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Is The Voice Actor Voice Jaesa Back?


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She wrote me a letter pretty early on. It was...




As to your question she doesn't voice anything in chapters 1-9. I don't believe she has any lines in the end game stuff but I'm not 100% on that.





You favor Dark Jaesa or Light Jaesa?

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No Jaesa in chapters 1-9... and you're saying no Jaesa in end game... I mean, she IS in KoTFE right? I mean I was looking forward to continuing this romance in general, but after receiving that letter, I became somewhat frantic for a bit. I mean, this romance WILL continue... right?


I mean jesus if not, I'll just romance the only ones that seem available so far, which is essentially everyone except the characters we romanced from our 1-50 story quests?


I'm pretty sure Lana and these new companions are compatible for a full blown romance (Lana is the only I've heard for sure) sooo... are they just making us wait longer for our original romances? Cruel, but worth if I know it's eventually going to be a reality but... I don't know. I've been googling non stop since I finished chapter 9 trying to find some sort of answer and I haven't found a single answer O_O


Someone tell me everything's going to be fine and that Jaesa's/other original romance will continue in future installments of KoTFE. She already sent a tragic letter mentioned above where she says

"Someone already seeks to replace you as the dark center of my universe."

.. u fkin w0t m8?


Surely she's a romance that's pursue-able in the expansion yes? I guess ultimately I just find it somewhat unfair that the Lanamancers/ every other romance option(?) in KoTFE aside from the original romancers get to start/reignite that right off the bat, while the rest of us have to wait for more... Or are others available already? I mean, as a Warrior, I feel like I've recruited half of every other class's companions (cept for Pierce: mah *****) and I was just looking for them companion/contract notices for some sign of Jaesa.


At any rate, KoTFE so far is amazing and has absolutely exceeded all my expectations...in terms of story. Combat is..sadly a mind numbing snoozefest faceroll; can't help but feel like companions are wayyyyy over tuned at the moment. Still, small price to pay for such a glorious creation of Bioware so far.


Sorry for rambling, just finished chapter 9 and I'm still kind of reeling and processing it all. Can't wait for the next chapter!

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She wrote me a letter pretty early on. It was...




As to your question she doesn't voice anything in chapters 1-9. I don't believe she has any lines in the end game stuff but I'm not 100% on that.





You favor Dark Jaesa or Light Jaesa?


DARK people where saying romanced companions come after chapter 9 ..... maybe she has dialogue then i hope... cause theres been nothing since the original release..

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Well, that's kind of the point of KotFE - to get rid of almost all the old companions in favor of a few new ones.


Oh sure, some old ones might make cameos, but the whole point of the expansion was to streamline stuff (ie, make it cheaper/quicker to produce future content)

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Hmm... Well, Jaesa did get a new line when she heals: "All healed". And I am pretty sure it's the same voice as always...


someone said you meet her and she is with the new guy she`s with and u can break is neck

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