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Sentinel questions.


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I'm currently leveling my first sentinel which is also my first melee character in this game. I'm currently level 32 and am using Kira as a companion. I have all adaptive gear using level 29 mods atm.


I die really quick. It seems like somewhere between level 20 and now my character became a glass cannon. I thought for the story missions and such I would be able to survive at least the 3/4 packs of regular enemies. I'm a few levels higher than they are as well. Am I missing something? Is there a particular form I should be using or???


In that regard, what is the best discipline to use for a sentinel? Right now I'm combat and like I said up until now it's been great.


Lastly, what's the rotation? Seems like I'm still using the first two skills you get as a jedi knight a lot and it seems by now I should have better/replacement skills for those?

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I'm currently leveling my first sentinel which is also my first melee character in this game. I'm currently level 32 and am using Kira as a companion. I have all adaptive gear using level 29 mods atm.


I die really quick. It seems like somewhere between level 20 and now my character became a glass cannon. I thought for the story missions and such I would be able to survive at least the 3/4 packs of regular enemies. I'm a few levels higher than they are as well. Am I missing something? Is there a particular form I should be using or???


In that regard, what is the best discipline to use for a sentinel? Right now I'm combat and like I said up until now it's been great.


Lastly, what's the rotation? Seems like I'm still using the first two skills you get as a jedi knight a lot and it seems by now I should have better/replacement skills for those?


Combat is good spec. Sounds like you have problems with gear I believe. DO you regularly upgrade yours and your companions as well? If you feel real squishy you can still use a tank healer companion (tanks: T7/last comp to not spoiler, healer: comp after Kira to not spoil again).

As for abilitites you are supposed to use (level 60): Zealous Strike, Zen, Blade Rush, Precision, Clashing Blast (During Precison), Dispatch (during Precision), Master Strike (during Zen and with active Zen only), Twin Saber Throw, Cyclone Slash for AoE, make sure you have Ataru form active

As for current level (32): Zealous Strike, Zen, Blade Rush, Blade Storm, Master Strike, Cyclone Slash for AoE - these are just the abilities you need to use, if you want rotation, check out Hayete's Combat sentinel guide, that will answer all questions

Any other active ability is basically a waste of GCD, but make sure you handle your buffs well (Rebuke, Saber Ward, Force Camouflage, Guarded by the Force, Pacify, Awe, Force Stasis, Transendence, Valorous Call, Inspiration)

Hope I helped a bit, ask again if not clear

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That actually does help a lot. I upgraded all my geaer over the weekend and I'm lasting quite a bit longer now. I got the healer and now I can pretty much just run through everything without having to rest after each group so that's nice.


Now to just finish getting to 60 so I can start farming for some gear. Thanks again!

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