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WoW Expansions Vs SWtoR Expansions!!!! (possible spoilers)


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that is why back in 2012 people called this game "wow clone in space" and many of them left...that being said you forgot that fallen empire gonna change the game significantly..in terms of catalysm only zones changed but end game was still pretty much raiding...but in case of fallen empire the game will change direction toward episodic story telling with some ops or flash thrown in the mix...with fallen empire swtor will be different game than wow.


Basically it will become an action packed Teltale game.

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I wouldn't even call token quasi F2P. It is basically another player buying your sub time. Blizzard doesn't care what credit card pays them money...


that is why I'm calling it quasi f2p not genuine. but in the end, for a lot of players (me included) it essentially makes the game free to play. if not for Tokens, i wouldn't even have active subscription there. but gold is so easily generated nowadays, that I can pretty much make up the cost of a month by cycling through couple of alts for couple of days, 15 minutes per day total.


but speaking of returning villains. I'm still not entirely convinced that Kephes isn't a homage to Kaelthas at one point :p


"it was only a setback!"

Edited by Jeweledleah
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that is why I'm calling it quasi f2p not genuine. but in the end, for a lot of players (me included) it essentially makes the game free to play. if not for Tokens, i wouldn't even have active subscription there. but gold is so easily generated nowadays, that I can pretty much make up the cost of a month by cycling through couple of alts for couple of days, 15 minutes per day total.


That is actually quite sad, that some people are willing to throw real money for amount of ingame currency that equals 15 minutes per day...

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That is actually quite sad, that some people are willing to throw real money for amount of ingame currency that equals 15 minutes per day...


well... to be fair it did take a bit of effort to set it up to a point where I just check in once or twice a day and pick up the gold, but since I did it while doing what I would have done anyways - leveling alts, was no hardship to me. I know plenty of people who are not alt happy (even in TOR, a game that is not only more alt friendly, but pretty much encourages you to have alts), so my way of doing things doesn't work for them. for them its easier to just throw real money at the game and call it a day. after all... plenty of people in TOR that buy multiple hypercrates to sell them on GTN and thanks to those people, I get to have my CM reps maxed out and shinies added to collections/stronghold without having to spend extra money outside of subscription. so... to each their own and all that.

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I can't help but react on some of the comparison drawn in the first post...


Okay so:

-Outland wasn't a "little known" planet. It's Draenor, the first home of the Orcs. It was the main setting of Warcraft 2's expansion "Beyond the Dark Portal" and a good portion of Warcraft 3's own expac, "Frozen Throne" took place there.

While Makeb was a planet completely made up for SWTOR. It was never mentionned before in the EU and the movies.

Same goes for the vilains. While in BC they did come from "outside", they don't in RotHC. The Hutt Cartel is a known entity, a factor in galactic politics known for an eternity. I kinda get what you mean by "Outside" in regards to the Hutts but I simply can't agree.

-The WotLK comparison is the most similar, though it's to be noted that Arthas never comes back to the good side. There is a full questline designed to show that he tore away his own heart to make sure any bit of good in him was cast out. Arthas isn't under Ner'Zhul's influence for the whole duration of the expansion and his final words are not that of a redeemed man, simply a defeated one who accepts that his ambitions where just to big.

-As for KOTFE/Cata... Well first, KOTFE doesn't destroy anything gameplay-wise. While in lore the galaxy is in shambles, you won't get to see that outside story chapters of KOTFE. And comparing the frequent shoehorning of Thrall-Jesus in Cataclysm despite it being poorly written and forced to Lana's addition as a companion, after having been a major NPC for a year for both factions (Remember that Alliance players barely interacted with Thrall pre-Cataclysm.).


I'm not trying to be too hard on you but you are really searching for parrallels in weird places.

Although I wouldn't be surprised if the second season of ongoing story leads us to Kashyyk.


Eh, I wasn't being too serious. I was actually trying to be funny lol.

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Hope not!


Wow Cata is when Wow started going downhill.

Destroying the old world didnt make sense at all...and undid many of the original good work and for no good reason.

Better to have used the time and effort to create new worlds.

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