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Please...About Darth Marr (There might be KotFe Spoilers here be careful...)


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I would be very surprised if he is dead, given that the moment you step out of the KotFE bubble, he will still be alive and directing the council.


The farce surrounded Korraban and Tython after the 2 flashpoints being devasted, and yet perfectly fine and dandy outside the story arc are about to repeat themselves if he is dead.


I would have thought, given their claims to be returning to their story roots and playing to their strengths, that they will be avoiding these type of immersion destroying story conflicts at all costs.


Anything else is just cheap planning on their behalf.

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If he's not dead... Then my female Sith Inquisitor will kill him anyways. Yeah, he's a nice guy and all... But the throne of the Empire remains empty, and Marr it's an obstacle.


Also... Why Marr as a companion, and not Satele? Imagine... As a Sith, being able to corrupt the Jedi Grand Master herself and make her be your apprentice... Also... She's a Shan, so being the apprentice of a Sith Lord it's a family tradition...

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If he's not dead... Then my female Sith Inquisitor will kill him anyways. Yeah, he's a nice guy and all... But the throne of the Empire remains empty, and Marr it's an obstacle.


Also... Why Marr as a companion, and not Satele? Imagine... As a Sith, being able to corrupt the Jedi Grand Master herself and make her be your apprentice... Also... She's a Shan, so being the apprentice of a Sith Lord it's a family tradition...


1. I'd love to see your inquisitor try and get ***** slapped :D

2. Why don't we just make Vitiate our apprentice? Because that would be stupid story-wisse, Satele will never be our apprentice or underling (Unless they really kick her to the curb in the expansion) and Marr isn't either, he's just defending his ship by your side.

3. If your inquisitor can't corrupt Ashara, I don't think they'll be able to corrupt the GRANDMASTER OF THE JEDI ORDER!

4. Only two out of the four Shans we know has been a sith, doesn't really make it a tradition unless most of them, are doing it.

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Pretty much this. No matter how important you are in your own mind, you werent even able to fully convert one whiney jedi.


I know right? That always irritated me to no end. Nox is awesome and powerful but couldn't break that little twit. At least SW could break Jaesa. I think it should have come down to breaking Ashara or killing her. I wouldn't be averse to the latter. :)

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The closer we get to release the more I wonder if I should go through KotFE with my "mains".

So many things can happen, it seems.

I'm seriously thinking I'm going to let you guys find a way of saving people *before* I even play lol


I don't mind being spoiled if it means I get to keep my fav characters in one piece :o


(P.S Luna update your fanfic :D)

Edited by Iantia
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The closer we get to release the more I wonder if I should go through KotFE with my "mains".

So many things can happen, it seems.

I'm seriously thinking I'm going to let you guys find a way of saving people *before* I even play lol


I don't mind be spoiled if it means I get to keep my fav characters in one piece :o


(P.S Luna update your fanfic :D)


jUST use the free 60 to test the waters :D

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No way dude. I will have Treek give him mouth to mouth. That will shock him back to life:eek:


Nah, Skadge, since he can be a healer now.


That would really get him up and running again :D

Edited by Iantia
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Nah, Skadge, since he can be a healer now.


That would really get him up and running again :D


Especially my skadge....


Either way this sucks, my main cant touch kotfe til the Marr issue is resolved! Looks like for the first time in the history of ever for my swtor characters, one of my pubs will play new content first... :eek:

Edited by XiamaraSimi
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My eyes:eek: I think I will become a monk:(


I am officially too afraid to even look... especially since I'm about to head to bed (at 7am lol)

Nightmare material?


I'm with you Xia, on them needing to fix/change it/whatever (since we don't actually know lol), before I play for serious.


They have to! or... I'm totally revolting!


(Yeah, that sounded better in my head)

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This is stressing me out. Taking a week of vacation for the release.


I am going to need to use my 60 on this, which is fine.


This entire situation is confusing. How can he be a companion if he is dead? Devs wouldn't waste an asset like a new companion in the name of "choices matter" let us be honest.


The confusion is this.


We see Darth Marr die. Or assume he is dead.


There is an achievement for saving him....


Some say they can see him as a companion in the stream videos.


Wookiepedia says he is dead.


Lots to digest. I can't sort out the direction BioWare is taking this. The whole "Its a dream" or "Surprise! I am not actually dead!" are cheap devices beneath TOR.

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♫ I've been around the world

Yet I see no end

All shall fade to black again and again

This storm that's broken me

My only friend yeeeaaahh ♫





Oh god, I was so tired earlier, and I loved the song, totally missed the death date. *sobs* I can't accept this, this is horrible. :( I'm going to cling to the hope that they're just going off what they saw on the stream...it can be amended, it can't be carved in stone, just cause it's wookiepedia. :(



(P.S Luna update your fanfic :D)


I'm working on it! In the throes of Chapter 53 :D Hopefully ready for Friday night/ early Saturday Morning. :)

I take it you're a Scourge shipper? ^^


And yes, Marr must live, for the sake of the galaxy. <3 <3

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Since no one got it: wookieepedia added a death date to the Marr article. Despite being a wiki and all that, that's usually about as solid as it gets.



It has yet to fully hit me.


1, What's the death date?

2. Wookiepedia have their own 'cannon' versions of the SWTOR stories choice-wise for consistency, so Marr havin a death date could just be a possibility.

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1, What's the death date?

2. Wookiepedia have their own 'cannon' versions of the SWTOR stories choice-wise for consistency, so Marr havin a death date could just be a possibility.


As with Wikipedia, i wont fully believe anything put there that isnt backed by the publisher/developer itself. Just because Homer Simpson posts that pink frosted donuts are the best donuts on the donut page, doesnt make it true :D

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