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The Terror of The Great Armageddon


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Hello, this is AltinatorX (you can call me Alt) and this is my first time writing a fan fic. I had this story in the back of my head for quite a long time. Now it's time for me to actually show it online and see if people like it or not. Ok, this story is of course in the Old Republic Era. However, this is not based from the SWTOR game. This story includes several characters that are strictly original from myself. You are welcome to use any of my characters for crossovers. With that said, without further ado, please enjoy the story and MAY THE FORCE SERVE YOU WELL!!




I would never imagine that such a life existed in my corrupted past. I was never determined by the Dark Council that I, Lord Armageddon, would be the Dark Lord of the Sith as the next Sith Emperor. I had to sweep my hindrances out of the way to achieve it but who knew that even the greatest of Sith was once an innocent young boy chosen from the beginning to be strong in the Force. Unfortunately for me, I was discovered by the Jedi on my home planet of Mandalore. Raised as a warrior in the traditions of my ancestors, I remained oblivious to the fact that I was strong in the Force. Traditionally, we the Mandalorians are indifferent to the rest of the galaxy. We favored war and honor over politics and allegiances. Therefore, a Jedi making his way down to our battle-ravaged planet in search for a Force-Sensitive being is indeed a rare occurrence.


The Jedi was on a mission to Mandalore. The details of the mission remained unknown to me. Nevertheless, I remained cautious towards the Jedi in case he would suddenly make a move. Eventually, the Jedi found me. He introduced himself as Master Sarusan Karr. He told me that the force was unusually strong in me and many more hard things that my young brain could take. After insisting that I should be taken to the Jedi Temple for Jedi Training, Our leaders reluctantly released my from Mandalorian custody and placed me under the protection of the Jedi not knowing that their status will be made more superior in the coming decades of time.


Chapter 1: Life as a Jedi


The Jedi Temple was peaceful as can be. Everyone had this mysterious power within them that I later got to know it was the power of the Force. I was assigned to a group of Jedi Younglings under the direction of Jedi Instructor, Yamaha Glen. Master Glen did invite me in the group with a warm welcome. He worked with me. He taught me everything he knew about the living force. However, I sensed something troubling him I know not what. Unfortunately, the other younglings did not share the same attitude as the instructor did. There was a proclaimed hierarchy among the younglings. The "leader", Brolin Masa, particularly found great distaste towards me and my appearance as a built warrior. He believe that I would not be able to keep up with the knowledge of the force and would often ridicule and humiliate me in front of the group. Some of the members would join in on the fun while others would just sit around and enjoy the show. Oh how the humiliation tortured me over time as I slowly tried to hold back my anger. For the Jedi code stated that There is no Emotion, There is Peace.


Lucky for me, there was one Jedi in particular who looked out for me. Her name was Angelina Morada and she was the most striking and beautiful Jedi I had ever seen. She saw the discrimination and not only did she loathe it, she tried to stand up and protect me. Oh how in love I was at this moment.


"I'm sorry they do this to you," she would say


but I didn't care about what happened. All I knew was the fact that I was indeed in love with her and nothing more will affect me severely.


My disappointment grew deeper when I found out that Jedi are forbidden to form attachments or in other words to fall in love. My grief grew heavier and heavier as time passed. More and more restrictions were revealed unto me like falling boulders. " First they tell me to do my best and now they tell me that I am going to far! What do the Jedi take us for? Being Servants?!?" Over and over, those thoughts reflected in my mind. Not only the restrictions, the increased hostility between myself and the younglings, particularly Brolin, didn't help me at all. I went to talk to Jedi after Jedi, even to the Jedi Council about my inquiries but they took little notice and gave me the cold shoulder. Master Glen remains oblivious to the situation as well. How much worse can this be?


Despite all the hardships, I faced, there was this one special person that was always there for me. It turned out that she cared for me too. She understood how hard it is to fit in and somehow found a connection that indeed lasted for a lifetime. We managed to find a splendid private area just for the two of us and started our relationship that would change me forever.


"Giovanni, I know this is against the Jedi Code but.... I.. uh..I really love you!!"


I hesitated for a moment. This came to me by surprise but I then knew what I wanted to say.


"Angelina, you were the only person that ever cared for me. I may have ended my life if it wasn't for you. I thank you for that. I don't care if it's against the Jedi or any other code! I love you and I will never deny it!!


It was then when we shared our first romantic kiss. Oh how lovely it was to be with the person you love and loves you back. Little did I know that, this one act of love would forever change my views of the Jedi forever!


Chapter 2: The Fall


One day, we were given training lightsabers to use for our lesson in lightsaber combat. "Finally!! Something I can actually enjoy doing!" We were taught Form I of lightsaber combat. It wasn't that bad. I knew I can perform better on other forms too because I had often gone to the Jedi Archives to study independently just in case something happens. "So far so good," I thought as the instructional period went on. After it was over, there was a loud clamoring of voices talking about something nobody else was supposed to know about.


" I saw you kissing with her, Giovanni!" Brolin shouted out loud.


"Ooooh, that's against the Jedi Code!!" others bursted out.


"I guess you proved to us that you never belonged here after pulling that off!!" Brolin continued mercilessly.


There was a loud clamor of howling and hooting from the other younglings except Angelina. Oh I can really feel the anger rising and rising. My eyes started to see nothing but red. I felt Angelina's hand over my hand but even that couldn't stop my ever growing rage.


" All this time, ever since I moved here, you have been nothing but a hindrance to me!!" I roared.


All of the sudden, the other younglings killed their voices as they carefully watched me and Brolin go at it.


"Oh really? Brolin asked sarcastically. "And what are you gonna do about it you scum!"


My anger and hatred was firing up faster and faster as I reached for my lightsaber clipped to my belt.


"Calm down Giovanni, this isn't gonna help you!" Angelina whispered softly as she got a hold of my arm.


I immediately shook her off and with my lightsaber in my hand I slowly walked towards Brolin. I couldn't here anything else in the background right now. This was just between me and Brolin.


"Oh, you'll see what I'm gonna do about it you worthless piece of bantha fodder!!!" I growled back as I ignited my lightsaber.


Brolin reached for his lightsaber and ignited it. We were then in a deadly lock with me pushing against him. Oh there was chaos in the room as many younglings panicked. Some decided to call the other Jedi to stop us. I swung and swung my saber using all of my anger and hatred against him, trying to cause as much damage as I can on him. Brolin swiftly parried my attacks and pushed his attack onto me. He swung near my head which I ducked under. He followed with a reverse turn strike and almost made its mark. I managed to block it before it hit me. I landed a hard kick in his chin. He staggered and fell on his back with his lightsaber in a defense position. I threw myself onto him and tried to smash through his lightsaber which he kicked my stomach and knocked me off balance. This gave him enough time to recover. I decided to use some force powers that I have been practicing. As he was running towards me, I stretched out my hand and pushed him back with the force. I reached with the force and grabbed him and brought him towards me so I can slice him on the stomach. He managed to block it in time. This enraged me even further. I let out my arm and held Brolin by his windpipe telekinetically. He immediate dropped his lightsaber and held on to his throat. By then the Jedi Instructors had come and saw my horrific act. I choked him harder and harder, slowly draining the life out of him.


"LET HIM GO, GIOVANNI!!" Master Glen shouted from behind.


"YOU STAY OUT OF THIS!!" I roared back.


Without getting angry, Master Glen borrowed a training lightsaber from another youngling and hurled it at my choking hand. The beam struck my hand with a vengeance. I screamed in pain as I felt the burn the lightsaber created. Lucky for me it was a training lightsaber because if it was a normal one, I would've lost my hand. That abrupt action gave Brolin some air and he collapsed on the floor gasping for more air. I turned to look as many Jedi began to tackle me to the floor. They managed to detain me and bring me to the Jedi Council Chambers. Already the council members knew about my struggle with Brolin and decided to have a talk with me when I was taken into custody. I glared heavily at the Jedi council members who looked at me with neutral expressions. Then Master Satele Shan, the master of the Order and Grand Master of the Jedi Order, spoke first.


"Young one, you have been brought here to answer for your actions against a fellow youngling."


"More like what he started since I came." I sarcastically thought.


"Is there anything you would like to say before the Council concerning your misdeeds against Brolin?" she finished.


"I have already told you everything concerning what happened before any of this happened!" I gruffly replied. " I was being treated unfairly. I was repeatedly mocked and scorned upon while the Jedi Order did NOTHING to help me!!:


"You needed to control your emotions young one," said another member. "Remember the Jedi Code: There is no Emotion, There is Peace."


"But how can I maintain peace without emotion when those scumbag keep attacking me?" I asked without thinking.


"You have spoken out-of-turn young one." said Master Shan sternly.


"They're not even listening to me!!" I thought angrily. " I don't care if I'm 'speaking out-of-turn!' I need help right now or else!!" I shouted


"Silence!" Master Shan spat. " I will not hear from you anymore am I clear young one?"


I held my peace as they took me away. Moments later, they brought me back to hear the verdict.


"Young one, after careful consideration, the Council has decided that we suspend your use of the lightsaber for a period of time. You will also be restricted on your admittance to the Jedi Archives until you learn to control your emotions. We will carefully monitor your progress as time passes and when you have proven yourself worthy, you may be given back the privileges and perhaps grant you the rank of Padawan," Master Shan concluded.


" This Council is adjourned. May the Force Be With You."


These days could have never been so miserable. Not only the verdict was placed on me, Angelina was also called into the Chamber under the suspicion of attachment. Those idiotic scumbags must've told the Council about our love affair. She told me that she was to be carefully monitored by other Jedi especially with me. Those blasted Jedi were nothing more than power-hungry souls who wanted to control everyone who was under them. It wasn't long when it was time for me to decide whether to part ways with the light or stay true to the ways of the Jedi.


To be continued...

Edited by AltinatorX
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Feel free to post your thoughts, your constructive criticism, complements, anything will do as long as it is not offensive or report worthy. I'd like to get some feedback from my readers so that I may produce the best work that I can. Thank you for taking the time to read this and I hope to impress all of you in time.
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So guys how am I doing so far? I love seeing the views going up every time I log in. Well for those who read my story, your wait is now over. The adventure of our fellow Sith, the Great Armageddon, will now continue right before your eyes. Please sit back and enjoy this presentation as Lord Armageddon prepares for his quest to the Dark Side....


Chapter 3: Secret Training


The days are dragging a lot longer than it is supposed to be. There is absolutely nothing to do! They took away my lightsaber and restricted my usage of the Jedi Archives. I see my fellow nemesis, the younglings, advance and advance as I sit tight in the sidelines being monitored by annoying Jedi Instructors. "You really think I'm a threat to the Jedi Order don't you?" I thought. "If that's the case, why not expel me and get it over with!" The days turned into weeks and the weeks turned into months and still nothing interesting happened. Fortunately for me, I met a good friend during of my training. His name was Anthos Vivaldo and he was a very good person to talk to especially when you are depressed out of your mind. He came by weekly to check on my progress for Jedi Training. He became outraged when I told him the little incident I had with Brolin. "They never even wanted to listen to your side of the story!! This is sacrilege!" He exclaimed. I was so grateful that he was on my side. I was even more happy that he was willing to help me with my Jedi Training.


Anthos kept my focus to my maximum extent and had me concentrate on developing my abilities with the Force. I had never been so close to the Force before in my life. I was more focused. My force abilities became more and more accurate and proficient. My lightsaber combat skills grew rapidly as I bested the most advanced of droids that Anthos could prepare for me. Nobody knew that we were training. All of the Jedi assumed that I was sitting on my bed fiddling around. Not a single thought came to any Jedi that a certain rebellious Jedi would be training hard from right under their noses. Eventually the Jedi grew suspicious of me and decided to keep a closer eye on me. This act by the Jedi forced Anthos to withdraw from the Temple in order to keep me out of trouble.


The younglings under the "leadership" of Brolin were making tremendous progress. Master Glen decided that now was the time to go to the crystal caves of Illum to acquire a lightsaber crystal for each and every one of the younglings. Everyone except me that is. They had already found the components of the lightsaber that was scattered across Tython. I was not permitted to participate. While Master Glen with the younglings boarded a shuttle to the planet Illum, I visited my friend Anthos and told him the terrible news. The news struck him so hard that it took him all of his self-control to stop him from storming the Temple. "Now is the time," Anthos thought. Anthos asked me about the Jedi doctrines that angered me the most. I revealed a great many things to him including no attachments. He sympathized with me and told me something that I still remember today and has changed my entire life.


"I'm sure you have already noticed things about the Jedi that is not the Jedi way. They restrict the progress of eager Jedi, they do not tolerate common weaknesses such as the natural urge to fall in love. I can go on with the list forever. Have you ever desired power over your adversities? Have you ever desired to reach your full potential and fall in love with the one true love that you so desired to be together forever?"


Those questions stuck with me for a long time. Deep in the depths of my heart, I knew what I really wanted: power and real success in whatever I accomplish. I wanted to be acknowledged for my accomplishments. I wanted to challenge myself to the fullest. I answered him in a way that I would never answer to anyone else in the Jedi Order.


"I am tired of the way the Jedi have been treating me since the day I moved here. They have mocked and ignored me. They have also trampled over my accomplishments. They further angered me by punishing me for something that I considered to be perfectly fair. I desire that my progress and accomplishment be recognized and brought out to my fullest potential. I desire to be able to fully make my own decisions. Anthos, you have been there for me when I am at my lowest point. I fully trust that whatever you do to help my problems will fully benefit me."


"I am very grateful of your commitment to me. Together we can accomplish a great many things. Learn to use the Dark Side of the Force. You are no stranger to the Dark Side. You know in your heart that you gave in to the dark. All Jedi have in their life. The struggle with Brolin proves your capability and worthiness to become a Sith. I offer an opportunity that will benefit you from the time you enter into our fold. Join me and become the best person you can possibly be!"


From this moment forward, I knew that Anthos was right. The Jedi no longer offered anything more useful to me. I humbly accepted his offer and started my quest in the Order of the SIth Lords. Anthos helped me prepare for my first personal mission. I was to kill every youngling that have ever wronged me. I was to show no hesitation and no mercy whatsoever. After the final preparations of constructing my Sith lightsaber and the robing of my new Sith robes, I was ready to face the first step to becoming the greatest Dark Lord of the Sith that have ever walked on the face of the galaxy.


Chapter 4: The Deed is Done


The time has finally come. I was on my way to the Jedi Temple to perform the cure that I have longed to be washed with. The blood of those sorry younglings will not only satisfy me, it will prove to the entire galaxy that the Jedi are weak! I had just received notice that the younglings had returned to the Jedi Temple after successfully acquiring their lightsaber crystals. They had already constructed their lightsabers and are ready to be chosen to their masters as a Padawan. Little did they know that their life as a new Jedi would come to a close.


The Jedi Temple was completely dark. Everyone had fallen asleep after a long and busy day. I was fully aware that there are security cameras activated to search out any intruders that may enter into the temple. Every camera I saw, I crushed it with the Force until I saw no more. Guided by the Force, I crept towards the room where the younglings meet up. I was able to find them quickly because they were throwing a party for their success. I sense no presence of my love, Angelina. I entered the room quietly. Nobody recognized me because of my hood.


"Hey who are you?!?" Brolin shouted.


I ignored him and barred all of the doors that were in the training area. I made sure nobody was able to escape their fate. Feeling confused and frightened, Brolin drew his brand-new lightsaber and ignited it. The rest of them followed. The flashing of the blue and green blades made my eyes dance for a moment. I returned my focus and in return. I ignited my own red blade.


"I don't know who you are but you are intruding the Jedi Temple and must be stopped!!" said Brolin firmly.


He charged at me with his lightsaber in front of him and attacked. I parried his attack with ease and pushed him aside with the Force. My intention was to finish him last. With him gone, the other new Jedi decided to attack all at once. All of them charged at me with their lightsabers. I was able to block all of their attack. Many of them did not stand a chance against me for I was able to cut down 4 or 5 of them within a minute. That did not stop the younglings for they believed that by overwhelming me, they will prevail. How foolish were they indeed. I wasted no time gutting the other new Jedi one by one. After the last one was gone, Brolin recovered from his blackout. He looked dazed and confused as he got up but soon came to his senses as he saw the many bodies of his fallen friends. He looked at me with horror and hatred.


"These were your friends weren't they? I gutted all of them without breaking a sweat! Doesn't that make you mad boy?" I taunted.


"You will not manipulate my mind Sith! This ends now, I will defeat you in the name of my fallen comrades!!" Brolin shouted courageously.


He charged into me with his lightsaber and initiated his attack. I was able to parry each and every one of his attack with ease. I returned the favor with attacks of my own. Although he was able to parry them, it was evident that he was no match for me as were all of his pathetic friends.


"Ah yes, I can feel your anger. Gives you focus and makes you stronger." I said in a soothing tone. " Use that raw anger against me with every stroke. That is the only way you can avenge your friends."


"You cannot do this to me Sith!" Brolin roared. "I will never be defeated by the likes of you. Not in a million years!"


He charged into me once more with a vengeance. I delighted every moment of this new fight as I was able to feel his anger and rage building and building. His attacks soon became reckless as he was frantically swinging his lightsaber at me to cause as much damage as possible. I believed it was time for me to end this and I made a move that was completely unexpected. The move caught Brolin off-guard and I used that moment to my advantage as I gripped his throat with the Force just as I did before. I shoved him to a wall and watched as he was helplessly clutching at his throat for dear life. In that exact moment, Angelina entered into the scene. She gasped in horror when she saw the crumpled figures of all of her friends. She was more afraid when she saw me choking Brolin. I was unaware of her entrance and pulled down my hood to reveal myself. Brolin's eyes were wide open as he was surprised at who the Sith really was.


" No....way... argh.... It....argh was you?!?" he choked.


"I will make you regret everything you did to me ever since I came to this place!!" I sneered.


"Plea...... argh..... Please..... forgive....... argh.... me!! I....beg...argh you!" He gasped.


"Your apology has been long past overdue. You will die a disgrace alongside the rest of your pathetic friends." I seethed.


I brought him close to me with the Force and triumphantly inserted my lightsaber through his chest. I flung his carcass across the room and it landed with a thud. I switched off my lightsaber and turned around. I gazed in horror as I saw a horrified Angelina, the love of my dreams. I could feel her fear and it reflected mine. I spared her life but the feeling never left me. I still retain that feeling as if it was yesterday.


The aftermath of the slaughter commenced as follows. The Jedi Council found the bodies in the room. Angelina evidently reported the event to the Council. Their next decree was to hunt me down and bring me to justice. I returned to my new master Anthos Vivaldo and reported my success. He congratulated me on behalf of my accomplished me and reminded me to savor the moment. I did and it filled me with great power. The path of darkness unfolds as I take the first step into the way of the Sith.


To be Continued.....

Edited by AltinatorX
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