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Thanks for all of the upcoming changes! (Especially level scaling)


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Frankly I am an avid supporter of the Sync as they announced it, but I'm still trying to contribute so that if BW caves to a compromise, it is one that keeps the features they give now but somehow make the others happy also.


Thats why your sig holds so much truth :D

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The one thing I hate about the feature is its mandatory, if it was optional then I would care less. I like playing casually, when I find myself bored I like to revisit some of the old content and work on some old achievements.


what was taken away was convenience:


1. Black hole weekly, guess what some classes may not be able to solo that anymore, getting a group for older content will be as easy and as fun as pulling your own teeth.


2. like grinding rep, the voss rep is mostly heroics / the weekly. for those that don't have maxed rep have fun getting that now.


I don't have an issue with them adding a feature, I have an issue with it being mandatory cutting out a type of gameplay that some like me enjoy playing. if I want to do something like the above stated I like the ability to do it when ever I want with nothing holding me back. this feature takes that convenience away.

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Players will not interrupt their story experience to go back and play some old content they missed, if they are doing it for the xp (which is unlikely as leveling is being streamlined to only need class and main quests) they would be better off doing the dailies.


You might not interrupt your story experience to go back to old content, but plenty of other players will. There have been times where I was doing Rishi on my 5th or 6th toon and I wanted to take a break and do something else. Making older content relevant gives me more options here.


Lower level content will provide rewards for the players level. None of these rewards will be as good as what is on offer from Hard Mode Flashpoints or operations, so the rewards will be as much junk as before.


The rewards might not be as good as HM flashpoints or OPs, but that's working as intended. However from what I saw in the live stream, the rewards will probably be equivalent to the gear rewards given on ziost now. While it's not the best gear in the game, it will certainly help players gear up for endgame content. Additionally, from what I saw in the live stream, doing heroics level scaled will give just as many credits/xp (if not more) as the current dailies do. This means that even if I'm max level and am just looking to do a credit grind, I have many more options than just the standard old dailies. Not only that, but I'd probably make even more money than what the current dailies reward now.


People don't invite a level 60 back to tatooine to help them because they want to struggle through the content.


I am the GM of a casual guild with a lot a F2P players. I can't tell you how many times a lower level guildy has asked in guild chat if someone can come level with them (when no one else at their level is online). When I say I can come help out even though I'm higher level, they say, "no thanks, I'd like to actually have someone to group and level with." Scaling will allow me to do that :D

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Just wanted to toss an honest and sincere "thank you" to the developers. The upcoming changes & additional content really look promising, and a lot of us players have been waiting a long time for this type of expansion.


On the ever-touchy subject of level scaling...my honest opinion is that this is a wonderful feature that will be great for the game in the long-run. I really can't think of one legitimate reason as to why people would dislike this feature, other than the fact that you will no longer be able to one-shot trash mobs. And if it's really that big of a concern for roleplayers...just go around the mobs so they don't attack you. The great majority of players already do this anyway, whether they are on a low-level planet or not (and if you're really roleplaying, why are you barreling through a bunch of enemies on your speeder in the first place). I honestly think that if all the people currently complaining about it just give it a chance when it's implemented, they will actually really enjoy it.


On the positive side of things, level scaling means all of the content in the game will actually be meaningful now. I can enjoy myself and have meaningful experiences while I quest with low-level guild members and friends, as opposed to just following them around and one-shotting something when they are in trouble. In addition to that, the credits, loot, xp, and rewards on low level missions will be upscaled to the actual level of my character. Win! On top of all this, I can also insta-travel to planet heroics from anywhere in the galaxy? So cool!


For the people complaining that this is just recycling content...you're EXACTLY right! :D Take a second to realize that in the real world, recycling is a very good thing. You take something that was previously old and completely obsolete, and give it real purpose again. Let's face it, 99% of people completely ignore the content in this game that they've out-leveled. This feature will not only give that content meaning again, but it will give players an incentive to actually do it.



So again, just want to thank the devs for the great work. Keep it up!


I feel the same way and am looking forward to this expansion :)

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So, may-hap you missed the part where I clearly said it was multiple 60's from the same guild spread over the entire area. It was just one example though that stood out.


I'm sorry that you are so highly offended that some of us are tossing out ideas to try to make everyone on both sides of the argument happy. But unlike a lot of others around here, if I have an observation about something, instead of just walloping the forum with useless information, I'll try and toss out either a solution I have come up with or relay a great solution I have seen others come up with (as I did here).


You said there were three that were spread out in an area. The last time I went through Coruscant with an alt, I had dozens of people in the same areas I was questing in. Again, while not ideal, we really have no idea what they were doing there - achievements are achievements and they have every right to complete them (if that is what they were doing) as anyone else.


I don't know where you got the impression that I was offended because I was not. I was simply pointing out the facts as I observed them. Having people discuss things to come up with ideas on how to improve the game is a great thing, unfortunately, that rarely happens with all the hyperbole that goes on here, especially with the forced level sync system discussions.


There are much better options on every front for every "problem" that people have listed here about the game than what level syncing can do for them. While having different instances for sync vs. non-sync is also a good idea, that would be something better suited in being built from the ground up while the game is in development. At this point in time, there are other ways to solve those problems that are much less of a hassle to build into the game than instances.


You might not interrupt your story experience to go back to old content, but plenty of other players will. There have been times where I was doing Rishi on my 5th or 6th toon and I wanted to take a break and do something else. Making older content relevant gives me more options here.

Having level syncing optional will not hinder that.



The rewards might not be as good as HM flashpoints or OPs, but that's working as intended. However from what I saw in the live stream, the rewards will probably be equivalent to the gear rewards given on ziost now. While it's not the best gear in the game, it will certainly help players gear up for endgame content. Additionally, from what I saw in the live stream, doing heroics level scaled will give just as many credits/xp (if not more) as the current dailies do. This means that even if I'm max level and am just looking to do a credit grind, I have many more options than just the standard old dailies. Not only that, but I'd probably make even more money than what the current dailies reward now.

And having level syncing optional will not hinder that. Those who want the better rewards can be synced. Those that don't can turn the syncing off.



I am the GM of a casual guild with a lot a F2P players. I can't tell you how many times a lower level guildy has asked in guild chat if someone can come level with them (when no one else at their level is online). When I say I can come help out even though I'm higher level, they say, "no thanks, I'd like to actually have someone to group and level with." Scaling will allow me to do that :D

And having level syncing optional will not hinder that.

Edited by TravelersWay
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If we cant appeal to their reason why not appeal to their greed.


Since you are going to roll out this patch regardless what you’re paying customers want, why not allow us to pay for an item in the store that exempts us from the level role back. The item would also have other stipulations: while active no player or mod lower than the current user could be killed and no resource gathering can take place on said planet. Once you return to a plant that is in your level the restrictions would fall away and you would act normally

You could call it: Bioware BS Personal Defense Shield, you could sell it for 10 to 20 dollars

You could also make something similar that lower level peeps can equip to keep them from getting ganked by said high level peeps.

This would make everyone happy and BW could make MONEY!!

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If we cant appeal to their reason why not appeal to their greed.


Since you are going to roll out this patch regardless what you’re paying customers want, why not allow us to pay for an item in the store that exempts us from the level role back. The item would also have other stipulations: while active no player or mod lower than the current user could be killed and no resource gathering can take place on said planet. Once you return to a plant that is in your level the restrictions would fall away and you would act normally

You could call it: Bioware BS Personal Defense Shield, you could sell it for 10 to 20 dollars

You could also make something similar that lower level peeps can equip to keep them from getting ganked by said high level peeps.

This would make everyone happy and BW could make MONEY!!


What some of the paying players want not all. If they change it or add optional it would be what the other side not want.

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Unfortunately the floodgates have been opened on this.


The game engine absolutely cannot support the options we have tossed out. The first option that came up was the obvious "optional sync" and the other option which has been going around - which is one I supported - was keeping it as announced but create special instances where there is no sync. So now the choice is put forth and unavoidable. Do the devs reverse the decision and get rid of Sync, which would probably upset everyone who got excited about this, or go forward with it, keeping upset those who are already upset about it. Either way, the ball is dropped, and not everyone is going to be happy with the result.

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Unfortunately the floodgates have been opened on this.


The game engine absolutely cannot support the options we have tossed out. The first option that came up was the obvious "optional sync" and the other option which has been going around - which is one I supported - was keeping it as announced but create special instances where there is no sync. So now the choice is put forth and unavoidable. Do the devs reverse the decision and get rid of Sync, which would probably upset everyone who got excited about this, or go forward with it, keeping upset those who are already upset about it. Either way, the ball is dropped, and not everyone is going to be happy with the result.


Pretty much this. In regards to seeing big changes in mmorpgs in the past... they usually are damned if they do, and damned if they don't. I'm personally against any system that drastically changes the game like this if it wasn't already in place at launch. You can look at it as correcting a mistake-- but we're talking a large chunk of time people have been used to the game being this way and they expect it to stay that way. Meanwhile a development conversation may go something like, "Oh, wow, I play that other game too and we totally should've gone that route with our game. Let's plug it in now!"


I'd come back to the notion that optional is always the better route to go than forced. And if you can't offer optional it usually is good to get larger scale feedback first before you reach this point.


That said, I can only join the original poster in stating thanks for continuing to try and make the game better to the development team. Even if I absolutely disagree, didn't want, nor ask for particular changes being made to the game. The level scaling in particular being what I especially disagree on.


No matter how they handle it now what I'm most concerned about is... how many players are we going to lose over this?

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