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Watchmen pvp gear


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Thx Buck. I play a lot with this toon named Arielsentinel on harbinger, almost reaching 100 valor. Republic side on this server is not always balanced and my guild doesn´t pvp that much, so having a healer in the match it´s not always posible.

I get confused with some things. First english is not my language (sorry for bad spelling and such). Then the "game" language like, whats the difference betweeen surge and critical chance, what´s dots and such things. No excuse, just trying to learn something and play better.

I apreciate youre imput and i´ll try to do that.

Thx again

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Thx Buck. I play a lot with this toon named Arielsentinel on harbinger, almost reaching 100 valor. Republic side on this server is not always balanced and my guild doesn´t pvp that much, so having a healer in the match it´s not always posible.

I get confused with some things. First english is not my language (sorry for bad spelling and such). Then the "game" language like, whats the difference betweeen surge and critical chance, what´s dots and such things. No excuse, just trying to learn something and play better.

I apreciate youre imput and i´ll try to do that.

Thx again


Critical Chance: The % Chance your attacks will critically hit.

Surge: The damage modifier that Critical Hits will boost your damage by

DoT: An attack that lingers on the target dealing damage every so often. Examples are Force Melt, Cauterize and Overload Saber.

Proc: A buff that has a chance to be applied to yourself from another skill.

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  • 3 weeks later...
its not the spec. thats a flat out lie. every spec can pull great numbers easy. the idiot who saying it is clearly plays on great teams all the time. im sorry but i use watchman in regs and its fine. just need the heal boosted and it be very viable. you say only regs? well, on jc in regs you always face a smash pug imp team that usally 4 man, if not 8. they rape regs all the time. so if im facing ranked 4 mans in regs, how isent watchman viable? when i can easily be top 3 in offense? explian please, cause you sir sound like the elitest pvper who go right to the god mode classes. must have 2 shadows and pt...swear...
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