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Adaptive armor needs changed


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If we're losing primary stats to one stat for everyone, change the way adaptive armor works. All armor doubt be adaptive. Moshe only cartel gear adaptive. Or cosmetic. I mean, why even have different classes of the only thing that is different amongst them is a weapon.


Homogenization is a terrible thing for mmos. Look at WoW.

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Quite the opposite is happening since all crafted gear will now be adaptive with 4.0

Yeah, it's getting to a stupid level. Just go the final fantasy route and Kerry every character be every class. May as well.

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Just go the final fantasy route and Kerry every character be every class. May as well.


You honestly think that getting rid of the classes is the same as adaptive armor?


You honestly think the only difference between a Jedi Guardian and a Gunslinger is the weapon?


Do actually play this game?

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Sorry, but I'm having a hard time following your post.


Are you saying: Adaptive armor is bad -- get rid of it


Or something else?

Yeah adaptive armor is bad if they are making everyone use the save stat.

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Yeah adaptive armor is bad if they are making everyone use the save stat.

Well, I don't see it the same way.


In your original post, you seem to imply that it's going to make all classes look the same. In my experience, adaptive armor has added more variety of how your characters look.


In the vanilla game (particular with set bonuses tied to shells), most players tended to have a similar look, one to the next. There really weren't that many options, in terms of customization. And frankly, the designers of the end-game armor had really weird taste -- the more protuberances the better, I guess?


(Speaking of which, anyone remember the ridiculous oven mittens :rolleyes:)


When adaptive armor was added to the game (and with more and more options being added as time went on), players have had the opportunity to make a more unique looking toon. Sometimes these things go in fads (for a while, it seemed like everyone was wearing white scalene), but in general, I see a lot of unique characters walking around the fleet and on planets.


TL;DR: Adaptive Armor R Gud Keep It

Edited by Khevar
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All armor doubt be adaptive.


Uhm... What?


Moshe only cartel gear adaptive. Or cosmetic.


Uhm... What?





They made cartel market gear adaptive and usable by any class from level 1.

Anything else would have hurt sales.


You don't have to like it; I don't have to like it, but understanding it shouldn't be that difficult.


And all of that worked against crafters.


Now seeing as how it makes no sense for them to alter how the cartel armor works, bringing crafted armor a little bit closer to cartel armor is a nice thing to do for the crafters.

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Homogenization is a terrible thing for mmos. Look at WoW.


You lost me there. Stop comparing everything to WoW, it's not the same. Besides it's not homogenizing classes to have Mastery, it's literally the same thing just reworded.. You would only be using one stat Cunning, Strength, etc anyways. Then deciding if you need Power, crit, accuracy, etc etc.

Edited by ChrispyBass
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Homogenization is a terrible thing for mmos. Look at WoW.

In WoW a Mage cannot wear platemail. Even "cosmetic" sets of it. In TOR a Jedi Sage can wear adaptive "trooper armour". I'm not sure TOR is doing what WoW is here...?

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This is probably the dumbest post I've read on the SWTOR forums in a while. The only difference between seeing +52 Mastery or +52 Cunning is... oh yeah, nothing. It's a naming difference. The affect of the stat is the same. So when you say that after the stat changes, the only difference between classes is the weapon, you have just made an utterly stupid statement. There are so many major differences between the classes, I wouldn't even take the time to include them in this post. But how about the major difference of all your skills and abilities?


BW is simplifying SWTOR, and all the better I say. Things were a bit complex. But they are only simplifying things in minor ways, with no real major affect on overall gameplay. Blizzard did the same with Wow. And yes, it's about money in the end. As they very gradually simplify the systems, it will make the developer's jobs a lot easier and probably allow them to make updates to content faster as well.


You could look at this as a good thing, since it will allow them to focus more on story, new flashpoints, operations, and overall content, instead of making complaints that make absolutely no logical sense.


As far as adaptive armor is concerned, it's just about the mods, and as it was mentioned, it's always BEEN about the mods. The mods ARE your stats. The adaptive gear is just a "container" for the mods. It's always been this way and has nothing to do with the new stat name change.


I just don't understand why people are so quick to complain, even when the complaint itself makes no sense.


At least it's mildly entertaining.

Edited by coreymj
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This is probably the dumbest post I've read on the SWTOR forums in a while. The only difference between seeing +52 Mastery or +52 Cunning is... oh yeah, nothing. It's a naming difference. The affect of the stat is the same. So when you say that after the stat changes, the only difference between classes is the weapon, you have just made an utterly stupid statement. There are so many major differences between the classes, I wouldn't even take the time to include them in this post. But how about the major difference of all your skills and abilities?


BW is simplifying SWTOR, and all the better I say. Things were a bit complex. But they are only simplifying things in minor ways, with no real major affect on overall gameplay. Blizzard did the same with Wow. And yes, it's about money in the end. As they very gradually simplify the systems, it will, in the end, make the developer's jobs a lot easier and probably allow them to make updates to content faster as well.


You could look at this as a good thing, since it will allow them to focus more on story, new flashpoints, operations, and overall content, instead of making complaints that make absolutely no logical sense.


As far as adaptive armor is concerned, it's just about the mods, and as it was mentioned, it's always BEEN about the mods. The mods ARE your stats. The adaptive gear is just a "container" for the mods. It's always been this way and has nothing to do with the new stat name change from your master stat name to simply "mastery."


I just don't understand why people are so quick to complain, even when the complaint itself makes no sense.


At least it's mildly entertaining.


Not that I understand fully the OP, but I *think* the issue is that, e.g., an amormormech and synthweaver both make gear with basically the same stats now - i.e. a BH can wear Jedi robes and have the stats unaffected. So class distinctions are blurred statwise AND cosmetically. I don't know if this is the point, or if this warrants much more discussion, but it does kinda argue to at least collapse down adaptive gear to one crafting class. No reason to have two skills crafting the exact same gear.

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Not that I understand fully the OP, but I *think* the issue is that, e.g., an amormormech and synthweaver both make gear with basically the same stats now - i.e. a BH can wear Jedi robes and have the stats unaffected. So class distinctions are blurred statwise AND cosmetically. I don't know if this is the point, or if this warrants much more discussion, but it does kinda argue to at least collapse down adaptive gear to one crafting class. No reason to have two skills crafting the exact same gear.


Ok, I can see your point about crafting. But his point about there being no differences between the classes is still ridiculous. As far as crafting, yes, I can see how things are a bit more generic, but it certainly doesn't even come close to making it pointless. I mean since the gear mods are what really matter anyway, to me, the gear itself has always been more about cosmetics, more of a shell, with the mods being the "meat." This being the case, maybe they should just provide more creative and fun ways to obtain the mods and let crafting purposely be more about the cosmetic aspect of the gear.


Anyway, the point is, it's still ridiculous to assume that this one change will make the differences between the classes disappear.

Edited by coreymj
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