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Can't find the start of Chapter 1: The Hunt


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Tutorial says to "travel to my ship." I did that. The mission console isn't lit up. The intercom in my conference room and my holoterminal are both inactive. My space mission thing only shows, well, space missions. I can't launch my escape pod. My galaxy map doesn't have anything on it. Where the hell do I go to pick up "Chapter 1: The Hunt?"
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Found the "fix" but no one here will like it, least of all me. Everything is actually working as intended. If you check the "Terms and Conditions" section of the promotional page for Knights of the Fallen Empire, you will see that in order to acquire early access, you must have been subbed since the 10th of August up to today, consecutively. They bury this little fact under an avalanche of attention-grabber images, but it is there and it is the reason why most of us won't be able to play for another seven days.


I'm obviously angry about this. Information that critical should have been mentioned several times on the promo page, in massive neon lettering.


Not a total loss for me...still one class away from legendary status, so I can take care of that while I wait. But this is still BS. If I had known this, I would have subbed a lot sooner. Thanks for screwing us EA.

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Sorry friend, but was very VERY clear on the rewards page that you only qualifies to the early access if you are sub since aug 10th (and they extended, cause the first date was july 31th).


So you cant say they dont warning this...

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Sorry friend, but was very VERY clear on the rewards page that you only qualifies to the early access if you are sub since aug 10th (and they extended, cause the first date was july 31th).


So you cant say they dont warning this...


No, it wasn't. The wording on the page made it sound as though you could sub at any point within that time window and be fine. They only mention it in the terms and conditions section once, in smaller print, underneath all the attention-grabbers. They wouldn't have even been required (in the legal sense) to mention it in the terms and conditions section if they had adequately covered it in the FAQ, which is they it's there at all. If they had actually put that wording in the FAQ, there wouldn't have been a problem, but it would have been visible for everyone to see which would have meant more people getting early access. I'm guessing, for whatever reason, that was a problem that they wanted to avoid through sleezeball advertising tactics.

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No, it wasn't. The wording on the page made it sound as though you could sub at any point within that time window and be fine. They only mention it in the terms and conditions section once, in smaller print, underneath all the attention-grabbers. They wouldn't have even been required (in the legal sense) to mention it in the terms and conditions section if they had adequately covered it in the FAQ, which is they it's there at all. If they had actually put that wording in the FAQ, there wouldn't have been a problem, but it would have been visible for everyone to see which would have meant more people getting early access. I'm guessing, for whatever reason, that was a problem that they wanted to avoid through sleezeball advertising tactics.


Why read an FAQ when there's Terms and Conditions? That's where the terms and conditions are listed after all. :eek:

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You don't have to have subbed consecutively since 10 August. I haven't. But as I subbed on the four specific dates that gave us free stuff, I now have early access. It's all in the terms and conditions.


You sir - win this game :)


Its just another 6 days - I know at first the disappointment leads to immediate anger and flaming - but this period without KOTFE will pass. You can do it. You can find something else to do for a few days, let the build up increase and lead to excitement for these new adventures.

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its our fault, its a EA game so we should know that they try to hide the information after all they only care about money why do you think most of the games they make are trash?


Hide what?


They have posted here on the webpage, Twitter and Facebook.

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  • 3 weeks later...
You don't have to have subbed consecutively since 10 August. I haven't. But as I subbed on the four specific dates that gave us free stuff, I now have early access. It's all in the terms and conditions.


I've been a sub since the game began, with auto-renew,..took off for several months,.. still fully subbed and I do no have the mission available. ***.

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