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I ask the community a crossover question:


(I ask the following question/s here since I know this community is much more level headed than the ragers from other sites and has a ton of lore at their disposal)


I've always been a fan of both Star Wars and Warhammer 40K and recently have come across a number of threads pitting one personality against the other. The ones that interest me the most are the showdowns between Jedi/Sith and Psykers. Both groups control an incredible array of powers, destructive and otherwise but I'm wondering if force users have any mind reading or mind shielding techniques that are always on. Can Jedi/Sith influence people or stop their actions from a distance just by thinking it? I've read that Sith X can destroy a world with effort or Jedi Y can remove themselves from reality and come back (or something like that) but what happens when a psychic looks at them and simply thinks "Stop what your doing...forever" ? I keep thinking that psychic powers beat everything but I have hope for my beloved Sith.

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