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Darth Wrath vs Hero of Tython ( ye ye i know Emperor's Wrath than Empire's Wrath...)


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On neutral ground face to face. 1 vs 1 and 2 vs 2 ( Wrath + DS Jaessa vs Hero + Kira ) who do you think would win in a fight and is more powerful fighter. I'm a bit suprised that nobody create such tread. ) I place my bet on SW.:D Edited by Garruk
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whose Darth Wrath? :)


I'm gonna assume you mean the Emperor's Wraith, whose not actually a darth (he totally should be, Darth Wraith is a great name!) as for who'd win in a straight 1 on 1 contenst, well, that depends on skill IMHO, get a sith warrior to fight a jedi knight in game. and you'll find your answer.



now that said my personal head canon is that the JK is the stronger of the two, but that's just my head canon. ultimatly it's what feels right and I can't back it up with evidance.

Edited by BrianDavion
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Since the Hero and Wrath are probably sufficiently equal to fight each other to a standstill in the short term, I'm inclined to go with the Hero here for one major reason: I would bet on Kira Carsen over almost any other companion, barring perhaps Lord Scourge or Khem Val. Jaesa falls, and then the Wrath gets tag teamed.
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I think these two are fairly evenly matched, and from a story perspective are probably the two most powerful duelists of their respective factions during the era the game is set in. The only potential matchup that would be tougher fight for either of these two would be the Emperor.


That being said I'd probably give the Hero of Tython a slight edge, if only because he/she seems to be the game's primary hero. He/she is the Luke Skywalker or the Revan of this era.

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I'd say Wrath wins in both scenarios. 1v1, Wrath has more experience and a higher understanding of strategy. He (she) knows how to control a battlefield, as was shown on Taris, has been able to defeat the likes of dark council members, possessed emperor conduits (that have more power than Kira), and is able to manipulate the opponent Not only was Wrath able to turn Jaesa, but he was also able to bring a ton of dark side out of a Jedi Master. While I doubt he would be able to turn the Hero to the dark side, he may be able to make him a bit reckless with a few mentions of Orgus and the like. Also, the Wrath has been countering a plethora of Jedi fighting styles for years, and this gives him a huge edge. Jedi fighting styles are much more uniform and straightforward compared to the Sith's underhanded styles, making it hard for the Hero to get a read on Wrath, while the Wrath knows just what the Hero's style is after a few strikes. Hero may be in the top percentage of Jedi, but the Wrath knows how almost all Jedi play.


Next is 2v2, which is basically Kira vs Jaesa. Jaesa's unique power alone would be a good enough weapon against Kira, for she is pretty susceptible to mind games. Also, while Kira may have been trained as a sith for the first few years of her life, it is unlikely that that knowledge would help her in this fight, while, on the other hand, Jaesa was brought up as a Jedi, trained in presumably the same style as Kira, (same saberstaff motions and skills) but was taught sith styles later in her life, making it more likely for her to retain both teachings. This means (in a similar scenario to the one above) Jaesa not only knows how Kira will fight, and can counter with the same style, but also has her own tricks to work off of. Fight starts, Jaesa uses her power to make Kira paranoid, angry, whatever, weakens her mentally, and is then able to match and best her physically. In all honesty, Scourge might have been a better pick for a partner...

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The Hero of Tython also kills Dark Council members and defeats the Emperor's, while possessing a Voice. Not that a person can't argue the Wrath would come out on top, just that those two things aren't advantages for the Wrath. I'm not sure the Wrath is more experienced either. Both the Hero of Tython and the Wrath practically grew up in their respective orders, and both get embroiled in the Cold War skirmishing / Galactic War at around the same time.


The only playable force user the Wrath has more experience over is Darth Nox, who is the only one of the four not raised as a Jedi/Sith.

Edited by Aeneas_Falco
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The emperors wrath is a Lord not a Darth. I think the Jedi knight would win, he's taken down the voice of the emperor on uneven ground. He seems to be the Luke sky walker of this era and Luke ended up surpassing all previous Sith and Jedi before him to become the strongest ever.
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Next is 2v2, which is basically Kira vs Jaesa. Jaesa's unique power alone would be a good enough weapon against Kira, for she is pretty susceptible to mind games. Also, while Kira may have been trained as a sith for the first few years of her life, it is unlikely that that knowledge would help her in this fight, while, on the other hand, Jaesa was brought up as a Jedi, trained in presumably the same style as Kira, (same saberstaff motions and skills) but was taught sith styles later in her life, making it more likely for her to retain both teachings. This means (in a similar scenario to the one above) Jaesa not only knows how Kira will fight, and can counter with the same style, but also has her own tricks to work off of. Fight starts, Jaesa uses her power to make Kira paranoid, angry, whatever, weakens her mentally, and is then able to match and best her physically. In all honesty, Scourge might have been a better pick for a partner...

Since I was the one to say the opposite I guess I should defend my position a little. :)


First up, I would say that Kira is the worst person to try and match wills with psychologically. She


forced the Emperor out of her head by sheer willpower, and when she was captured along with the Hero, neither the brainwashed Hero nor the Emperor himself was able to turn her back. If Vitiate's attempts to mess with her head ultimately failed, Jaesa stands little chance. By the time the Hero can be called the Hero and the Wrath can be called the Wrath, there is nothing in Kira's true nature that Jaesa can use against her anymore.


Second, as regards fighting skill and style, Jaesa was trained up to the level of Padawan and was most noted for her unique talent, not for her combat abilities. Meanwhile, Kira not only has the training and experience of a fully-raised Jedi Knight, we see in the Jedi Consular story that


all Children of the Emperor are extremely powerful combatants, as befits their role as infiltrators and assassins. Even a Child posing as a diplomat with no known combat experience is fully capable of being a major boss-level opponent. Kira has the benefits of both Child of the Emperor indoctrination (training, implanted knowledge, whatever) and her Jedi training.


Scourge is older, more experienced and physically stronger than Kira, and no doubt knows some Dark Side tricks that would surprise even his successor Wrath, but I actually think he'd be more susceptible to any psychological attack Jaesa can attempt. At least some of his past betrayals have to be weighing on him by this point.

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