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Quarterly Producer Letter for Q2 2024 ×

So how about those level brackets?


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Can we get them now, it's not christmas you should be working devs, give us some word on some level brackets.



I don't care about your fanboy bolster crap, sure it's nice and all and I can usually hold myself toe to toe. However, in reality somebody who is level 18 cannot hold themselves against someone who is level 40+. I just do not have my core talents that make my spec actually doable. As an operative, I do not have surgical probe, or Kolto Probe or anything else that actually makes it so my energy isn't terrible. As damage, I don't have any of the talents that slow or stun which then makes me worthless as concealment.




We need level brackets so people can fight with people their own levels and learn and progress their own skills as they and those they fight gain more abilities. You don't learn that well when you have 3 abilities at level 10 going up against people 45 to 50 who are at their full talent points and abilities.



If you want people to enjoy pvp put in level brackets on the warzones, put in cross server warzones as well because honestly with the whole getting huttball every warzone and fighting your own faction I'd rather fight jedi from another server then my own empire folks over and over.

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Considering how popular PvP servers are it is a wonder how the Devs could have dropped the ball so badly in so many ways.


The PvE is a lot of fun and very well thought out, but...


The PvP seems to be an afterthought. The lag is horrible for many, range rules and letting 50's in the same warzone as low lever cannon fodder is just idiotic. Hopefully they get it figured out soon.

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That is just it. None of these PvE based games are going to offer good PvP. They even normally state that PvP is an after though or more of an addon.


Get over this fact and move on. In all honesty a game doesn't need PvP to survive. Does it help sub numbers sure, but it could get by without it.

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