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Tier rating rquirements adjustments (Dev input would be great)


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Since this is the first season with the new system of requiring full PVP gear to even enter ranked, is there a chance BW will reduce the rating requirements required for the tiers?


Assuming ranked is now actually more difficult and reaching specific tiers more difficult..... And I'm not talking a lot, like maybe 25-50 rating.



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I'm not sure that requiring 2018 expertise for ranked now would make it harder to get to a certain rating. It's possible that the requirement would actually make average ratings go up (assuming fewer trolls, accidentally selecting ranked, etc.).


They have their metrics that they use. Towards the end of every season, they supposedly look at their metrics and set the bar for the various tiers. So, they are supposed to be making adjustments every season. Since the tier requirements did not change from S5 to S6, apparently their metrics tell them that the 2018 exp requirement did not have much effect.

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Why would requiring 2018 expertise be justification to reduce the rating requirements for each tier? Are you implying that you were one of the people who used to queue 10 matches in PvE gear just get get at least bronze tier? Honest question btw, not trolling.


Oh nothing like that. I haven't played ranked since s3. And even though I went in with full 2018, my experience was quite unpleasant.


My thinking was that potentially everything has become more difficult, with the idea of wins potentially becoming harder to come by, in solo at least, because everyone has full expertise, meaning the games should be much closer.

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