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Datacrons Not Unlocked?


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I noticed it too. My Rep-Side didn't unlock my Imp-Side datacrons. So I just logged in Imp-side and got the rest.

Glad someone was able to help you with that. There's a few minor quirks, but similar stuff happened with other legacy achievements/unlocks in the past as well, so it was a good assumption. :D

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  • Dev Post
Did you try logging in on all your characters first? I wonder if the legacy gets updated as the game checks the datacrons achieved on that individual character.


I just wanted to get this post highlighted on the dev tracker for anyone that runs into this issue.



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No Eric, logging in on characters who did get it is not granting the achievement.


You might want to confirm that the character in question did get them. Worked perfectly for myself and people in this thread so far. If it still isn't working, try another character, try getting the datacron, or try a bug request.

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So… I can only unlock the datacrons only on one server then?


I transferred a character to carry over the legacy unlocks a few days ago. She did not pick any datacrons herself, but I assumed the Legacy data was stored on her. I guess I will not be able to unlock anything off her then?


Do I need to unlock all the datacrons on my main server, THEN transfer one of the characters to the new server? Or do I need to carry all of the 4 different characters that collected the datacrons for me across to the new server, log into them there…




Or it won’t work anyway and you simply cannot carry datacrons unlocks across servers?

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Logged into all my characters so far and noticed the fleet datacron is not showing up. Its been years but I recall doing it when the game launched getting the +10 to all stats. Anything else I should be looking for?
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Same issue here. It says I dont have the Tython datacrons yet I have the Datacron Master title and when I check planetary locations under achievements I have completed the datacron achievement for Tython. Logged all my characters in several times and has not fixed it.
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Did you try logging in on all your characters first? I wonder if the legacy gets updated as the game checks the datacrons achieved on that individual character.


I just wanted to get this post highlighted on the dev tracker for anyone that runs into this issue.




While this is ok, sometimes a few of us have got achievements with toons we deleted. Do we still get the grant or do we have to get those crons again :confused:

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While this is ok, sometimes a few of us have got achievements with toons we deleted. Do we still get the grant or do we have to get those crons again :confused:


No currently it seems as if unless you can log in with the characters who got them they will have to be gotten again.


Fortunatly for me! 90% of the datacrons were gathered just prior to 4.0 with a single character with a trooper who picked up the "unique" republic datacrons, though I did need to transfer my knight back to my main server just for that pesky fleet datacron.

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  • 3 weeks later...
So anything on a fix for datacrons not showing up in legacy? I have the datacron master title but still missing some of them them on legacy. How is this possible? Why did you set it up to look at the toons individually instead of looking at the legacy achievement? I am sure that the toon I got the missing datacrons on has long been deleted. Most likely was from a toon a deleted on a server that i no longer play on due to low population.
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So anything on a fix for datacrons not showing up in legacy? I have the datacron master title but still missing some of them them on legacy. How is this possible? Why did you set it up to look at the toons individually instead of looking at the legacy achievement? I am sure that the toon I got the missing datacrons on has long been deleted. Most likely was from a toon a deleted on a server that i no longer play on due to low population.


Then you'll have to go and get it.

It looks at the flags that were on your account, not the achievement you achieved for getting them all. This is why you have to switch accounts around.

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