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Hey bioware when can we get proper sith eyes? Like the npcs in the expansion?


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I don't know about Sith eyes at Dark Side 1 - that would be a bit extreme, considering how light somebody with Dark Side 1 can really be (Anakin Skywalker was probably Dark Side II by Bioware's rules by the time he got married). I would say either 4 or 5, WITH the ability to purchase on the Cartel Market or Appearance Designer for other characters if you wish it.
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I don't know about Sith eyes at Dark Side 1 - that would be a bit extreme, considering how light somebody with Dark Side 1 can really be (Anakin Skywalker was probably Dark Side II by Bioware's rules by the time he got married). I would say either 4 or 5, WITH the ability to purchase on the Cartel Market or Appearance Designer for other characters if you wish it.


I don't feel its extreme in my opinion when you hit dark 1 you are immersed in the dark side now in my opinion. The first thing people normally get when people go dark side is the eye change. What should happen is from dark side 1 is you get the eyes and from there the paleness and the veins start kicking in as normal leaving the eyes as is.


I am also STRONGLY against it being in the cartel market you want the corruption? You suck up the dark side points since bioware is pushing the whole choices have consequences.

Edited by lokdron
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Yes! 100% agree! I also don't think the Sith eyes should show up as early as Dark 1 though. I always figured the permanent Sith eyes were for dark side users who have fully embraced the Dark Side and used it regularly. Darth Maul is a good example of this using the dark side since he was a kid. It would be really cool but probably difficult if they could have your eyes turn yellow for a short while if you make a dark side decision maybe.
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Yes! 100% agree! I also don't think the Sith eyes should show up as early as Dark 1 though. I always figured the permanent Sith eyes were for dark side users who have fully embraced the Dark Side and used it regularly. Darth Maul is a good example of this using the dark side since he was a kid. It would be really cool but probably difficult if they could have your eyes turn yellow for a short while if you make a dark side decision maybe.


So what do you think they should do for dark side rank1?

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arcann's (and by extension valkorion's) dark side eyes are the best. hopefully they update the dark side corruption with that, or at least put it in the cm.


NO CM that's a big NO NO for me the dark side corruption overall needs an update this is something that should not be added to CM. Since corruption is meant to be a bonus/consequence of your decisions as a force user.

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I say it shouldn't even be an unlock. It should be how it is supposed to be.


THANK YOU, when they first added it I was quite excited then I noticed the yellow eyes lack the red ring and that left me confused. Then when I hit dark v and I got the red eyes I just face palmed its even worse now with all the new dark side npcs having proper high quality sith eyes and your PC just looks bad in comparison.

Edited by lokdron
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Yes please. I bought the yellow eyes because the dark side 5 looks awfully stupid. I mean look at these pictures of my character with yellow and dark side 5 eyes. The yellow eyes look much better than the dark side 5 corruption.


http://i.imgur.com/fPba3I1.jpg dark side 5


http://imgur.com/9rH9IsP yellow eyes


*links might be broken*

Edited by naamed
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Yes please. I bought the yellow eyes because the dark side 5 looks awfully stupid. I mean look at these pictures of my character with yellow and dark side 5 eyes. The yellow eyes look much better than the dark side 5 corruption.


http://i.imgur.com/fPba3I1.jpg dark side 5


http://imgur.com/9rH9IsP yellow eyes


*links might be broken*


Problem is the yellow eyes are still wrong because it lacks the red ring and the red veins around it as well. The dark side npcs are good examples of well done sith eyes proper ones.

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lana's and malgus' sith eye colour should definitely be the eye colour throughout the dark side corruption, but arcann's eye colour imo looks different to the other sith eyes so if they don't make it the default sith corruption, they could make it a cm offer like the bright yellow, green and blue eyes they added before.


Hence I used Lana, Malgus, Vaylin and Zash as examples since they are the closest.

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