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Change how loot works OUTSIDE of phases.


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With level sync I'd like to see some changes: (remember, OUTSIDE of a phase)

1 - Individual loot, where each player that hit the mob gets credit for that mob without being on a party. It'll improve quests completion and will end the "you stole my mob" mentality. This kind of mentality needs to go.

An option to avoid "hit once then afk" is that you need to do at least 10% of the mob's health, if it's a WB change it to 5%.

2- Reduce the cooldown of all the clickable/interactive stuff you have to click to get credit to the quest completion, because some quests are terrible to complete due to 3+ people trying to do it at the same time.


This way people will "group" together to do the world stuff without being in a party.

This will also help the ones that hates level sync, because those people are the ones that dislikes grouping and playing multiplayer stuff on a multiplayer game.

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With level sync I'd like to see some changes: (remember, OUTSIDE of a phase)

1 - Individual loot, where each player that hit the mob gets credit for that mob without being on a party. It'll improve quests completion and will end the "you stole my mob" mentality. This kind of mentality needs to go.

An option to avoid "hit once then afk" is that you need to do at least 10% of the mob's health, if it's a WB change it to 5%.


Such a system would not work with percentages of damage.. A tank may not do 10/5% of a Mobs health in damage, but good luck tackling an at-level worldboss without one..

And that's not even mentioning healers.. (With the Sorc Bubble and other such features, basing a percentage on healing done would not work either..) A healer would need to just throw a single heal on someone to count.. And imagine how THAT could/would give healers an advantage over everybody else.. Not to mention DPS's with offheals.



2- Reduce the cooldown of all the clickable/interactive stuff you have to click to get credit to the quest completion, because some quests are terrible to complete due to 3+ people trying to do it at the same time.


I wholeheartedly agree..


This way people will "group" together to do the world stuff without being in a party.

This will also help the ones that hates level sync, because those people are the ones that dislikes grouping and playing multiplayer stuff on a multiplayer game.


The concept, while working in theory, does not address the lack of Social Points Earned, nor the possible difficulties of altering the code to allow this.. GW2 does it and it works great there (Mostly, based on my own experience), but it may not work well here, nor may it be easily implementable..

Edited by Lord_Robert
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LotRO introduced a system similar to #1, and it was initially a complete farce.


Firstly, anyone that did any damage got both XP and loot. This lead to people just running round plinking one single arrow into every mob someone else was fighting, and raking in XP and loot far faster than the people actually doing the work.


Secondly, it was entirely geared around damage. I realised this when I noticed my Healer had barely gained any XP at all while my Tank and DPS had gained half a level (I played three chars at the same time). Yup, someone in the group that killed the mob didn't get XP. *sigh*


They fixed the Healing thing fairly quickly, it became if you did any damage or healed anyone eligible for XP and Loot, but never came up with a solution to the first issue while I was playing. Admittedly I quit LotRO shortly after that change, as it was also the expansion that brought in Mounted Combat, and that wasn't really conducive to playing three chars at once :) So, they might have come up with a fix later.


It was also a pain when I was grouped with friends, and one had to go AFK for some reason: previously we'd always carried on with them on auto-follow, but now as they didn't damage the mob or heal anyone, they didn't get XP even though they were grouped with us.

Edited by Bugisttod
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