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Marauder is OP


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I'm a level 37 trooper, and I go up against this level 29 Marauder in Alderaan (the planet not warzone). Long story short, he gets me down to half health before I kill him. Marauders need to be fixed ASAP... Edited by Miercat
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I'm a level 37 trooper, and I go up against this level 29 Marauder in Alderaan (the planet not warzone). Long story short, he gets me down to half health before I kill him. Marauders need to be fixed ASAP...


im sorry, but your statement as it's put atm hardly warrants a nerf to an entire class.


What are the details of the encounter? As it's stated right now it sounds like a better player got the jump on you. Could it be possible the marauder was geared out and you not so much? did he get the jump on you? Maybe your not in the same class skill wise as the marauder. Maybe the marauder player understands his class better than you know your own. Were all your CD's up?


so many variables left out of your post, you come off like your trying to bait a troll lol




anyway at the end of the day you still won so why the complaint?

Edited by KiLLGiLL
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It sounds like you can't play your class effectively. Trooper literally has a 2 button rotation that combined with your kb and stun enable you to do a ton of damage. Even vs a hard counter you have to seriously misplay the encounter to lose with that level discrepancy. So basically, L2P.
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