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Mobo/CPU help


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I need to know what would be the best for me as my new cpu will be: http://www.newegg.com/Product/Product.aspx?Item=N82E16819103934 for sure. I am looking at this: http://www.bestbuy.com/site/Asus+-+M5A88-V+EVO+Desktop+Motherboard+-+AMD+-+Socket+AM3+PGA-941/4580631.p?id=1218492351579&skuId=4580631&st=ASRock%20970%20EXTREME4%20AM3+%20AMD%20970%20SATA%206Gb/s%20USB%203.0%20ATX%20AMD%20Motherboard%20with%20UEFI%20BIOS&cp=1&lp=5


My Motherboard NEEDS to come from Best Buy though and i was wondering if that would be a good one if not could someone help me find one?

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I need to know what would be the best for me as my new cpu will be: http://www.newegg.com/Product/Product.aspx?Item=N82E16819103934 for sure. I am looking at this: http://www.bestbuy.com/site/Asus+-+M5A88-V+EVO+Desktop+Motherboard+-+AMD+-+Socket+AM3+PGA-941/4580631.p?id=1218492351579&skuId=4580631&st=ASRock%20970%20EXTREME4%20AM3+%20AMD%20970%20SATA%206Gb/s%20USB%203.0%20ATX%20AMD%20Motherboard%20with%20UEFI%20BIOS&cp=1&lp=5


My Motherboard NEEDS to come from Best Buy though and i was wondering if that would be a good one if not could someone help me find one?


i would recommend this one http://www.newegg.com/Product/Product.aspx?Item=N82E16819103849


you get 2 extra cores for just under 20$ extra


then you have this mobo for that CPU



you would have a to put in a little extra money but it would be for the best :)

Edited by Rizzzler
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First question, why does it NEED to come from Best-Buy?


I like the board, have always had good luck with Asus technology but I have had better luck with MSI but that's opinion.


I've got about $180 in cash alone, but I have $150 at BB since the CPU at BB I can have one or the other so the Mobo needs to be from there.

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i would recommend this one http://www.newegg.com/Product/Product.aspx?Item=N82E16819103849


you get 2 extra cores for just under 20$ extra


then you have this mobo for that CPU



you would have a to put in a little extra money but it would be for the best :)


Is the lose of GHz worth it? idk much about mobos/cpus so

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I've got about $180 in cash alone, but I have $150 at BB since the CPU at BB I can have one or the other so the Mobo needs to be from there.


Okay gotcha then lol. See if you can get the board that was posted up in the post before your last one from there. Geek squad guys can do ordering so check with them, it's an MSI board and just believe that those boards are better quality and they have a great return policy for anything that may be bad. Make sure that you change out your Power Supply also since a new board may take a differnt amount of power. If you have a PSU less than 600w I would say get one at 750-1000w to make sure you can push anything and everything you may put on it.

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Okay gotcha then lol. See if you can get the board that was posted up in the post before your last one from there. Geek squad guys can do ordering so check with them, it's an MSI board and just believe that those boards are better quality and they have a great return policy for anything that may be bad. Make sure that you change out your Power Supply also since a new board may take a differnt amount of power. If you have a PSU less than 600w I would say get one at 750-1000w to make sure you can push anything and everything you may put on it.


My PSU is at 600W I was going to risk it since my GPU hardly uses my psu so if it didn't work I was going to be like : "Eh now I have to wait." Also that mobo is at BB but is the lose in GHz really worth it?

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My PSU is at 600W I was going to risk it since my GPU hardly uses my psu so if it didn't work I was going to be like : "Eh now I have to wait." Also that mobo is at BB but is the lose in GHz really worth it?


Yes it's worth it, and trust me when I tell you that if you don't get the higher wattage PSU then you may regret it. I would HIGHLY recommend that you get a 750+ W PSU to be safe.

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Yes it's worth it, and trust me when I tell you that if you don't get the higher wattage PSU then you may regret it. I would HIGHLY recommend that you get a 750+ W PSU to be safe.


I want one badly, but I don't have the money yet and I'm trying to build a new PC. I might be able to afford it idk actually. Uh my questions is if the PSU won't run all it will do is crash and won't run until I switch them out right?

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I want one badly, but I don't have the money yet and I'm trying to build a new PC. I might be able to afford it idk actually. Uh my questions is if the PSU won't run all it will do is crash and won't run until I switch them out right?


I am sure that a 600w PSU will run it, it's just that when you run high end games and the like your system pushes harder and you will start to see noticable differences since your not able to give the power that you need. When you get the PSU just make sure to go to Newegg.com to get it cause the ones on there are very reasonabe on price.

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Yes it's worth it, and trust me when I tell you that if you don't get the higher wattage PSU then you may regret it. I would HIGHLY recommend that you get a 750+ W PSU to be safe.


Considering you have no clue what videocard the OP has you have no basis for telling him/her they they "need" a 750w or higher PSU...


OP, what videocard do you have?

Edited by iain_b
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