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My favorite GSF moment


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I was trying to get a few quick games in this morning on Harbinger since I was going to be out of town for the next few days. So I solo queued Imp side and got matched against a very new-looking Pub team in a 8v8 Kuat Dom match. I wanted to take it easy on them so I decided to get some req for my Razorwire and just hold a node.


The match started and I headed straight to B and capped it unopposed. I laid my mines and started surfing the forums on my other monitor. Out of the corner of my eye I see this slow-moving blue projectile moving across my screen headed to the middle of nowhere. I boost over to the sat and find a half-dead, motionless GS sitting right next to one of our turrets. As the turret and I finished him off I saw the message "Player has destroyed Trivers' Interdiction Mine" and then it finally dawned on me. This poor, brave pilot face tanked a turret so he could get a proton lock on my mine. As I basked in the glow of the protorp explosion, I pooped out another mine, chuckled, and went back to surfing the Internet.


I have seen some strange things in GSF, but that might be the strangest. I have no idea what their name was and I don't mean to be mean, but it was just such a bizarre play.

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  • 2 weeks later...

My favorite GSF moment:


I'd been flying a low-req rampart. I'm a decent-but-not-awesome pilot. I'd managed to solo-kill an ace pilot on the enemy side twice this particular match. I forget who it was at this point lol. I also utilized some very aggressive hyperspace beacon placement. Drakolich was on my team. At the end of the match, he said in GSF chat:


"Who was that guy flying the bomber? Nice flying!"


The Drakolich seal of approval. Mafavoritegsfthingever. Does that make me pathetic? Maybe. Idgad.


But I still say there should totally be an achievement for that. xD

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My personal favorite moment was a few months ago, i had just put enough req into my meager scout fighter to make it survivable for longer than 20 seconds so i solo queued and hopped into a GSF match, s*** hit the fan quick as things always do and we were down by about 200 or so points in standard domination and climbing fast as they three capped, then someone typed out "we can do this we just need to work together and fly as a team" and so, thinking to myself why the heck not i flew in behind him and typed out "i've got your six" as a minor joke and we flew towards A in formation, as two more joined in. the scouts (me and one other) broke off and rushed in to draw fire away from the bomber flying slowly into position as our fourth wingman kept close to take out any who didn't take the bait, we breached through the line and kept the enemy off as long as possible as the rest of the team fought over B, by the end of it my ship was ready to die in one or two well placed shots and we were all looking pretty ragard as suddenly B gets capped a few seconds after A and the team splits to form two defence groups allowing us to not only catch up but win the match. Teamwork like that is hard to find, even harder when with a pub. saw a unicorn that match, shame didn't last for the rest of em i played that day.
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