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Just how ready are you for KOTFE? See inside for checklist☆


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There isn't much point pimping companion looks atm considering their stuff will be mailed back to you when you start the expanion, some will likely have brand new looks (5 years passed afterall) and we don't know who's coming back canonically and who doesn't. Best to pimp them out as they comeback IMO


Other than that, I'm ready

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There isn't much point pimping companion looks atm considering their stuff will be mailed back to you when you start the expanion, some will likely have brand new looks (5 years passed afterall) and we don't know who's coming back canonically and who doesn't. Best to pimp them out as they comeback IMO


Other than that, I'm ready

Hey now, I worked hard on giving Skadge the perfect look!

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I'm not ready.


My sub ends in 7 days, and I'm still trying to decide whether or not to renew.


I was initially excited for KOTFE, but as more and more information got released, I'm now not looking forward to it at all. And no, level sync is not one of the things that I hate about it.


At least now I know why BioWare waited so long before telling us virtually anything about it.

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How Ready Are You?

- One of each class at 60 Done

- All companions inc (treek,hk,droid) at 10k affection Done

- All characters and companions have a unique look Done

- Atleast 1 million credits in the bank Done

- Bags and cargo holds neat and tidy Done

- All characters crew skills maxed Done

- Light Side / Dark Side / Neutral are where you want them to be on your characters Done

- All main quest lines done Done

- All your classes look exactly as you want Done

- unlocked all your legacy perks Done

- All characters have their perks unlocked Done


Bonus Round

- All Datacrons collected Done

- Each character has at least 5 million credits Done

- 5000 cartel coins banked Done

- Have Nico,blasters and coat as well as early access comming your way Done

- Romanced another Done

- All characters have the title you want Done

- All characters have the weapon you want Done

- Legacy level of 50 Done

- Max social level Done

- Your happy with all your characters names Done

- Your Strongholds are set up the way you like Done

- All your characters have a unique mount to them that you like Done



There is more but this check list is mine and if you have at least half of it then your more than ready.

Edited by Zohkar
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