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Quarterly Producer Letter for Q2 2024 ×

Old companions for a boosted character...


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I've read and understand the part where all of our actions are pre-determined on a boosted character.


But do we still get access to the original companions?


I'm sure a million people have asked already, I just couldn't seem to find a thread on it.

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  • 2 months later...
I've read and understand the part where all of our actions are pre-determined on a boosted character.


But do we still get access to the original companions?


I'm sure a million people have asked already, I just couldn't seem to find a thread on it.


I was wondering this too. If i could just go through the original story line somewhere. Those empty achievement slots or starting to bug me.

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I've read and understand the part where all of our actions are pre-determined on a boosted character.


But do we still get access to the original companions?


I'm sure a million people have asked already, I just couldn't seem to find a thread on it.


Yes, you still get them.

You need to unlock them with the terminal if you want them back before the story reintroduces them though.

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I'm still finishing my main storyline and haven't done Hutt, or Revan. I hope by the time I get to KOTFE, the old companions will have a chance to be more part of the story, earlier, rather than later.


Well, Kaliyo will likely be back by the time you finish those... depending on how much time you have to play each day.

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Well, Kaliyo will likely be back by the time you finish those... depending on how much time you have to play each day.


Well actually, I play Sage and one of the best companions for dependable combat is Nadia, -- I hear that she won't be part of the story until MAYBE a while after ch. X

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Well actually, I play Sage and one of the best companions for dependable combat is Nadia, -- I hear that she won't be part of the story until MAYBE a while after ch. X


Unless BW has said I won't trust the internet. If Nadia isn't going to be a main character in KotFE with a set chapter appearance than she can come back at anytime. Just like Blizz got moved up because of the deal with EC.

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Well actually, I play Sage and one of the best companions for dependable combat is Nadia, -- I hear that she won't be part of the story until MAYBE a while after ch. X


Companions are now just skins. Any DPS "specc'd" companion will perform just as well as Nadia did for you prior to 4.0.

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  • 6 years later...
where is the terminal?

The terminal is on odessen. you should be able to bring all the originals back after losing them from the kotfe and kotet stories. Go to the alliance war room underground base and head towards the underworld logistics there should be a small room right before the bigger on the right and a terminal on the right that is a round shape with a galaxy holo map you can right click it (note it does not glow blue to indicate it is clickable)

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