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Quarterly Producer Letter for Q2 2024 ×

Game Update 4.0 Class Changes: Jedi Knight + Sith Warrior


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I think marauders need more survive ability or more damage rather than mobility, at least in pvp. Now we haven't higher damage than other dps classes, but the other dps classes have stealth, self heal, better cds, taunt, or they don't have to go to the heart of the fight. I don't have problem with chasing and catching my target, I have problem with surviving long enough to take them down.


About the changes:


Mad Dash: Through Strength or something like that would be a better name, but it's not important. Some people say the skill is useless, and it's not true, but it could be better. But I don't say anything about it until I see it's damage (if it does 10k to each target, I am sold). Okay, it can't be used in certain boss fights, but it's true for lots of skills.


Annihilation: The 10% is not enough. Also, it would be good if pulverize would double the mad dash damage too.

Carnage: I don't remember the last time I could cast a full ravage in pvp, even the worst players stop me doing it. If you don't make ravage immune to pushbacks and usable while moving, we will never be able to place every stack. And make this bleed immune to cleaning, please.

Fury: I don't have problem with that change, it will indeed improve the class.


Utility points:

Tier 1: It's nice, but please make it lower saber ward's cd too. 6s in every 180s is almost nothing, and we need better defensives than we have now.

Tier 2: I can't imagine anyone will take this. 12 rage in every 300s, if nobody else use this before you, because you share the cd with other group members. I have a few alternative ideas to make it useful:

1. Predation instantly grants 6 rage when used.

2. Bloodthirst instantly grants 12 rage when used, makes its cooldown 1, 2 or 2,5 minutes, and makes you immune the satiated effect .

3. Bloodthirst instantly grants 12 rage when used, and lowers its cooldown to 30 seconds. If you are satiated, you still get the rage, but not the damage/healing bonus.

Tier 3: I think it should be a free passive ability (like the ravage root), but if it costs an utility point, please give us something more! Lower cd to 30s, give us a few seconds further immunity or increase its damage, I don't know. A ministun to the targets (1 second), a push or an interrupt could be useful too.

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Mad Dash: Through Strength or something like that would be a better name, but it's not important. Some people say the skill is useless, and it's not true, but it could be better. But I don't say anything about it until I see it's damage (if it does 10k to each target, I am sold). Okay, it can't be used in certain boss fights, but it's true for lots of skills.

Mad Dash reminds me of the monk's Dashing Strike from D3 (dashing forward quickly, dealing damage to enemies hit). Too bad it has a cooldown here and I can't build a character around the ability (dashdashdashdashdashdash)

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  • 3 weeks later...
Master Strike has been renamed Blade Dance. The Jedi Knight's Master Strike ability has been renamed "Blade Dance" because Soresu Form reduces the Focus gained by "Strike" abilities (Strike, Sundering Strike, and Warding Strike), but Master Strike does not generate or cost Focus - so its name is out of place with the conventions of the rest of the class. No change needs to be made for Sith Warriors who gain Rage with "Assault" abilities (as Ravage does not contain the word “Assault” in it).


What? Why? Who gives a...


Whichever empolyee brought this up to your attention in the first place needs to be fired.

I'm pretty sure that one person is the cause of all the bulls**t changes in this entire patch

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now we have 3 talents to remove immobilize hmm which to pick! unless they will be removing some this new heroic ability is really just useless.


Mad Dash what the actual BLEEP so now while melleeing within 4m i will mad dash past them 15M and then have to leap back so i burned two gap closers. the only way i see this ability being usefull is if it is so powerful that people are like oh crap dont group up hes about to mad dash! Otherwise useless i hate to be so negative but when you make these changes its a bit hard!

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  • 2 weeks later...
  • 2 months later...
Blade Dance is a really stupid name, tbh.


Seriously, there is no confusion about Master Strike not being one of the "strike" moves in question. But if you really must change it, change it to something that still uses the word "Master" in it. Preferably "Master S..."


Master... Slice, Slash, Saber, Score, Scythe, Storm, etc.

Or, if not "S"...

Master... Rend, Clash, Crash, Flurry, Rush, etc

not a fan of blade dance don't like it wish for something more of a toe to toe strike than this blade dance

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