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Watchman Sentinel Healing & General Abilities


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I'm just wondering why every other class has overpowered shields and healing abilities i have to rely on


Merciless Zeal granting %15 heal for damage dealt by:


Overlord Sabre 3 melee attacks burn the target for 959 elemental damage (319 damage per attack x3 )

Cauterize 1180-1356 and additional 3327 over 6 seconds (203.4 + 554 damage per second)

Force melt 4851 over 15 seconds (323 damage per second)


Assuming you stack up on all these at the same time that's 1399 damage per second (not taking into consideration crit chance) x %15 healing bonus = (209.85 heals per second not adequate in relation to other classes DPS to stay alive)


Then i have the combat proficiency option of Zealous Ward which is %3 of maximum health per second when attacked which turns out to be about 1085.15 health per second if attacked for 12 seconds (13020 heal in total) every 3 minutes based on current health (36172) ....


Being a sentinel i get targeted by all the other classes who have so many knock-backs and chain stuns and stealth openers. it feels like an eternity being stunned and i can go from %100 - 0 just from chain stuns with what feels like no diminishing returns from damage.


Wouldn't mind being on par with every other class here are my list of demands :p



1) Make Master strike a stun and immune to cc instead of an immobilise in combat proficiencies because people just stun and or knock you back to prevent this ability from being useful.


2) Make Guarded By The Force useable in huttball fire pits why wouldn't this be effective against fire as it used to be? people are shooting at you with laser beams o.0. I bet all the classes that bump/drag you into fire pits complained about this. We have a leap stun which isint effective on consular sprint. And no knock backs or drags at all and they own us in huttball.


3) Make Merciless Zeal %20-25% of Damage dealt a heal and also to include Merciless Slash & perhaps Blade Storm to overcome being globaled by ranged classes.


4) Make Zealous Ward At least %8 heal 3200 per second if attacked (healing for 38400 based on 40000 life)


5) Make Twin Sabre throw a 1s or 2s stun on top of damage (need a ranged stun for ranged classes)


6) Make Saber Ward a 2m cooldown (we are lacking survivability in relation to ranged and stealth classes and we are meant to be the jedi elite DPS)


7) Make Force Melt half of its current duration from 15 seconds. (you die in less than 15 seconds while waiting for damage to do anything lol)


This would make the game more enjoyable for me and every other sentinel who relies on healers as ive noticed in Warzones. i don't think this would be considered overpowered taking into consideration every other class has stuns and knock backs. And we are meant to be the elite jedi in comparison to every other class i mean star wars is about jedi's isint it? lol

Edited by Extortioninc
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1) Make Master strike a stun and immune to cc instead of an immobilise in combat proficiencies because people just stun and or knock you back to prevent this ability from being useful.


Broken As ****.


2) Make Guarded By The Force useable in huttball fire pits why wouldn't this be effective against fire as it used to be? people are shooting at you with laser beams o.0. I bet all the classes that bump/drag you into fire pits complained about this. We have a leap stun which isint effective on consular sprint. And no knock backs or drags at all and they own us in huttball.


Force Charge does not Stun, it Roots for 1.5s. We don't have any knockbacks or pulls, but we have Force Camouflage and Cloak of Pain. GbtF should NOT ward against the fire pits, because Sorcs would start crying that God Bubble doesn't ward against the fire pits, and we do not want sorcs to get that do we?


3) Make Merciless Zeal %20-25% of Damage dealt a heal and also to include Merciless Slash & perhaps Blade Storm to overcome being globaled by ranged classes.


20% Healing per DoT tick would be fine, but adding Blade storm is stupid because it costs 4 Focus, and isn't part of our main rotation. Merciless Slash might work, might become really broken.


4) Make Zealous Ward At least %8 heal 3200 per second if attacked (healing for 38400 based on 40000 life)


Or, remove the Rate Limit on Zealous Ward's healing ticks.


5) Make Twin Sabre throw a 1s or 2s stun on top of damage (need a ranged stun for ranged classes)


Broken Much? If anything it should be a slight knockback (like 5-7m)


6) Make Saber Ward a 2m cooldown (we are lacking survivability in relation to ranged and stealth classes and we are meant to be the jedi elite DPS)


Saber Ward should be a 2m CD, hwever it would not benefit us too much as it's only 25% Absorption against F/T damage which is most of the damage in the game. It would be a godsend against Mercs, Snipers, other Marauders, and Juggernauts if we got a 2m CD Saber Ward, but against Powertechs, Sorcs, Sin's, and Operatives it's pretty much prolonging the inevitable.


7) Make Force Melt half of its current duration from 15 seconds. (you die in less than 15 seconds while waiting for damage to do anything lol)


We are getting Force Melt changes in 4.0, however Bioware has not officially said them, so I can't tell you what they are.



Also, as a Sentinel, you are meant to be a Glass Damager. You have lower defenses, but you hit harder. And, we fulfill that role really well.

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Interesting suggestions. I'm not the best Sentinel and haven't played on mine in a while, but I'll comment.



1) Make Master strike a stun...


I think this would be a bit OP because of how much damage it does. I think the guy above me summed it up well.


2) Make Guarded By The Force useable in..


Rather than just having it be immune to fire, I'd rather see overall changes to the ability. Usable while in CC and a reduced cooldown are all good ideas I'd support.


3) Make Merciless Zeal %20-25%


I rarely ever play Watchman, so I won't know enough to comment.


4) Make Zealous Ward At least %8 heal 3200 per second if attacked (healing for 38400 based on 40000 life)


I support this one.


5) Make Twin Sabre throw a 1s or 2s stun on top of damage (need a ranged stun for ranged classes)


I don't see much wrong with this. If this is OP, then maybe add a slowing effect to the ability.


6) Make Saber Ward a 2m cooldown...




7) Make Force Melt half of its current duration from..


I still haven't played Watchman yet, so I wouldn't know.



EDIT: Never mind about #5. I just played on my Sentinel and found out Saber throw has a slowdown and has a lower cooldown than I thought. I think it is fine the way it is.

Edited by TheLedomOne
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Interesting suggestions. I'm not the best Sentinel and haven't played on mine in a while, but I'll comment.



1) Make Master strike a stun...


No... just no.

This kind of idea would put sentinel back to square one on the Channel for a stun... gimmick, its lame, we dont need it, it would just be something greedy to give a sent imo.


2) Make Guarded By The Force useable in..


No, Shadows have enough crap to cry about already. Let's not entertain them anymore


3) Make Merciless Zeal %20-25%


It's nice I think the idea is on the right track (by that i mean it needs a buff) I'd rather something unique and dynamic for sentinel, because they lack class dynamic lately.

My idea would be to add synergy around Overload saber...

I mean, the skill is just sitting there... there are literally no chains, no synergy nothing surrounding this ability apart from it's stand-alone skill, and the mechanic of the bleed/burn

Make it so Merciless Zeal would be:

"Whenever Overload saber periodic effect is on a target, all damage inflicted on that target heals the sentinel for 15% of its damage"

Firstly I don't agree with the idea that the heal should be specifically tied to the dots, that's stupid, its bashful, its ineffective, and it demands too much.

The effect needs to be surrounding the idea that the sentinel has to constantly be swiping at the target at the most opportune time in the fight, which is, when overload saber is up, and you aim at landing all 3 stacks on the target.

There needs to be a dynamic threat from the victims perspective to think: "this guy is using his overload saber, i need to stop him"

Overload saber WAS the strongest bleed/burn in sentinel's arsenal, and with the loss of crit damage, crit chance, skill damage and the lot, this skill has lost a lot of value in comparison to other specs.

Give it some unique synergy

It would create a lot of relevance for the sentinel, as it's similar to the energetic atmosphere that Precision slash has, where you think "He has 100% armor pen, he's going to hurt!"

Watchman lacks that innate pressure, and that SHOULD be the trademark of a sentinel, where you build ramp, pop that key skill, and let loose...

It maintains the weakness of a sent, stun = solution. It doesn't exactly make them imbalance.


4) Make Zealous Ward At least %8 heal 3200 per second if attacked (healing for 38400 based on 40000 life)


I could care less, this won't persuade me in spending a heroic utility point in it.

I'd rather they just toss it into Skillful, as you get saber ward so damn early, I don't agree with the idea of waiting 50 (or soon 57) levels for a utility into saberward


5) Make Twin Sabre throw a 1s or 2s stun on top of damage (need a ranged stun for ranged classes


This made me smile.

It's a nice idea, and a cute touch, it would create that energy around the thought that you're somehow reaching a level equivalent to Revan (pretty sure you know what im referring too :D)


6) Make Saber Ward a 2m cooldown...


Rather they change Promulgator to effect Saber ward instead of rebuke... because a 1 min cooldown with a reset makes me sad and Promulgator as a Heroic utility shows a lack of understanding this class

If it were me, I would then make Promulgator a auto learned passive for sentinels, as this was once a tier 1 ability known as Recompense.


7) Make Force Melt half of its current duration from..


I would just remove the damn skill or make it replace cauterize. Pvp perspective, dots take way to long to set up. It's almost as if bioware staff think the target will just stand there and wait 3 seconds.

Edited by Bonzenaattori
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