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Returning player (Japan / APAC), LF Empire Guild (mainly pve / endgame)


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Hello everyone,


As title suggests, I'm looking for a new home on this server.


About myself

Main character ingame: Danyieru (Operative - Heal)


Played SWTOR since launch on EU servers and left just before the game introduced f2p model. Raid experience up to Denova and comfortable playing any role, endgame content experience as Jugg tank (former main), Merc heal and Sniper.

Now after a long break restarted again from scratch on US Harbinger as relocated to Japan a while ago. My character I currently consider my main is a heal Operative which I played through all RotHC, SoR content (except operations), but also took advantage of that 12x xp boost to level a few others close to 50.


I'm in my early thirties (31) and played MMO's for more than 10 years.


What I am looking for

  • Empire Guild which is active at APAC/Australian times (evening)
  • Guild which raids (or plans to do so) So-Thu, not on Fridays and Saturdays. Not everyday though.. willing to commit to two, max three days a week.
  • Spontaneous people, who like various types of content (pve, pvp, leveling, worldbosses, conquest).
  • Size is not as important as the type of people, which preferrably are laid back, mature, drama free and fun


If you think that I could be a good fit for your guild, please reply to this thread or contact me ingame.


cheers, Dan

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