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Very scared for Guilds


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I'm a GM for a RP guild on Ebon Hawk, and I have come to some knowledge(Both released info from Bio, and datamined stuff I was told of), and I am actually terrified for guilds and recruiting. From what we have been told, planets like Tython and Korriban will be blocked off for anyone that does the story for the expansion. If this is true, HOW will we recruit, if we are a RP guild? I understand that those who don't RP will just say "Lol, just type /ginvite". Some guilds(Specifically RP guilds), have IC initiations, where we actually have to RP a bit with the potential recruit, to see that they aren't a 'bad apple', and won't make the guild look unprofessional/immature to other guilds, and the server.



So, does anyone know if we'll be able to access Vanilla Korriban or Vanilla Tython for nostalgia, or recruiting sake, when KotFE comes out?

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I'm a GM for a RP guild on Ebon Hawk, and I have come to some knowledge(Both released info from Bio, and datamined stuff I was told of), and I am actually terrified for guilds and recruiting. From what we have been told, planets like Tython and Korriban will be blocked off for anyone that does the story for the expansion. If this is true, HOW will we recruit, if we are a RP guild? I understand that those who don't RP will just say "Lol, just type /ginvite". Some guilds(Specifically RP guilds), have IC initiations, where we actually have to RP a bit with the potential recruit, to see that they aren't a 'bad apple', and won't make the guild look unprofessional/immature to other guilds, and the server.



So, does anyone know if we'll be able to access Vanilla Korriban or Vanilla Tython for nostalgia, or recruiting sake, when KotFE comes out?


The cynic in me says there is no need for RP guilds in a soon to be solo RPG.


On the other hand, I am pretty sure you are not correct. For example, right now, you can go back to Tython in all its starter planet glory on characters you have completed the Forged Alliances arc on. One minute the planet is destroyed, the next it is back to normal.


I think what was said was something along the lines of not being able to complete any sub 50 story content you had not completed, once you commence the KoTFE content, but will always be able to actually just visit the planets in their vanilla states.

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The cynic in me says there is no need for RP guilds in a soon to be solo RPG.


On the other hand, I am pretty sure you are not correct. For example, right now, you can go back to Tython in all its starter planet glory on characters you have completed the Forged Alliances arc on. One minute the planet is destroyed, the next it is back to normal.


I think what was said was something along the lines of not being able to complete any sub 50 story content you had not completed, once you commence the KoTFE content, but will always be able to actually just visit the planets in their vanilla states.


I would say exactly what was found out, but I am aware of the policies involving datamined content, so I won't go about doing so. From what I believe, we will be instanced off, just like how for those that play WoW were instanced off in Theramore, should you do the quests there.

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I would say exactly what was found out, but I am aware of the policies involving datamined content, so I won't go about doing so. From what I believe, we will be instanced off, just like how for those that play WoW were instanced off in Theramore, should you do the quests there.


Even speaking of it can get you in trouble. There have been several who didn't mention their source that got into trouble. Let's just say your concern when it comes to your issue was completely unfounded and leave it at that.

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I would say exactly what was found out, but I am aware of the policies involving datamined content, so I won't go about doing so. From what I believe, we will be instanced off, just like how for those that play WoW were instanced off in Theramore, should you do the quests there.


The thing about instances is that general chat is still shared. People in post-nuke Theramore can still see what someone in pre-nuke Theramore says in /general.


If you're on Tython/Korriban, even if you can't access pre-KOTFE versions, you'll still be able to talk to people through the shared general chat. I can talk to people through /1 on my personal starship, for instance. You'll just have to do your IC interview somewhere else. Fleet, or perhaps the guild ship.


All this, of course, is predicated on your information actually being correct. As far as Bioware has said, you'll be able to access all the planets and everything - you just won't be able to do quests anymore.

Edited by Diviciacus
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Even if every fear you have is true I'm fairly sure you could still work around such restrictions. Perhaps by using a character that you wouldn't level into KotFE on. Use a level 50 to 60 Master Jedi whose specific role in the guild would be to RP with new recruits and guide them through the process. I can't imagine that would necessarily effect the time you spend recruiting as recruiting on Tython would almost by necessity be a specific action and not necessarily something you could do incidentally while performing some other task.


A more legit fear for RP guilds would be those specific guilds who may choose to ignore KotFE and continue RPing in their own timeline. An inability to return to original Korriban or Tython would be a difficultly. I haven't heard of any specific guilds that are planning that though, so a shattered Tython/Korriban as you seem to think is coming would seem to be better for the immersion of RP guilds. Perhaps there would still be a shared planet chat with the original Tython/Korriban.


In any case this thread is almost certainly more chicken little than substance, as even worst case scenario wouldn't really inhibit even moderately clever RP guilds from recruiting or performing basic RP initiation functions. Also I'm not sure we can assume worst case scenario, or even a scenario in which the starter planets are unavailable to KotFE players with the information at hand.


So, ya know, have confidence in your guild and yourself to overcome obstacles, because if something as small as this is very scary and possibly a death knell to RP guilds everywhere than perhaps we should let guild darwinism take it's course and let them die. If anything a refocus on story elements (even streamlined ones like KotFE will be) will help RP guilds, as story players and RPers are the most likely to return to swtor with 4.0. So be optimistic, or failing that at least wait for the game's release to freak out.

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I'm a GM for a RP guild on Ebon Hawk, and I have come to some knowledge(Both released info from Bio, and datamined stuff I was told of), and I am actually terrified for guilds and recruiting. From what we have been told, planets like Tython and Korriban will be blocked off for anyone that does the story for the expansion. If this is true, HOW will we recruit, if we are a RP guild? I understand that those who don't RP will just say "Lol, just type /ginvite". Some guilds(Specifically RP guilds), have IC initiations, where we actually have to RP a bit with the potential recruit, to see that they aren't a 'bad apple', and won't make the guild look unprofessional/immature to other guilds, and the server.



So, does anyone know if we'll be able to access Vanilla Korriban or Vanilla Tython for nostalgia, or recruiting sake, when KotFE comes out?

Considering they didn't block "Vanilla Korriban" or "Vanilla Tython" or make them reflect the state of the planet post-Forged Alliances (won't say more for people who haven't done it), I'd be surprised if they did it this time around. Mind you, I'm not entirely complaining as my guild is one of those guilds on EH who still host IC events on Tython.


A more legit fear for RP guilds would be those specific guilds who may choose to ignore KotFE and continue RPing in their own timeline. An inability to return to original Korriban or Tython would be a difficultly. I haven't heard of any specific guilds that are planning that though, so a shattered Tython/Korriban as you seem to think is coming would seem to be better for the immersion of RP guilds. Perhaps there would still be a shared planet chat with the original Tython/Korriban.


1 Acronym: Lol. That'd only be a fear for those guilds full of what I like to call "special snowflakes" who RP their backstory as being the class stories. As such, there is more immersion and freedom without being inhibited by the game's storyline. Otherwise, no one's RP character would ever age nor would (for instance) RP Padawans ever progress through the ranks of their Jedi RP guild.

Edited by JunnKhan
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They have already answered this a few months back.


Major concern | 06.17.2015, 01:29 PM

Quote: Originally Posted by SebastiaanZ View Post

My major concern with the new expansion is that I cannot return to old planets. I love traveling there and you have proven with the Korriban and Tython flashpoint you can make it happen. So can you please confirm that we can return to old planets even after being frozen in carbonite and not been there for years?


Confirmed, you can still return to old planets.





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On the other hand, I am pretty sure you are not correct. For example, right now, you can go back to Tython in all its starter planet glory on characters you have completed the Forged Alliances arc on. One minute the planet is destroyed, the next it is back to normal.

Well this is exactly what happened to Makeb.


You learn makeb will be destroyed, and it does, kinda. You evacuate everyone and then go "oh looks like it didnt blow up too badly after all", go back to orbital station, back to makeb and oh look its like nothing ever happened.

Wouldnt worry about getting walled off planets.

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Sorry OP, but you still get access to everything (well with exception to Ziost-like instances).


KotFE is it's own bubble, everything that happens in that expansion will only affect the weekly missions, the game itself takes place before the expansion, so you will have access to everything, all your companions (Surprise, surprise, on Bioware lying and bull******** with the "loss" of companions), etc.

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