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eh, might as well.


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hey guys. pleasure to meet you all.


as you can see by my join date, i've been a longtime member here. i tend to lurk more than i post though, so you may not see me around that much. admittedly, i kinda forgot about the game for like a year and a half, until i got an email inviting me to the November weekend beta stress test. so long story short: played the beta, loved it, preordered.


i don't have a guild i'm in. i'd rather start out solo and see what friends i make in the game. maybe one of them will have a guild that suits my tastes.


i'm gonna try to play on one of the RP-PvE servers on the East Coast. not sure which yet. depends on which ones are more empty. Smuggler will be my first character to roll since i had a blast with my gunslinger during the beta. i'll also make a JC, as that was my second favorite, and eventually a Trooper, BH, and JK.


so yeah. can't think of much more to say. hope to see you all in game.

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Greetings and nice to meet you. My friend is rolling a smuggler as well, a healer scoundrel and I'll be the big, bad vanguard trooper tank. Probably wont be doing an RP server this time, did that in a certain other game and got kind of tired of it, would be neat to actually be on a east coast server this time though.


Anyways, good luck and have fun!

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yeah, in the beta, originally i was planning to make a healer scoundrel, but when it got to the point to class change, i realized that the play style i had adapted to was suited more for a gunslinger. so i became one of those instead. i'll prolly end up making a scoundrel later down the line anyways. i have a horrible habit of spamming alts.
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i have a horrible habit of spamming alts.

It's alright, so do I. I usually spend more time making new characters then I do playing the ones I already have. I guess it's because I enjoy the ride more then the destination most of the time.


But don't worry, your secret is safe with me. I wont tell if you don't. My lips are sealed, hush-hush, top secret, no admittance, danger ahead, turn back, reduce speed, slippery when wet(good Bon Jovi album too), merging lanes, brake for pedestrians, red zone, home run, double dribble, illegal contact, roughing the passer, off sides, two minute warning, time out...To be honest I have no clue where I was going with that, but it sounded good at the time.

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It's alright, so do I. I usually spend more time making new characters then I do playing the ones I already have. I guess it's because I enjoy the ride more then the destination most of the time.


^ me in a nutshell. usually, i have to try out every single class in a game before i pick a main. and half the time i end up restarting characters just to try out different builds. drives me crazy because then i never get to the end game. >_<

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I've played a couple of games before where I never made it to the end at all, because I could never find one character that fully suited me. lol I've driven a few of my friends crazy before with wanting to try out all different sorts of combos when they just wanted to rush to end game.


This game is going to be even worse for me. Interesting classes with unique story for each one? I'm probably doomed and will end up playing by myself when everyone gets sick of me wanting to try everything. lol


The only thing I can say for certain right now is I want a tank as my preferred character. I enjoy tanking the most in all the games I play, the problem being is there is a lot of tanks to chose from in this game.

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I've played a couple of games before where I never made it to the end at all, because I could never find one character that fully suited me. lol I've driven a few of my friends crazy before with wanting to try out all different sorts of combos when they just wanted to rush to end game.


I have to admit to being an alt-aholic as well and I've NEVER made it to end game, even after 15 plus years of gaming. I can already see me having one of each because I want to see every story...LOL...oh well, but the ride will be fun!

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i know exactly how you feel. i was always left behind as well, lol. but i just couldn't help myself. >_< i like playing tanky characters too. though i tend to gravitate towards thieves/non-mage ranged classes, hence my loving the smuggler. the JK was kinda fun too though. i have yet to try a trooper.
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I think all of us alt-a-holics should band together and unite as one great force! We'll make our own guild, it will be a grand endeavor! There will be over 500 members and only 10 active accounts! lol




oh well, but the ride will be fun!

The ride is going to be outstanding! Like the first time you climb into a new ride and rev that engine up and listen to it purr. Then you just put the shades on, crank the tunes and roll off down into the sunset.

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i would be up for an alt-aholic guild. :p

It was mostly a joke...But! Now that you mention it, that does sound like a good idea! The last serious guild I was in, in another game had a 2 character limit which was just to restricting for my tastes. Having a guild made just for people who want alts and enjoy playing alts would be rather fun.


I'd rather play with 10 other people who have 10 alts each and enjoy their company, then play with 100 people with 1 character each who I have no clue who they even are each time I log in. lol


The real question is...what would we call ourselves? 'The Split Personalities'? We'd have to come up with something good. lol

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again, i agree. i tend to prefer smaller groups myself (not counting the many alts). it's easier to get to know people better than in guilds with like 500 active people. *shudders* i could never join one of those. how would you even keep up with the guild chat. >_<


hmm...coming up with a good guild name is always more difficult than coming up with a character name.

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I've been in a few huge guilds and they were no fun at all. Everyone had their own little clicks within the guild and pretty much ignored everyone else. Not to mention every time you'd log in there would be like twenty new faces and you'd have no clue who they even were. After a while I realized that bigger really isn't always better. What was the point of being in a huge group when I only actually hung out with like five others within it.


Now I stick with either playing with real life friends or friends I meet online that are cool and share the same opinions and ideals on how we should enjoy the game. But I always make sure it's a small group. So much easier to communicate and keep up on what everyone is doing when there's only a few of you. Plus you don't actually need that many people to run dungeons and PVP with anyways.


But if you really are interested in maybe seeing about getting a guild started someday, send me a friend request or message and I'd be happy to help out in anyway I can. It's rather strange how something that starts out as a simple introduction thread and saying hello can turn into a refuge for altaholics around the world. lol


From the looks of it my friend now wants to roll sith again and play a bounty hunter. She has just informed me, which is alright with me as I prefer sith side. However, I'd still be willing to play a republic toon or two with my friendly altaholics if any care to. Who knows maybe she might even want to tag along as well, after all she's having trouble deciding on what to play.


Now I better stop babbling and shut up, that was a rather long winded post. lol

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haha, yeah. i wasn't actually expecting to get into a long convo with anyone in this thread, but i was pleasantly surprised.


i was planning on rolling a bounty hunter too, so that would work. i was kinda going to main as a republic though, mostly because everyone else wants to be on the dark side and...i have an unhealthy obsession with the smuggler class... >_< YOU'RE TEARING ME APART, SMUGGLER!

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I just like the Pureblood and Rattataki species the most and they can only be Sith. Plus ironically, I figured it would be the other way around. With everyone wanting to play the republic and be the Luke Skywalker's and Han Solo's. lol I also happened to play this certain faction, in this certain other game that has me being somewhat bias and partial to the Sith as well.


But being the altaholic I am, I'll probably end up with a few republic characters as well. Trooper still looks cool and consular would probably be fun, if I could get over wearing such a girly dress. lol


i have an unhealthy obsession with the smuggler class... >_< YOU'RE TEARING ME APART, SMUGGLER!

Admit it, you just want a wookie as a pet, er...I mean companion!

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actually, i think i'm one of the handful of people in the game that likes Corso Riggs. i know all the other smugglers will prolly spam Bowdarr once they get him. i'm kinda the type that likes to pick the least popular class/race/companion/what have you. i might use the wookiee when i make a scoundrel, as he'll prolly serve as a better tank for that style.


now, you may be wondering, "if she doesn't like to play popular classes, why is she rolling a bounty hunter?" two words: OMG BLIZZ. he is so freaking adorable! i launched into a fit of squees when i saw him in a video. i just can't say no to such a cute, little figure like that. XD

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Of course, of course, everyone seems to love Blizz. lol It's like when you bring home a new puppy and run it through the park and everyone crowds around to oooh and awe over the little puppy.


I still don't quite get what the fascination with him is, but whatever makes people happy I guess. lol


I tend to play what I want to play, the popularity of a class doesn't actually bother me.


From what little I have seen of Corso Riggs, he actually seems like a good ol' boy. He'd fit in well around here in Vermont and probably be fun to hang around with. lol

Edited by DarthBub
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Corso's quite the gentleman, which is the main reason i like him. i've got a soft spot for gentlemen, even if they are farm boys. actually, i don't mind farm boys either. i've met a lot of nice, polite, hospitable, stalwart, muscular country folk. i wouldn't mess with someone who wrestles with cows, man.


as far as Blizz goes, i just want him cause he's like cuddly stuffed animal to me. XD i just wanna hug 'em and squeeze 'em and hold 'em close.

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Corso's quite the gentleman, which is the main reason i like him. i've got a soft spot for gentlemen, even if they are farm boys. actually, i don't mind farm boys either. i've met a lot of nice, polite, hospitable, stalwart, muscular country folk. i wouldn't mess with someone who wrestles with cows, man.

Nothing wrong with us farm boys at all. lol Just because we have cows in our backyard, doesn't make us ignorant people. Besides, cows are actually like big dogs. They're friendly, nice and damn do they love to slobber you. lol I've had to wrestle a few ornery bulls into the back of trailers before, so I agree with not messing with people who can wrestle a cow. lol


But I do agree that Corso seems to have a good personality, I could be friends with someone like that easily.


as far as Blizz goes, i just want him cause he's like cuddly stuffed animal to me. XD i just wanna hug 'em and squeeze 'em and hold 'em close.

Maybe that's my problem right there. I don't have any stuffed animals, so can't really relate at all. lol

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and damn do they love to slobber you.


...wow, that mental image that just popped in my head was....yeesh.


But I do agree that Corso seems to have a good personality, I could be friends with someone like that easily.


same here. heck, if he were a real man, i'd prolly consider dating him. i don't meet many guys like that anymore. a lot of them are cocky, snobbish, or just plain rude. around these parts anyways.


Maybe that's my problem right there. I don't have any stuffed animals, so can't really relate at all. lol


you have no soul. or you were very sheltered, lol. if there is a stuffed animal equivalent in the game, i am so buying you one and will teach you to fall to the dark powers of oh-my-gosh-that-thing-is-adorable.

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...wow, that mental image that just popped in my head was....yeesh.

I don't want to know what you're thinking right now. Alright, maybe I do a little. lol I take it you haven't been around very many cows then? Or you'd know all about their love of tasting everything with their tongues. At least the Holsteins here do.



you have no soul. or you were very sheltered, lol. if there is a stuffed animal equivalent in the game, i am so buying you one and will teach you to fall to the dark powers of oh-my-gosh-that-thing-is-adorable.

Why would I need stuffed animals when there's plenty of real animals around here? But thanks for the thought. Just what every grown man wants to be bought, his very own stuffed animal. lol

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