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Quarterly Producer Letter for Q2 2024 ×

Some thoughts on improving gunnery pvp


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I only play gunnery commando and enjoy the class/spec it does great damage has some really good team support to offer


Here are some of my thoughts on improving the playability of gunnery


Two guaranteed crit heals from medical probe after using tech overrides similar to force potency because 2 heals that crit as big as they would from charged barrel would give us a reliable way to manage some of the damage we seem to attract.


Having charged barrel procc from 2 Grav round instead of 3 would help alot because tying our big self heal to casting 3 Grav rounds first is really awkward and pretty much is no help when you have various melee beating on you.


Concussion missile to be an instant cast ranged aoe or just instant cast currently we have to sacrifice a tech overide Charge to use this instantly which again is awkward to use when you need to use it fast.


Change decoy to absorb all tech and force attacks for 10secs instead of 5 charges for 10 seconds it's a Great ability but just doesn't work well enough currently.


all in all I think gunnery is a great spec it just needs a bit more self sufficiency or a more easier way to be self sufficient.

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