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Log out Stronghold - Log in Fleet?


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Hey, an annoying bug keeps happening to me, seemingly at random...



I'll log out in my Dromund Kaas stronghold, log back in and be on Fleet, at Korriban Departures... happens randomly, to any of my chars... no rhyme or reason to it...

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I've had this happen a few times, but not often. It's like the game forgets where the character was when logged out.


Consider yourself lucky. There have been times when trying to log in a character that's supposed to be in a stronghold that the character gets caught up in limbo. The loading bar only fills about half way and stops. In cases like this, the only way to fix it is to call CS and ask them reset the character.


Compared to that, it's just a minor inconvenience to load on fleet instead of the stronghold.

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There's another reason to avoid logging out in your SH. If you warp there from a planet, and then log out, when you come back, it forgets where on the planet you were before warping to the SH. (Or so they tell me. I've never actually done it.)


Yeah. The "Return to <previous location>" option is what's broken if you log out. Learned the hard way not to use that on a fresh log in. It works fine if you need to pop "home" to get something from your cargo hold, gtn or whatever, then port back to the planet without logging.

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