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Quarterly Producer Letter for Q2 2024 ×

What things are you wrapping up pre 4.0?


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My mission the past month has been to get every class to 60 and finish ziost, get all comps to 100% affection ( I know they are changing it in 4.0 but I get to keep my presence and heroic moment increases so, I'm fine) and collect all datacrons (which I wrapped up today on rishi on my knight)


What is everyone else doing before kotfe drops? I'm curious!

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Trooper is the last story I had left before I could get legendary status in Fallen Empire, currently on Chapter 3 on Belsavis. Will go on a Trooper binge for hours soon.


You know, if it wasn't for that legendary status thing I wouldn't have ever found out how cool the Trooper story is. Even though every Imperial class story, save for the Bounty Hunter, is better than most of the Republic class stories (Knight, Smuggler), I was happily surprised to find that I can rank the Trooper story as #2 after the Jedi Consular on the blue side :) no regrets, Havoc Squad rocks!


Other than that, I'm just expecting Fallen Empire like everyone else.

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Managed to get 100% on the Bounty Week event, then Galactic Hero, then Datacron Master. Did the Makeb achievement before it vanishes. Wish I could farm some more credits but, alas, real work and real money must come before play-work and play-money :rak_03:
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Finishing leveling a couple alts, getting clothes for my characters/companions, and datacrons! I wanted to get all those while I could still power through mobs on lower level planets. No agro makes datacron hunting easy. Champion mob in the way? No problem for a level 60. Plus, if the datacrons get changed over to mainstat as well, that just means you will want all of them on your legacy. Mo powah!


So yes, datacrons and achievements.

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For me, i have crafted armorings and mods, bought a might hilt, Satele Shan's gear set with a red and black dye for make it sithy looking and when the expansion goes into early access on Tuesday, i plan to get the materials via the items from the cartel packs to get the materials from those scavengers and then crafting the level 9 enhancements...i think you can make level 9 versions..
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I see that nobody has mentioned datacrons. I sincerely hope that the new legacy datacron stuff will be grandfathered, because I sure as hell don't want to do them all again.


personally, I didn't mention them cause I did them months ago for the deco. but I've seen people here mention farming them up as well.

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I did a Lightside Jaesa just to see the companion quests because I never did lightside sith. Other than that just using the last bit of 12x to get some of my alts to 55.


Been a fun ride. Will be nice to start a fresh character and see the planet arcs again or in the case of Republic see them for the first time as I did not do any planet arcs during the 12x for pub side.

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I'm spending some quality time writing down my toons' specs and missions. All my 12 toons are on Rishi and have reached Level 60. Some are half-way through and some are at the end. One is on Yavin. So what I want to know is how bad this Level Synch is going to be. It's not that I want to go back to Hutta and kick butt. That's not necessary. But I worked long and hard to get myself to 60 by the end of Rishi because staying just a little bit ahead of the curve makes it easier and more fun for me. It doesn't affect anyone else because I don't group and don't do PvP. But I do try to do green missions instead of orange missions. And yes, you can still get killed on green missions if you don't pay attention.


So the question I need answered is how bad this Level Synch is going to nerf my toons. My secondary question is how badly my crafting has been nerfed. I also worked long and hard to get to 500 in all the skills, but now they seem to be moving stuff around for no apparent reason. Why did they need to move enhancements from artifice to cybertech? This hardly "balances" artifice; it leaves it with little to do except some dyes, and since everyone who crafts in earnest has all the skills anyway, "balance" isn't really necessary.


They've also decided that high level schematics can only be had by doing ops. That's kind of like saying an armorer who makes guns can only find the pieces if he enters combat to get them. The reasoning for this is difficult to fathom and affects anyone who crafts. We're not all hardened warriors.


So the overall question is whether I can play the game in the manner I would like to and have done for the last three years or whether BW has managed to screw up the game to the point that it is no longer fun for me to play. If all my level 60 toons are suddenly "Level Synched" to 57 or 56 for Rishi, and my crafting has been trashed, then that shows me how much BW respects me as a player. My subscription is up the first week in November. I've already removed my card so that it does not auto-renew. That will make for a nice and easy exit if that becomes necessary.


I guess we'll see.

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As of right now, I have finished the 8 class stories on two servers (one of which is EU), so when I transfer a character from EH to BC, it should copy the information pertaining to chapter completion, and thus give me legendary status on all three of my servers.


All I need to do now, is get the HK parts from the FPs, especially the HM one, and complete Ziost on one Rep and one Imp.

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Taking advantage of the 12x xp boost. Making some machinima. Savoring the experience minus all those pesky planetary distraction quests. Leveled a new Jedi. Now working on my 2nd agent because I love the story so much. I have no intentions of being 60 by the time the expansion is released (nor of making a level 60 character from scratch). I like to ease in to things ;)
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