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Can we get Nico Okarr at all?


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There is only 1 advantage to having him, and that's getting him at level 1. And he's useless then, cause the mobs all die with one hit anyway. The problem is that people want him simply because they can't have him. Doesn't matter that they have so many companions they can't keep track. Doesn't matter that he doesn't talk, add to cutscenes or that he'd never get served alcohol cause he doesn't look anything like his photo. They can't have him, so they want him all the more.


This isn't entitlement on the part of the people who have him, not wanting others to have him too. It's entitlement from the whiners because they don't like being told "No". They're just going to keep on whining and crying and stamping their feet, like a kid in a sweet shop, till they get what they want.


Maybe we should start calling them "Violets", after the Charlie and the Chocolate Factory character.

Exaggeration and hyperbole do not make you appear in a bright light. There were people just asking to extend the initial offer and that's it. Since the thread got bumped nobody threatened to rage sub quit, nobody insulted Bioware. I saw nobody "whine, cry and stamp their feet". And yet it appears you feel threatened by "whiny childs" , since you could not just move on and ignore the thread.


Secondly if you don't understand why people prefer having some companions over others, and you choose to reduce all those reasons to just "entitlement because they cant have him, those whiny childs", then you're proving further you are beyond rational discussion material. Keep belittling people and give them nicknames if that's what makes you feel superior and better. Don't bother respond to that , I won't be able to read it anyway.

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There is only 1 advantage to having him, and that's getting him at level 1. And he's useless then, cause the mobs all die with one hit anyway. The problem is that people want him simply because they can't have him. Doesn't matter that they have so many companions they can't keep track. Doesn't matter that he doesn't talk, add to cutscenes or that he'd never get served alcohol cause he doesn't look anything like his photo. They can't have him, so they want him all the more.


This isn't entitlement on the part of the people who have him, not wanting others to have him too. It's entitlement from the whiners because they don't like being told "No". They're just going to keep on whining and crying and stamping their feet, like a kid in a sweet shop, till they get what they want.


Maybe we should start calling them "Violets", after the Charlie and the Chocolate Factory character.


Its the people that have him and dont want anyone else to have him that are the special snowflakes. they think that others getting him will make them somehow less special. It work both ways. I have him and use him for crafting only, he really isnt all that good

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I don't see any reason why everyone shouldn't get Nico as an Alliance Alert companion mission after Chapter 16. Companions have been devalued to the point of pets at this point, no individual companion matters more than the rest 99% of the time. I already have him, but I've found myself gravitating toward each character's class companions more and more to retain some small semblance of individual identity among my characters.


Give the people Nico! He's an uncustomizable, generic companion that was intriguing as a reward back when companions were hard to come by, but there's no reason he should be exclusive anymore.

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All companions are the same, except for Lana, she seems like the best healer in game. I wasn't around for Niko and don't care one iota, like really, don't care at all. He's another cardboard box that I see plenty of player with anyways, which is interesting because people think hes rare but I see him everywhere, which doesn't make him feel rare at all - its like the Founder title and Legendary status icons, I sat in fleet spawn once and literally saw everyone around me with a founder title and I felt like a clone so I took mine off. Wish I could take away the legendary icon too.
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Exaggeration and hyperbole do not make you appear in a bright light. There were people just asking to extend the initial offer and that's it. Since the thread got bumped nobody threatened to rage sub quit, nobody insulted Bioware. I saw nobody "whine, cry and stamp their feet". And yet it appears you feel threatened by "whiny childs" , since you could not just move on and ignore the thread.


Secondly if you don't understand why people prefer having some companions over others, and you choose to reduce all those reasons to just "entitlement because they cant have him, those whiny childs", then you're proving further you are beyond rational discussion material. Keep belittling people and give them nicknames if that's what makes you feel superior and better. Don't bother respond to that , I won't be able to read it anyway.


The initial offer WAS extended, as well as adding in a token for you to get him at level 1, because people complained that it wasn't specifically mentioned you only get him after Chapter 9 (clarification needed).


And every time you add a post onto this - begging or demanding for Nico to be given out again - that is you whining, crying, and stamping your feet. You've already been told "No". Learn to accept that not everything in life is going to go your way. Even children learn to accept when they are told "No sweets". Maybe you should too.


If these people wanted the companion so much, maybe they should have followed the very simple rules for receiving him. The same as the companions in the new LS/DS Event (can't wait for the posts about THAT). If you don't fill the criteria for getting them, you don't get them.


Unless you think you are a special case and that the rules shouldn't apply to you.

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The initial offer WAS extended, as well as adding in a token for you to get him at level 1, because people complained that it wasn't specifically mentioned you only get him after Chapter 9 (clarification needed).


And every time you add a post onto this - begging or demanding for Nico to be given out again - that is you whining, crying, and stamping your feet. You've already been told "No". Learn to accept that not everything in life is going to go your way. Even children learn to accept when they are told "No sweets". Maybe you should too.


If these people wanted the companion so much, maybe they should have followed the very simple rules for receiving him. The same as the companions in the new LS/DS Event (can't wait for the posts about THAT). If you don't fill the criteria for getting them, you don't get them.


Unless you think you are a special case and that the rules shouldn't apply to you.


What's truly sad is that the OP's question was answered in the first few posts. Then some "speculators" chimed in to give false hope to those that didn't qualify. Then that false hope turned into "It's not fair." and "We should be able to get Nico, too." Now, 60 pages, and 8 months later, they're still whining about it.


Then they get mad and call those of us who have tried so many times to explain the system to them in simple terms, in logical terms, and in terms a rock could understand, trolls, elitist snobs, etc.



This is almost as pathetic as that thread to enable AC swapping because even though people are still posting in it, they know deep down that it'll never happen.


Edited by PorsaLindahl
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Its the people that have him and dont want anyone else to have him that are the special snowflakes. they think that others getting him will make them somehow less special. It work both ways. I have him and use him for crafting only, he really isnt all that good


It's much more pragmatic then this.


It was an exclusive incentive to get people to subscribe by X date. That promotion has long ago expired.


IF the studio now takes exclusive subscribers incentives and makes them available to everyone ... then they are undercutting the leverage that exclusive subscriber incentives provide the studio on an ongoing basis. Players will simply wait them out and not take advantage of the incentives if they know they will be able to get them some other way later on.


It's not going to happen.. not because one group of players or another are "special snowflakes"... but rather because the studio understands the value of subscription incentives and keeping them exclusive to the original requirements.

Edited by Andryah
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It's much more pragmatic then this.


It was an exclusive incentive to get people to subscribe by X date. That promotion has long ago expired.


IF the studio now takes exclusive subscribers incentives and makes them available to everyone one... then they are undercutting the leverage that exclusive subscriber incentives provide the studio.


It's not going to happen.. not because one group of players or another are "special snowflakes"... but rather because the studio understands the value of subscription incentives and keeping them exclusive to the original requirements.


Logic does not mix well with this group. Many of us have tried that route already. Nice explanation though. You tried. I can already imagine the off-the-wall responses you'll get from it.

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Logic does not mix well with this group. Many of us have tried that route already. Nice explanation though. You tried. I can already imagine the off-the-wall responses you'll get from it.


Same as the rest of us got when we explained it reasonably. :t_frown:

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Logic does not mix well with this group. Many of us have tried that route already. Nice explanation though. You tried. I can already imagine the off-the-wall responses you'll get from it.


Indeed. :)


But it is necessary to give it some effort from time to time, lest the dampening rods slide completely out of the reactor. Some players want the reactor to go over critical.. some want to keep it from melting down. :p


Happily, the studio has a better grasp on how incentives work, and why, then some of the players do. :D

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Indeed. :)


But it is necessary to give it some effort from time to time, lest the dampening rods slide completely out of the reactor. Some players want the reactor to go over critical.. some want to keep it from melting down. :p


Happily, the studio has a better grasp on how incentives work, and why, then some of the players do. :D

It has nothing to do with logic. it went way beyond that point.


People who bumped the thread asked Bioware to reconsider that's all.


Now there is a group of people who cannot move on and ignore the thread. They feel the need to address the askers in a derogatory tone, and think they know better; that the persons they belittle did not read their arguments and could not grasp that it was a special limited offer. Honestly, they got it. It is unnecessary to insult and belittle the players who just ask the company to reconsider that move.

Therein lies the disgusting attitude. If you're fed up with people asking for re-enabling X specific limited feature for acquisition, just move on and ignore them. There is no winning argument that will make askers shut up, seriously.

The move is terrible since it is supposed to reward people who were subbed at a precise period. But it also make people who weren't there feel punished. Even if in the future you make sure to sub to not miss such offers, that feeling won't go away. So Bioware , please reconsider, and haters leave me alone.

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It has nothing to do with logic. it went way beyond that point.


People who bumped the thread asked Bioware to reconsider that's all.


Now there is a group of people who cannot move on and ignore the thread. They feel the need to address the askers in a derogatory tone, and think they know better; that the persons they belittle did not read their arguments and could not grasp that it was a special limited offer. Honestly, they got it. It is unnecessary to insult and belittle the players who just ask the company to reconsider that move.

Therein lies the disgusting attitude. If you're fed up with people asking for re-enabling X specific limited feature for acquisition, just move on and ignore them. There is no winning argument that will make askers shut up, seriously.

The move is terrible since it is supposed to reward people who were subbed at a precise period. But it also make people who weren't there feel punished. Even if in the future you make sure to sub to not miss such offers, that feeling won't go away. So Bioware , please reconsider, and haters leave me alone.


They aren't going to they think their entitled to it and no one else is because they were subbed for the duration asked. I knew about Nico, I didn't sub for him. I found he wasn't an insentive to sub for, I wanted the KOTOR bike more. Now speaking as someone who got that bike and HK-55 two things I actually wanted. I use these as an example. If they were to reissue the KOTOR bike and the HK-55 companion it would not bother me. I don't feel I'm entitled to tell people they can't have them nor do I feel it is my call. I will support their reasoning to ask for it and allow them to ask even if I won't comment back because I already have them and don't need them but that doesn't mean people who support it should be bashed by the player base and put their biased entitling opinions in. It gets off topic and why the rules need a bit of a change where topics like this people who support it should comment and people who don't should not reply and if they do they should be reported for not sticking to topic and causing problems.

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Logic does not mix well with this group. Many of us have tried that route already. Nice explanation though. You tried. I can already imagine the off-the-wall responses you'll get from it.


pretty sure I have explained logically why I think people should have an opportunity to get him (at a cost), and the precedent to make that idea palatable (Nar Shadaa stronghold - subscribers during promotion got 5 (or 3) rooms at not additional cost, everyone else has to pay full price)


but to reiterate why - right now, he IS just a cardboard cutout. a character with iconic swtor role - as iconic as Shae VIszla in fact... has been reduced to silent nods and occasional hangover complaint during fights. as long as he remains exclusive, those of us that already have him (yes, I HAVE HIM, before people forget to read that part and start claiming I want something I'm not entitled to) - will never get anything else out of him. he is the equivalent of an ack dog or one of the multiple droids right now. if he were to be available again? then incentive for bioware to actualy do something with him storywise? would be much higher. and those of us that have him? would win so much more this way

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They aren't going to they think their entitled to it and no one else is because they were subbed for the duration asked. I knew about Nico, I didn't sub for him. I found he wasn't an insentive to sub for, I wanted the KOTOR bike more. Now speaking as someone who got that bike and HK-55 two things I actually wanted. I use these as an example. If they were to reissue the KOTOR bike and the HK-55 companion it would not bother me. I don't feel I'm entitled to tell people they can't have them nor do I feel it is my call. I will support their reasoning to ask for it and allow them to ask even if I won't comment back because I already have them and don't need them but that doesn't mean people who support it should be bashed by the player base and put their biased entitling opinions in. It gets off topic and why the rules need a bit of a change where topics like this people who support it should comment and people who don't should not reply and if they do they should be reported for not sticking to topic and causing problems.
Well indeed I don't understand the sense of their intervention, what are they trying to achieve.

They can explain umpteenth times the conditions of the offer. And why Nico is still out of reach. Then what?

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Personally it just tweaks my OCD that I'll never be able to collect the achievement, and it will be just sitting there empty no matter what I do. Just make the achievement hidden or something.


^ THIS. Strewth, it's like the devs hate completionists and those with mild OCD :(

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I have mixed feeling about this. I was a subscriber at launch but quit about 2 years in. Had I known about the offer, I probably would have subbed again just to get Nico.


However, I understand the people who were subscribed during that offer not wanting the companion to be offered again.


TLDR - I feel bad that I missed the boat.

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I have mixed feeling about this. I was a subscriber at launch but quit about 2 years in. Had I known about the offer, I probably would have subbed again just to get Nico.


However, I understand the people who were subscribed during that offer not wanting the companion to be offered again.


TLDR - I feel bad that I missed the boat.

Excatly in the same position, missed the timeframe as not being aware of it and been there since D1.

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I just have one question....why is that stupid companion so important when you can get 30 companions? He isn't even that great. Honestly, I use him on planet 1, and then when I get my first companion, he is stabled.


With that said, honestly, nowadays, I could care less if they put him on the CM. Put him on for like 1000cc, if people want him that bad, it will be income for the game.

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I just have one question....why is that stupid companion so important when you can get 30 companions? He isn't even that great. Honestly, I use him on planet 1, and then when I get my first companion, he is stabled.


Exactly. His only advantage is you can use him at level 1... which in today's game lasts about 20-30 minutes before you are at level 10 and have your first story companion.


And given companions are all essentially the same in terms of skills and contribution... he's not really unique other then his skin and dialogs which are ... meh.. IMO.


But you know human nature... people always want what they cannot have, or that someone else has. And humans being clever creatures... they will invent all manner of reasons and pretense for why they feel they deserve Nico.

Edited by Andryah
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While idgaf about the companions, party javas and every other exclusive sub reward, i'm mildly irritated about game content being exclusive( talking about the bonus chapter). While in this case it's not a big deal since it's only a story and i can just watch it on youtube, i still think it's a very bad precedent and i really hope that's the last time they do something so idiotic.
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