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The path for new classes.


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ive always thought BH's / troopers. smugglers. and agents should be neutral at first and u choose a faction... heck sith warrior/jediknight and Consular and inquisitors.

If u wanto be a jedi knight u pick the force sensitive warrior and then choose your path. to become sith warrior or jedi knight as well...


so in all... tython and korriban wouldnt be the starting planets. u should start out on a neutral force sensitve jedi type planet , but in this game imperials that are born force sensitive become sith. they dont have a choice to be a jedi. but if it was in the future . canon time. its almost like everyone that is force sensitive starts out training as a jedi and either falls to the dark side or stays Light....


in all the Dark and light side raiting would be an awesome faction changing bar as well


say u wanto be rebel./republic .. u goto do missions or kill certain npcs. to gain lightside points and goto be a little positive light side to be republic. and if u wanto change to imp u do the same but for darkside points.


THERS all kinds of sweet stuff they could do for this game. specially with this subject


I disagree with agents and troopers, because the idea is they are part of the established military/intelligence for a faction, Jedi and Sith are the same, Sith are forced and Jedi are trained from a young age (usually) However, i do wish i could defect, not just based on my light/darkside stuff, but just my character isn't happy so they join the other side. For instance, the character may be a patriot of the republic, but doesn't always do things the "right way" and vice versa, a patriot of the empire may just not like the way things are run and wants to make change from the inside. I play plenty of characters who go against the grain because it can be interesting, but there are a few where i wish they could just say, "forget this, i am defecting" and go to the other side, maybe with other different missions or something (granted that takes a lot of work and money to pull off but it would make the game a much richer experience for the players)

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I disagree with agents and troopers, because the idea is they are part of the established military/intelligence for a faction, Jedi and Sith are the same, Sith are forced and Jedi are trained from a young age (usually) However, i do wish i could defect, not just based on my light/darkside stuff, but just my character isn't happy so they join the other side. For instance, the character may be a patriot of the republic, but doesn't always do things the "right way" and vice versa, a patriot of the empire may just not like the way things are run and wants to make change from the inside. I play plenty of characters who go against the grain because it can be interesting, but there are a few where i wish they could just say, "forget this, i am defecting" and go to the other side, maybe with other different missions or something (granted that takes a lot of work and money to pull off but it would make the game a much richer experience for the players)


Ye they had a great chance in Kotfe to make us defect or be independent at least for smuggler and BH, like I said in a another thread, i'm guessing my BH in Kotfe will have a hand in restoring the Empire later on, can't wait to help what's left of the Sith and the imp scums, but i'm still totally independent really..

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So, what if, when deciding what class you want to get instant to lvl60, you would be presented with 2 aditional options, the Imperial Trooper and the SiS Agent?

And if this would be the only way to play those new classes, with no full class story, not getting missions in lower level planets, etc, would you still chose one of the "old" classes, or one of the new ones?


Trying to be realistic, to give us a new class with full class story at this moment, would be too much of an investment, unless they been working of that for very long time, but no one believes that, so, the instant lvl60 option does seem the only viable option to get a new class in-game.


It will still require some work and investment from the company, designing new gear and weapons, new voice actors, new companions (even if without back story, but the classes still need companions to fight with, and to work the crew skills), and for this it would still cost cartel coins to unlock it, but would you take this opportunity?


Lets face it, we all played more then enough missions, to have a good idea of what a Imperial Trooper and SiS Agent story would be like, we wouldnt get anything brand new even with 3 full chapters, so if you dont mind a instant lvl60 of an "old" class, why not a brand new class instead?


And if this works (enough cartel market sales), maybe one day we can get a Imperial Smuggler and Republic BH, that would be new personajes, and not a faction change. For example, the BH in-game is the champion of the great hunt, and for Rep BH, it would be another BH, someone that for some reason decided to leave the Mandalorian clan and start getting jobs in the Republic. Same goes for the Smuggler.


If we make the path easier, we might actualy get something out of it.


I for one would hope if we get new classes it isn't more blaster users, but that is cause they kinda bore me and i struggle to get through playing them for the story (thank goodness for the x12 xp right now for that) I for one would like to have something more original then your basic imperial trooper cannon fodder and SIS agent which is supporting character at best. What i would love is having a combat pet class, where part of your power is in a pet other then your companion. Not going to happen but while we are dreaming, why not dream big? could even have them on both sides, have a Combat Engineer who creates a droid to fight with them and it gets cooler and more powerful as you level, and maybe a Jedi/Sith beastmaster or something who has a organic beast who fights with you. for the engineer the droid would be like nothing any companions do and you can use skill buttons to give it special commands. same with the beastmaster only it would have more melee abilities where the droid would be moslty ranged. Only i would hate to play any character without a story, so i have to say, i am against this starting a level 60 without one, because i play this game for the story, if i already know the story, awesome i wouldn't mind making a level 60 to get where i want to go for the expansion.

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Ye they had a great chance in Kotfe to make us defect or be independent at least for smuggler and BH, like I said in a another thread, i'm guessing my BH in Kotfe will have a hand in restoring the Empire later on, can't wait to help what's left of the Sith and the imp scums, but i'm still totally independent really..


My bounty hunter is too, He is all about what is best for business, more then lightside or darkside. but he is a good guy, he doesn't kill if he isn't paid to, and won't take down people who aren't his targets (unless they are stopping him from getting to his targets of course).

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Still trying to figure out why people keep thinking they will add in more classes when they are doing everything possible to make classes have no meaning in game.


KOTFE is the biggest flashing neon sign, "There are no classes, only the Outlander."


Its blatantly obvious they dont want to do extra work to make classes have anything extra, why do people think they would add even -more- classes to not want to have to make stuff for? :rak_02: :rak_02: :rak_02:

Edited by XiamaraSimi
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