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Was Arcann and Thexan trained on Dantooine as children in the "Sacrifice" Trailer?


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Since there seems to be a 5 year gap between now and whats to come why was no one aware or had suspicions that the Eternal Empire had some sort of significance emerging on a place like Dantooine of course if it were to be true....


The first two pictures below are Arcann and Thexan training on a planet that looks like Dantooine and the rest are what Dantooine actually looks like.







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Lets hope so, Dantooine would be a good addition to this game.


To me it makes perfect sense why Valkorion would send his children to train there cause a lot of force sensitive children were also sent to Dantooine to train at the Jedi Enclave. The place has gone under attacks and has strong history. In the Sacrifice trailer after the twins lay down in the plains the scene cuts to a temple of them training in what looks like a ruined Jedi Enclave and the Khoonda plains are directly outside the front of the Enclave itself.


Also the The Crystal Cave was located on the southeast end of the Khoonda plains where they must have found their lightsaber crystal when Arcann and Thexan crafted their first lightsaber together in the Sacrifice trailer.

Edited by DuckKing
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How could it be Dantooine? Dantooine is a Republic World and Zakuul is supposed to be hidden beyond the edge of known space or something, wasn't it? Arcann and Thexan aren't Jedi. They wouldn't train on a Jedi world.


It does look very similar, but Dantooine can't be the only world with a grassland in the galaxy.

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How could it be Dantooine? Dantooine is a Republic World and Zakuul is supposed to be hidden beyond the edge of known space or something, wasn't it? Arcann and Thexan aren't Jedi. They wouldn't train on a Jedi world.


It does look very similar, but Dantooine can't be the only world with a grassland in the galaxy.


The Eternal Empire is Not Republic nor Imperial. That wouldn't stop them having any interest in Dantooine. I mean Arcaan and Thexan pactically ripped through Korriban in the Sacrifice trailer. If they went to Korriban whats stopping them from having any interest in Dantoonine. As for Zakuul I have no clue where it's location is. Also I never said they were being trained by jedi. Just where the ruined jedi enclave appears to be and it's a perfect place to train young force-sensitives.

Edited by DuckKing
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Didn't the Jedi rebuild Dantooine in the last 300 years? The Eternal Empire wouldn't have been on any Republic of Imperial worlds until their armies attacked when Arcann and Thexan were fully grown.


I'm pretty sure Dantooine has been abandon by the Jedi Council currently in this time period and doesn't return till Rise of an Empire era. Tython and Coruscant are currently the main council hubs now. I believe since the Enclave had been vacant for so long it could have been used by Valkorion during the beginnings of a barely formed Eternal Empire.

Edited by DuckKing
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No. Just no.


The Eternal Empire resides, most probably, somewhere in one of the Unknown Regions' sectors or in Wild Space


Dantooine is, like, on the other side of the Galaxy and is a Republic-aligned world.


Can't think of any reason why a Force-sensitive ruler of a powerful empire (that probably has its own share of Force-rich planets) would send his children to train somewhere that far away from home.

Edited by BenitsubasaChiyo
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It does look very similar, but Dantooine can't be the only world with a grassland in the galaxy.




Yes, the areas we see in the trailer with them as kids does look like Dantooine, but I HIGHLY doubt it is. I mean, take Hoth and Ilum for instance, they're both ice ball planets, and their terrain does look very similar/identical in areas. I'm sure there is a part of Zakuul; or potentially some other neighboring planet; that has a wide-open grassland area the boys could run through and train in.


In the trailer, it's rather made clear the Eternal Empire is SECLUDED from the rest of the Galaxy, so why would Valkorion risk exposure so his kids could play/train on Dantooine? It doesn't make sense at all that he'd travel across the Galaxy just so his boys could play on Dantooine.


In the Sacrifice trailer, after the twins lay down in the plains the scene cuts to a scene of them training in what looks like a ruined Jedi Enclave, and the Khoonda plains are directly outside the front of the Enclave itself.


For starters, that's an ARENA they're in, not ruins of the Jedi Enclave. Also, during that entire Arena fight scene, you don't even get to see the areas surrounding the arena, so there is no telling if it is Khoonda Plains at all. Also, considering Valkorion is VERY militaristic in his approach, I guarantee you he has an arena for his Knights to train in. This is likely one of the many training arena's on Zakuul or one of his other planets.


Now, if it IS Dantooine, then hell yeah, I'm ready to visit that planet again. However, as all evidence seems to point to right now, it's not Dantooine.

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That assumpion is based on similarities, not facts. Just because they look similar, it doesn't mean that they're the same. The galaxy, fictional or real, has billions or trillions of planets and it's more common than you may think to find two planets which looks exactly the same on the opposite sides of the universe.


In this new video (Spoiler alert: JJ discovered the GoPro and the 360° feature) they showcase some footage of a planet. There's a lot of desert, it looks like Tatooine. Is it? Nope. It's Jakku. Yet it looks exactly the same as Tatooine, minus the drowned ships.


The images you showed have a similar scenery, but the planet those two kids trained could be anything. Even a dutch countryside.

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