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GSF ships and components in X-wing Miniatures rules


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I've been giving a lot of idle commute-thought to how GSF ships and components could be expressed in X-wing Miniatures rules; however, I realize the potential audience for appreciating such efforts might not exist.


Does anyone on this forum even play X-wing Miniatures? :)


Some sample stuff I've come up with--all attempts to capture the spirit of a component, not necessarily the exact mathematical effect. In the standard game, all of this stuff would cost crazy mad points.



Blasters 2

Agility 3

Shield 2

Hull 2

Scout System: Targeting Telemetry

When attacking, you may spend target lock to change one [hit] to a [crit]. The defender then rolls one less defense dice. [[covers both increasing crit chance and making it easier to hit squirrely targets]]


Shield modification: Shield-to-engine Converter

Blackbolt only.

Add 1 to your total shield strength. At the beginning of the Combat Phase, you may spend one shield token to perform any maneuver on your dial. If you have at least one stress token, you cannot perform red maneuvers. Receive or remove stress tokens as normal. [[very powerful mobility and arc-dodging, but at the sacrifice of your shields (though you get more capacity to start with)]]


Scout engine modification: Power Dive

Action: Perform a white 3-turn. Remove one red target lock token from your ship. [[these engine maneuvers add powerful arc-dodging ability, but they do consume a bunch of your attention, hence the action price]]



Blasters 3 [[assuming Quads by default--BLC's are a special component]]

Agility 3

Shield 2

Hull 2


Secondary weapon: Bursts Laser Cannon

Flashfire, Quarrel, Jurgoran only.

Range 1-2.

Attack dice: 2.

You cannot fire your primary weapon. When attacking at range 1, roll 3 additional attack dice. [[limits your ranged effectiveness, but makes you totally brutal up close]]


Shield modification: Distortion Field

Flashfire, Quarrel, Jurgoran only.

Reduce your total shield strength by 1. Add one 1 to your total agility score. At the start of the Combat Phase, you receive 1 evade token, and you may remove one red target lock token from your ship. [[i'm quite proud of this one!]]


Dogfighter engine modification: Retro thrusters

Action: Perform a straight 2 maneuver from the back of your ship base. Remove one red target lock token from your ship. You may perform this action even after your maneuver causes you to collide with another ship or obstacle. [[the last bit effectively allows you to use Retro to not crash into something]]



Blasters 2 [[assuming LLC's by default, but could take BLC's]]

Agility 1

Shield 3

Hull 3


Special Rules: Charge action

Gunships all have the Charge action on their action bar. Taking a Charge action grants you a Charge token, which can be spent to fire a railgun. However, whenever you take the Charge action, you are unable to roll defense dice for the rest of the round. Unspent Charge tokens are lost at the end of the round. [[this simulates Gunships being stationary when charging, and also telegraphs when they are going to attack.]]


Secondary weapon: Slug Railgun

Range 3-5.

Attack Dice: 4

Attack [Charge]. Spend a charge token to attack with the railgun. If this attack hits, cancel all dice results. Then deal one facedown damage to the defender, ignoring shields. Then the defender suffers one [crit] (not ignoring shields). [[the idea here is that you can deliver predictable damage at extreme range, which pierces shields or delivers a crit if the target has none left.]]


Secondary weapon: Ion railgun

Range 3-5.

Attack Dice: 4

Attack [Charge]. Spend a charge token to attack with the railgun. If this attack hits, cancel all dice results. The target loses three shield tokens and receives one ion token. Every target within range 1 also loses one shield token. [[i like this one a lot--it is great for heavily shielded targets or setting up allies for success, but is not so useful against Scouts.]]


Shield modification: Feedback Shield

Once per round, when an enemy ship damages you, that ship suffers one [crit].


Default engine modification: Barrel Roll [GSF]

Action: Perform a 4 straight maneuver. Remove one red target lock token from your ship.


Star Guard

Blasters 3 [[assuming quads]]

Agility 2

Shield 4

Hull 3


Shield modification: Directional Shield

Increase your total shield strength by 1. Action: Place 1 temporary shield token against the front or back of your ship base. During the Combat Phase, you may spend this shield token to absorb damage from an attack made against that side of your ship. Remove this shield token (if it has not been spent) at the end of the round. [[i wanted this to represent the spirit of both angling shields to one side and Directional's short regen delay.]]



Blasters 3 [[assuming quads]]

Agility 2

Shield 3

Hull 4 [[Quell gets less shield but more hull than the Star Guard because of the differences in their Minor Components]]



Blasters 3 [[assuming quads]]

Agility 0

Shield 3

Hull 6


[[i haven't gone too much into Strikes or Bombers, since a lot of their iconic components already actually exist in some form or another in X-wing Miniatures. They don't have quite the same effects, so I'd have to decide whether to just incorporate them as they are or make special GSF versions. Drones are also particularly foreign in X-wing Minis]]


Of course, the big thing I'm leaving out here (besides costs) are the maneuver dials themselves. Basically, these would be determined by your base class (Scout vs. Strike vs. Gunship vs. Bomber) and whether you have a Thrusters minor component.


In general, the Scouts would be based on a TIE Fighter, Strikes would be based on an X-wing, Gunships would be based on TIE Bomber, and Bombers would be based on a B-wing. In the X-wing Miniatures game, TIE Bombers are significantly more nimble than Y-wings and B-wings, but still sluggish compared to X-wings, so they feel right for a Gunship. Jurgoran might get a few improvements over the Quarrel though, due to having Thrusters. Same with Sledgehammer over Razorwire.


Anyway, if anyone is familiar with the game and appreciates these, let me know and I'll work on some more :)

Edited by Nemarus
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I know Stasie grabbed these when they came out, but I know he's not keeping up with video gaming right this second.


For my part, I poked some of my RL friends, but none were willing to bite. Since I don't really have time to do the "hang out at the comic book store" routine these days, I sadly haven't bought into it yet.

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