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2 Friends Extensive Raiding Background LF Republic Guild


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My friend and I are looking for a Republic progression raiding guild. I played the first month of the game before going back to another mmo after my trooper hit 50 and the end-game felt lacking. Last weekend a long time friend and I decided to give SWTOR a chance. He's currently leveling a scoundrel, while I'm leveling a Jedi Shadow. I should hit 60 in a couple days. I could also level my old commando if needed, or any other class/role within a few days.


Both of us have an extensive raiding background in other mmos. We've been in either the top server, or top three on server, pve guild in WoW, Wildstar(before the game died and mergers happened), LoTRO, and Final Fantasy. Naturally I have no parses available because I'm basically a new player, but I see no reason to think we'd have any less success in this game than the others. We'd be open to considering any raid days or times past 4 P.M. PST.


If you wish to contact me in game the character I will most likely be on is Dirvard. As an aside we will both be playing plenty of warzones. We actually just transferred from a pvp server after seeing how dead it was.

Edited by Maxxdb
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Please contact us in game or on our website, you sound like you would love it in our guild.

We raid very regularly at both 7pm and 9:30 pm server time, and have a few raiders who joined in the last months with no SWTOR raiding experience but a ton of experience from other games, and they usually make for great raiders. Please check out our recruitment post, I just updated it.


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Hi Maxx,


So <Constant Mayhem> is a fairly new guild. We are for the most part a raiding guild that started kinda late but what we have accomplished together is 4/10 HM which isn't a whole lot but again we started late in the raiding scene. We are hoping to become a bigger raiding guild with emphasis on PvP as well. A few of us already PvP and enjoy forming teams together and entering the fray. We are small guild but we do help each other when we can. The community in our guild does take raiding seriously but not necessarily hardcore. We raid Tuesdays & Thursdays @ 7PM Server if interested feel free to message any character with the name starting with Frog when you /who Constant Mayhem or just reply to a post here.


Our website http://constantmayhem.swtorhost.com/


Best of luck!


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