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Watchman DoT spread problem


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I play 39 lvl Sentinel Watchman.

Can somebody explain how does catharize DoT spread via Force Sweep works? It happens eventually for me.


For example, I see 3 trash mobs and one moderate mob. I target moderate mob and do

Force Leap -> Overload Saber -> Zealous Strike -> Cauterize -> Force Sweep

now I am trying to avoid fight and wait what happens. After ~5 seconds only moderate mob is burning. Trash mobs have 10-30% life after my Force Sweep (so I need to attack them again) and thats all.


What am I doing wrong?:eek: Sometimes it work well sometimes not. I can't figure out why?!

Edited by AlekHed
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If the target that had Cauterize on it dies, the DoT spread does not work. It's as simple as that.


And this sir is a bug, or should be considered one, cause the skill doesn't say "it spreads dots, EXCEPT if the target dies" or something. I also have problems spreading dots, in walkers fight, i try to spread the dots to the droid Unit 1 summons, but sometimes it doesnt work, even if i have just used cauterize AND the droid didn't die. I hate this system, it's so annoying and hard to use effectivelly. =/

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And this sir is a bug, or should be considered one, cause the skill doesn't say "it spreads dots, EXCEPT if the target dies" or something.


Yes, and that's problably caused by something stupid such as a bad hierachization/organization of events.


I can see the typical mistake, of attacks triggering death before the spread effect, which also trigger a purge, which then make the spread check to not find anything to spread.

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Yes, and that's problably caused by something stupid such as a bad hierachization/organization of events.


I can see the typical mistake, of attacks triggering death before the spread effect, which also trigger a purge, which then make the spread check to not find anything to spread.


Probies be probies yo!

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