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lol @ changes, just... lol


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so we get a "rocket leap", that apparently runs on fart gas as it cant use further than 20M.

Then, in thier infinite stupidity, they nerf the cooldown on HO for some reason i cant even begin to understand.

All while giving other classes teleport and gap closers that will leave us even worse of than we are now, and i didnt think that possible.

I'll be back for the pve and story, but at this point i see no reason to pvp in this game at this point.

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so we get a "rocket leap", that apparently runs on fart gas as it cant use further than 20M.

Then, in thier infinite stupidity, they nerf the cooldown on HO for some reason i cant even begin to understand.

All while giving other classes teleport and gap closers that will leave us even worse of than we are now, and i didnt think that possible.

I'll be back for the pve and story, but at this point i see no reason to pvp in this game at this point.


Not on a Merc, that much is clear. Operatives look like fun though.


Hate to say it, but I'll do the story only, unless there is forced scaling involved, and then done until the rest of KotFE is released. There are a lot of games I'm looking forward to playing, which is a bonus I guess. Quite happy with that end result.

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so we get a "rocket leap", that apparently runs on fart gas as it cant use further than 20M.

Then, in thier infinite stupidity, they nerf the cooldown on HO for some reason i cant even begin to understand.

All while giving other classes teleport and gap closers that will leave us even worse of than we are now, and i didnt think that possible.

I'll be back for the pve and story, but at this point i see no reason to pvp in this game at this point.


Okay first the runing on fart gas comment is something my 3 year old daughter would say. Based on my experience, you are three so I will treat you as such - Oh sweetheart nothing in the game runs on fart gas, how would you even smell it? I love that idea but it's kind of gross hehe, good imagination too. How do you know about HO? You are only three! You never stop amazing me kiddo :). Well since you are so intelligent I will try to answer that question for ya! HO is being nerfed because of 2 added things in 4.0 One is the Disengage allowing this class to immediately launch themselves backwards. That will be especially useful AFTER a warrior or knight leaps to you. Try not to use it before that but im sure it will take some practice cutie-pie but remember what Daniel Tiger says "if you feel so mad, that you want to roar, take a deep breath and count to four! One two three four."


The other reason it is being nerfed is because of the 6 sec movement control immunity Merc and Commandos are receiving this "nerf". I hope this helped you understand why you should be happy about what you are so mad about.

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That will be especially useful AFTER a warrior or knight leaps to you. Try not to use it before that but im sure it will take some practice cutie-pie but remember what Daniel Tiger says "if you feel so mad, that you want to roar, take a deep breath and count to four! One two three four."


Any of the numerous CCs that knights/warriors have will stop a merc/mando from using it unless they burn their CC break first at which point they would just be lept to again.

The other reason it is being nerfed is because of the 6 sec movement control immunity Merc and Commandos are receiving this "nerf". I hope this helped you understand why you should be happy about what you are so mad about.


To get that immunity a merc/mando will have to use a heroic point which means either giving up Thrill of the Hunt/Forced March or Shock Absorbers/Stabilized armor. Both of which are pretty much mandatory for ranked play on a merc/mando.


So, before calling someone out, you might want to research it a little bit.

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Any of the numerous CCs that knights/warriors have will stop a merc/mando from using it unless they burn their CC break first at which point they would just be lept to again.



To get that immunity a merc/mando will have to use a heroic point which means either giving up Thrill of the Hunt/Forced March or Shock Absorbers/Stabilized armor. Both of which are pretty much mandatory for ranked play on a merc/mando.


So, before calling someone out, you might want to research it a little bit.


I absolutely disagree and I have done my research thank you. If yall cannot live through their CC or Disengage literally DURING their leap or the instant and mean .0001 seconds after the land then yes, you will be burned alive and earned that. Yes changes happen, deal with it. I think mercs and commandos will be in a much funner and objectively stronger position in 4.0 then they are now. No heroic point is mandatory.


In this case I definitely respect your concerns for the future state of commandos and mercs.


What I disapprove (not with you in particular heh) of is senseless crying about things that haven't happened yet and this whole defeatist attitude. the upside for me personally is that I see these people a mile away in game.


They are the ones to give up on the first enemy double cap.


The ones that quit pvp and say they will only play pve based on changes that haven't happened challenging their beliefs of what gameplay should look like.


The ones that forgot the initial learning curve when first playing the game. People are willing to overcome when learning the game, but that acceptance and willingness goes out the window when presented with changes. Thats all :)


At the end of it all, people have a "right" to complain all they want, meanwhile I will be among those that push through the changes, learn how to adapt - then teach others in and out of game what they are missing (they always thank us then). Then come back to pvp well behind the curve and will probably still complain about the state of the class when it's just their own lack of familiarity to change.


"Repetition is the father of education, necessity being the mother."

Edited by Huggsnotdruggs
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I absolutely disagree and I have done my research thank you. If yall cannot live through their CC or Disengage literally DURING their leap or the instant and mean .0001 seconds after the land then yes, you will be burned alive and earned that. Yes changes happen, deal with it. I think mercs and commandos will be in a much funner and objectively stronger position in 4.0 then they are now. No heroic point is mandatory.


You've never played a merc/mando in ranked have you?


The abilities I named are pretty much mandatory because of the following reasons:


1: Our DCDs are really terrible and being able to cut down on 30% of the damage while stunned, and as a merc/mando you will be stunned a lot, is a huge deal. Unlike other classes we do not get this as a baseline and have to use a point on it.


2: Being able to shoot on the move is another extremely important ability. Without it we are more stationary than a sniper/slinger without the benefits of leap/pull immunity and without the burst.


In regs you might be able to get away with switching out Stabilized armor for the immunity on jet escape but in ranked it's not going to be worth it to give up.


In a 1v1 situation a merc/mando should be able to some what hold their own against pretty much any class but when was the last time in a ranked match you saw someone 1v1 a merc/mando? Never because everyone knows that their DCDs are crap and can be burned through by a couple half way competent DPS and even with the 30% less damage while stunned they can be killed within a few GCDs.

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What I disapprove (not with you in particular heh) of is senseless crying about things that haven't happened yet and this whole defeatist attitude. the upside for me personally is that I see these people a mile away in game.


They are the ones to give up on the first enemy double cap.


The ones that quit pvp and say they will only play pve based on changes that haven't happened challenging their beliefs of what gameplay should look like.


The ones that forgot the initial learning curve when first playing the game. People are willing to overcome when learning the game, but that acceptance and willingness goes out the window when presented with changes.


You really don't know what you're talking about.

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Okay first the runing on fart gas comment is something my 3 year old daughter would say. Based on my experience, you are three so I will treat you as such - Oh sweetheart nothing in the game runs on fart gas, how would you even smell it? I love that idea but it's kind of gross hehe, good imagination too. How do you know about HO? You are only three! You never stop amazing me kiddo :). Well since you are so intelligent I will try to answer that question for ya! HO is being nerfed because of 2 added things in 4.0 One is the Disengage allowing this class to immediately launch themselves backwards. That will be especially useful AFTER a warrior or knight leaps to you. Try not to use it before that but im sure it will take some practice cutie-pie but remember what Daniel Tiger says "if you feel so mad, that you want to roar, take a deep breath and count to four! One two three four."


The other reason it is being nerfed is because of the 6 sec movement control immunity Merc and Commandos are receiving this "nerf". I hope this helped you understand why you should be happy about what you are so mad about.


One small piece of advise, learn to recognize a joke for what it is, just a thought...

As to the rest, its crystal clear that you have never played a merc in competitive PVP therefore your view on the matter is completely moot as far as im concerned.

You may now change your forum avatar back to whatever it usually is and go back to those forums.

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So many tears so few Kleenex boxes. Within 4 weeks of 4.0 I will post a guide on how to counter melee classes. Hold me to it.


This has been my avatar with no changes made whatsoever since early or mid 2012. I play all classes. and I have played merc and commando competitively in ranked. You are all cry babies.

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