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Andronikos Revel Cannot dual wield blasters any longer?


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What I find really weird with the companion weapon change is characters who previously wielded pistols and now can only wield rifles still have the pistol animations in cutscenes.

I was just in a cutscene with Kaliyo and she pointed he gun at someone but seeing as she now wields rifles instead of pistols she was holding nothing in her hand. I just looked weird.

Either they need to tweak the animation or just give the people who had pistols them back.

Its not game breaking just a small niggle for me.


Well, that would be easy just code her like the agent. The agent can't use pistols, but some cutscenes they magically have one.

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Please check the other characters also. There are bugs with so many companions not being able to use their old weapons. Quinn used to have a blaster and knife and now he only has his blaster slot. Also Mako and Gault, same thing, no knife slot. Skadge has slots for his dual weapons but can no longer dual wield weapons. No offense but what happened? Why have the companions have their individuality taken from them. It is what made the game interesting was the uniqueness of different companions.


You never saw the knife, it was just for stats. With no stats there is no need for the knife. Any secondary that has no bearing on actual functionality has been removed.


As for their uniqueness, the only one changed is HK-51 as far as unique ones go. Tharan Cedrax can still "Deploy Holiday" and such.


Possible agent spoiler


Even Doctor Lokin iS BETTER IMO because when tanking or dpsing he transforms into a rakghoul as his 'weapon pull' so when combat starts, RAWRRRR then when combat ends then "Rakghoul? What rakghoul?"


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  • 3 months later...

Better fix cutscenes with missing second weapon as well...

Thats not only Corso and Andronikos... ALL PLAYABLE CLASSES and COMPANIONS that DUAL WIELD have that issue. My merc is running with single blaster in all cutscenes :mad:


And Torian is using sith powers with tank stance...


And all melee dps companions are teleporting " forward and backward" after leap....


And a lot of more things that you broke with KOTFE

Edited by PatrykJesionek
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  • 3 months later...

Andronikos for me is not crafting at all. I send him on the mission and if I move, mount do anything he just stops and time is not counting back. The other issue with him (for me anyway, I don't know whether someone else has the same problem) that the max item I could get him craft at the same time (of course queing after each other) was 2!.

Did someone else face this problem?

Would appreciate help with it.

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