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Vanguard Plasmatech, what is special?


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Ok this is a serious question for me, I am not trolling I have gotten a vanguard plasmatech up to level 43. I have gone through about 3 troopers deleting them all because I just didn't care for them so now I am just going to ask, do not troopers ever get anything that makes them feel special or unique?


At level 43 I have an arrangement of powers or skills yes, and I am totally playable (with the right companions) I am not saying I feel broken or useless, I just don't feel good.


For an example by now my agents or smugglers would have been ripping through mobs with powerful AOE attacks. My jedi have had powerful fun to watch animations doing overhead smashes and AOE roundhouse attacks. My sages and Sorc would have been dropping the hammer with powerful AOEs and even more powerful single target attacks all the while hiding behind their force bubbles.


But no not my troopers, they just seem to be ok. All the attacks just seem to range somewhere in the mid range of attacks that any of my other classes get as just filler to lead to powerful smackdowns. But with the plasmatech and my past troopers but will can leave it to plasmatech for now because it is what I stuck with, I don't feel like that smackdown exists.


So I am asking is this just how it goes for the class? Or am I seriously missing something? Cause I over all don't find them any more survivable then a jedi guardian or sentinel but feel they don't do the damage. My sage and socr barely get touched behind the bubble armor because they can put down a mob so fast so the HP difference doenst even come into play, and I would say the same for my smuggler and agent who have no bubbles but still are rarely in distress while putting a mob into a grave.

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