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Installation time


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How long does it take to install this game these days after so many patches added in meantime?

I have got new laptop, high performances (i7, 8 GB RAM, nVidia GeForce etc), but internet in our house is not fast at all, it has speed 50/10 download/upload.

Should it make this installing thing longer then 1 day? I heard some people needed really so much time to install the whole thing! :D :D

Edited by ForceOfFinland
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The Bitraider seems to be very slow, players have reported here that it takes ages to download.


I do not have Bitraider myself so the patching process was quick and easy.


I advice everyone to remove Bitraider since it creates alot of problems these days.

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Ok, so what do u suggest to me? How should i remove it before installing, and what with to replace it?


I am not a expert how to remove the Bitraider, I know there will be some settings that must be changed and the Bitraider folder has to be deleted.


I advice you to search the customer service forum as there are lots of players that have recieved advice there how to remove Bitraider. I know there will be lots of files to download again after the Bitraider is removed.


I really wish you good luck with this, I hope you get it sorted out. I checked the different forums and I saw atleast 5-6 threads created recently with the same problem that your computer have. I am sure you can get some advice there.

Edited by Icestar
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Everyone is patching at the same time. They only have so much bandwidth....


Actually it is usually not a problem, this time it seems to be something wierd with the Bitraider.


I use the regular download and rarely experience any problem with the download unless my ISP is down or something.

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It's not the download itself that is particularly slow. It's the installation time, which is a function of your own computer. As you know, the system downloads video, Main assets, English assets, etc. in a typical patch. each portion of the download for me was a minute to a minute and a half, but each install time was close to 8 minutes. The download was from 7 to 9 MB/s, which is really not at all bad.
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Everyone is patching at the same time. They only have so much bandwidth....


"Everyone" is always patching at more or less the same time and it is usually a very quick process for me. It's not like I haven't done this many, many times in the past and have no idea of how long it usually takes me.

I think that I have a better idea of how long it normally takes me than you do.


Today was slow, and I am not alone in making that observation.


I wouldn't bet on it being because all of a sudden today literally everyone was patching at the exact same time.

There was something more than just "the usual" at work here.

Edited by Mithros
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I don't doubt anyone here, but your reaction is inevitably to blame BW for a slow download. I also have patched many, many times. And since I ditched my DSL for Cable-based internet a couple of years ago I have never, ever had a slow download. The "pieces" of the download, of which there are usually about half a dozen normally, take less than two minutes for the very biggest gigabyte-sized ones and maybe 5 seconds for the small ones. Installation, as I stated above, always takes much longer.


I have BitRaider turned off. Park Control has the I7 cores on the highest settings--not parked at all. I have done everything that has been suggested to speed up my system because of lag and downright hangups I experience in the game, such as at the end of conversations when it is crucial to NOT lag. This includes using MSConfig to turn off loading of bloatware that creeps into most systems. The only thing that loads up is Bluetooth. Lag really isn't a problem for me any more, and I believe I may have stopped the hang-ups. Thank you, Owen Brooks. Whether any of these tweaks have affected download performance I do not know.


The question WE collectively ought to be asking is: Why is mine so fast and yours sometimes slow?


Please don't jump in and simply criticize my experience or tell me it's not relevant. I am not lying to you and I don't think you are lying to me. I am simply reporting what has happened to me as you are reporting what happened to you. The question is: Why the difference? Can you make any conclusions based on our collective experience?

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So guys situation with my download is like this: after 12 hrs of download (whole evening and night) at average internet speed 512.00 kb/s it came to 52% of "finishing download (ready to play)". Yeah, really long proces, and also i afraid my new computer would be destroyed by working whole day after all (please tell me does this download works while its at "sleep" condition or hibernation, because i dont know how to explain to my parents that they have to buy me new one after only 1 day of using it :D?), but 50% more and im over :) :)

Edited by ForceOfFinland
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The installation times/download times are harsh...I understand though I decided to use the non streaming version see if that's why my connection keeps going up and down up and down and being a nuisance and I have a feeling this is gonna take many MANY more hours ha ha.
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+ 1 more question: after this ready to play download finishes, do i need install rise of the hutt cartel and shadow of revan separately, or im getting it in "package" with this ready-to-play download? Please tell me im! :D

And yeah, its terrible. now im at 70%, it became faster at about 9 am, dunno why... probably all planets are already downloaded, dunno. :p

Edited by ForceOfFinland
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+ 1 more question: after this ready to play download finishes, do i need install rise of the hutt cartel and shadow of revan separately, or im getting it in "package" with this ready-to-play download? Please tell me im! :D

And yeah, its terrible. now im at 70%, it became faster at about 9 am, dunno why... probably all planets are already downloaded, dunno. :p


When everything is downloaded you can start the game without any separate extra download.

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Pheeew... now its easier to breathe. :p:D Btw 76% now, 2 hrs more and my SW are fresh and ready. ^^


If it takes this long for you to download you should consider getting a USB memory stick and save the swtor folder on it incase your client gets corrupted somehow. I will do this before the expansion for example, incase something happens when I upgrade.

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