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Jung Ma Granked!


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In an attempt to get Granked Going on Jung Ma, I set this site up. We are going to work it like a football season. Rules will be posted as more teams register. We will talk end of season prize and championship stuff.


Enjoy. Site is still in progress so dont judge too harshly. Been busy getting ready for KOTFE like everyone else.



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I would like to expand on this and invite anyone that is interested in group ranked to gather or form a team and enter this League.


The structure of this League will be similar to that of most sports schedules. Each team will battle against other teams through group ranked in either a best of one or best of three format over the course of several weeks. At the end of the regular season there will be a playoff where the top teams will fight for a spot in the finals. The final match will be in a best of five format to crown the number one team on Jung Ma.


There will be a prize pool of credits and the top three teams will receive large sums of credits.


If a member of a ranked team is able to stream or capture their match, we will find someone to commentate and publish the match on Twitch and YouTube.


I'm really excited that Kroanus has created this League and I am willing to help it progress in any way that I can.


If you or your guild have ever thought about making a ranked team, now is the time!


Also, if you know of any guilds, individual players, or other groups that may be interested in this League please feel free to invite them.


I would love to see as many teams possible in this coming League Season to bring something positive back to our server and our player base.


Thanks and good luck!

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I'd like to help on pub side to get interest for ranked in the new season. With all the new abilities out I'm excited to see how viable certain specs are in arena.


I'll definitely keep ACoy updated on any updates about ranked. We have players who'd be up for it

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What days/times?


I can have a team there.


They dates and times have not yet been finalized, but will be decided by the release of KoTFE and several weeks in advance to the League season beginning by assessing the dates and times availability of the teams submitted in the forums linked in the original post.


With that in mind, due to the nature of our server we will be able to maintain a greater amount of flexibility in our scheduling. Yes there will be a standardized date and time for the matches, but if a team submits a legitimate reason to minutely alter the date/time of their match I see no reason why it cannot be considered and accepted as long as it is not an obscene amount of time. As long as the postponement is less than a week in length and will not interfere with any following matches we should be fine.

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I'd like to help on pub side to get interest for ranked in the new season. With all the new abilities out I'm excited to see how viable certain specs are in arena.


I'll definitely keep ACoy updated on any updates about ranked. We have players who'd be up for it


Sounds great, I believe that Sanctuary, Systems Commonwealth, and Acoy are both great guilds that could put together good teams. I'm sure there are even more that I'm not aware of.

Edited by xThe-Zohan
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