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The Yuuzhan Vong in TOR


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I wager most of us know of the Coralskipper encounter Canderous described in KOTOR. I think it would be really cool to have the Vong appear in maybe a FP, not as big game villains since that would kind of invalidate the NJO invasion.


To have it more toned down, there could just be easter eggs of them in future planets. Idk, I'm just really into the Vong right now. Does anyone else want something like this?

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The New Jedi Order was made debunk with Disney making all of the EU non canon. Moreso with the movie coming out.


Also, fans hate the Yuuzhan Vong- slightly unfairly in my opinion.


That may be so, but SWTOR is also legends canon, so its not outside the realm of possibility for the Vong to make an appearance.

Edited by Nefertuss
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Yuuzhan Vong No NO NO NO NO NO NO **** NO stupid race stupid books worthless race worthless story Yuuzhan Vong needs to be purged and killed in the vacuum of space make there eyes pop out of their worthless heads


Why so hostile? I don't get it.

I confess I haven't read the books, but the Vong have always fascinated me, I think they'd make great expac material for TOR

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Why so hostile? I don't get it.

I confess I haven't read the books, but the Vong have always fascinated me, I think they'd make great expac material for TOR


Having in fact read the books and comics regarding the Vong, I can honestly say the race is TERRIBLE. They just seem so very far fetched that I feel it would simply not fit the gameplay here.

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Wasn't Mara Jade killed off by a series after the New Jedi Order books unrelated to the Yuuzhan Vong War?


Yes, that was in the Second Galactic Civil War book series. In my opinion, that's where the story started going downhill.


And again, I'd like some more reasons why my fellow fanboys detest the Yuuzhan Vong so much. I never found them too bad.

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I like the Vong fine - not my favorite part of the EU, but not my least-favorite by any stretch. NJO, including killing Chewie, was a shot in the arm that the EU really needed at that time to shake things up.


My biggest gripe about the series was that it was set up, thematically, as a changing-of-the-guard from the Luke/Leia/Han generation to the Jacen/Jaina generation... but then the following decade of novels never really committed to that idea. The biggest names in the 'next generation' stayed relevant, but they always seemed to be playing second-fiddle to the old guys. (I prefer the 'Legends' continuity to the current 'Canon' continuity overall, but one thing I hope The Force Awakens gets right is actually passing the torch and letting it stay passed.)


A Flashpoint set on an advance Vong ship (whatever mothership the Coralskipper that Canderous saw was from) or something similar would be a nice bit of variety. It could be a cool one-off threat like Dr. Lorrick's Rakghouls or CZ-198 were.


They'd just need for the enemies to stay a 'Mysterious Race' or whatever, and have the whole thing retain an air of being 'one of those odd things that we run into from time to time in this vast galaxy' like the Terror from Beyond was. Something that would believably just never become common knowledge - winding forgotten over the intervening 3,600 years.

Edited by DarthDymond
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Yeah my biggest problem with the EU is not the NJO series its with the books that came after, the whole point of the NJO series was to promote the "future" characters of the jedi, after this series though a new set of writers decided that Ben was to be the future of the Jedi and started killing/reducing other characters as a result.


Yes this is a complaint about Jacen, in the NJO he was the one who's story I could identify with the most and I was absolutely gutted with what he became.

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The series after NJO with Darth Caedus (Jacen) as the main nemesis is where the EU books just veered too far off track.


I think most SW fanbois objection to the Vong is that the Jedi/Sith can't mollywop them with 3 arms tied behind their backs and blindfolded. This coming from a SW fanboi who actually liked a number of the things that the NJO series tried to do with the Vong. They did push certain things a bit far, but hey they were trying to shake things up after writing the same books over and over for a couple dozen years.

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I like the Vong fine - not my favorite part of the EU, but not my least-favorite by any stretch. NJO, including killing Chewie, was a shot in the arm that the EU really needed at that time to shake things up.


My biggest gripe about the series was that it was set up, thematically, as a changing-of-the-guard from the Luke/Leia/Han generation to the Jacen/Jaina generation... but then the following decade of novels never really committed to that idea. The biggest names in the 'next generation' stayed relevant, but they always seemed to be playing second-fiddle to the old guys. (I prefer the 'Legends' continuity to the current 'Canon' continuity overall, but one thing I hope The Force Awakens gets right is actually passing the torch and letting it stay passed.)


A Flashpoint set on an advance Vong ship (whatever mothership the Coralskipper that Canderous saw was from) or something similar would be a nice bit of variety. It could be a cool one-off threat like Dr. Lorrick's Rakghouls or CZ-198 were.


They'd just need for the enemies to stay a 'Mysterious Race' or whatever, and have the whole thing retain an air of being 'one of those odd things that we run into from time to time in this vast galaxy' like the Terror from Beyond was. Something that would believably just never become common knowledge - winding forgotten over the intervening 3,600 years.


For some extra challenge- Every NPC in the flashpoint- boss, trash, add, etc.- would be immune to stuns. Two buffs would be present on each 'Mysterious Invader': Force Immunity (Unable to be slept by Force abilities) and Living Armor (Living armor wakes up the wearer from tech-based stuns).

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Having in fact read the books and comics regarding the Vong, I can honestly say the race is TERRIBLE. They just seem so very far fetched that I feel it would simply not fit the gameplay here.


The Vong were literally designed only because they had made the Jedi (and especially Skywalker-clan ones) so Mary-sue over the top powerful that they had to invent a species completely immune to the Force to present any sort of believable challenge.


The Yuuzhan Vong are literally the reason I cheered openly when Disney threw out the old EU.

Edited by Diviciacus
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Vong OP. Vong so BROKEN, pls BALANCE. Nerf Vong pl0x.


But seriously, the Yuuzhan Vong were stupidly overpowered.

"Our whole species is entirely outside the Force, because f*ck you, that's why. What? That doesn't jive with ANY lore? Well that's too d*mn bad innit? Also all of our soldiers, yes including the grunts whose traditional military role is cannon fodder, have lightsaber resistant armor and weapons. And hey, good luck reasoning with us, cuz we're zealots that consider you all to be practicing blasphemy for your use of technology."


I was willing to overlook the Force-related issues with the ysalimiri, but these guys were just too much.


The aesthetic of the Vong and their use of organic technology could be utilized in-game as some ancient, forgotten Sithspawn or Rakata experiments that were left to their own devices and eventually decided to go on a crusade. Then we get the neat parts of the Vong without all the stupid bits.


Someone mentioned using them as one-off enemies like the Tion rakghouls. Using the fake Vong described above, we could take it a step further and have a Dread Masters-esque story with a planet or two plus several flashpoints and ops.

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Different strokes for different folks - nothing wrong with disliking them, but I've never had a problem with most of the things brought up.

"Our whole species is entirely outside the Force, because f*ck you, that's why. What? That doesn't jive with ANY lore? Well that's too d*mn bad innit?

They appear (at first) to be 'outside' the Force because their connection to it was severed - a significantly more powerful version of the sort of thing done, for example, to Ulic Qel-Droma and the Exile. It's certainly the most extreme example of the 'Sever Force' ability ever seen, but I definitely didn't see it as something that "doesn't jive with any lore".

Also all of our soldiers, yes including the grunts whose traditional military role is cannon fodder, have lightsaber resistant armor and weapons.[/Quote]

I really didn't consider the Yuuzhan Vong warriors to be the 'grunts' of their empire any more than the Jedi Knights are grunts of the Republic - the Vong grunts / cannon fodder were their Chazrach slave warriors, and any other species they 'Shaped' along the way - and those guys got cut down just fine. I didn't mind the Vong Warriors' Vonduun armor, since it is just another lightsaber resistant material, similar to Mandalorian Iron, Phrik or Cortosis-Weave armor we've already seen.

And hey, good luck reasoning with us, cuz we're zealots that consider you all to be practicing blasphemy for your use of technology."

Intractable ideological differences? Yup, that was definitely part of the conflict (until they eventually found common ground). I tend to find that makes for an interesting storyline.


I certainly prefer the Vong we got to a race of Dark Side Force Users as was originally planned - don't get me wrong, the Sith are one of my favorite parts of SW (and I like the various Sith Empires more than the Vong), but I appreciate some variety, and if NJO had been 25 books of a war against the Sith or a Sith-like enemy, that would have been too much of the "same ol', same ol'" for me.

Edited by DarthDymond
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