Companion Strength(positive thread)


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Aside from the fact I lost my favorite companion and have no idea how to bring Ashara back, the strength of the companions is rather nice actually. There are some who would see everything nerfed just because they failed to keep their companions geared. Heck, just doing the yavin 4 weekly got that free 192 companion set and that made my companion more powerful than me since I was only in 190-198 mixture gear. Edited by finalhalo
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no one complained about str... Now you have generic copys of each other ... KoFe is even worse you get none back or have to do warzones etc... stupid little quests and even then as a bounty hunter i got NONE of my original companions back in the whole 7 hours it took to do new story and the flash point..
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Aside from the fact I lost my favorite companion and have no idea how to bring Ashara back, the strength of the companions is rather nice actually. There are some who would see everything nerfed just because they failed to keep their companions undergeared. Heck, just doing the yavin 4 weekly got that free 192 companion set and that made my companion more powerful than me since I was only in 190-198 mixture gear.


Personally, I think companions are somewhat overpowered, at least in terms of Healing. I haven't seen how they perform as DPS or Tank yet.


However, as a Healer, 4.0 companions perform ridiculously well. While I love the new story, these super-powered companions make the content itself far too facile. I don't think my Shadow dropped below 80% health the entire night while PvEing. Aside from getting into some OPvP scraps and fights, my toon was never in any real jeopardy.

Edited by DarthOvertone
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While I LOVED the uniqueness of each companion pre KOFE, I see why they did this. As a Sorc, it's difficult to take a healer or, in some cases, even another DPS with me. I used Khem always, I love having a tank companion, it complimented how I like to play. And now I can do that with any companion I want and what companion am I using now? Khem... Only because I hate hearing the same 3 snarky comments EVERY TIME something dies...
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I like the new companion setup. You can change their roles and from my understanding they are different to the extent of wielding weapons. Also how well they play their role should depend on some type of stats/influence, so one companion may be a better dps then another for example. The rest of their abilities depending on your Influence simplifies things greatly. I used to have to spend 15-30 mins. retooling my companions every other time I logged into the game trying to make sure I had the max gear set for each companion. Saves me a lot of time for more gaming and less worrying about do I got the best tool on...lol... There's still customization in modifying the companions skin... Edited by PierceHolden
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